

Training package details

PUA00 - Public Safety Training Package (Release 8.1)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by PUA12 - Public Safety Training PackageSupersedes PUA00 Public Safety Training Package. See package mapping information for details of qualification and unit equivalency. 17/Aug/2012

ReleaseRelease dateApproval process
8.1 8.1 (this release) 09/Feb/2011Endorsement date: 14/Feb/2011

Following the establishment of the new training package development process, any references to the former Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) or Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) found in the content of this training package or its components should be referred to the Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) listed below.

Training Package Developer

Public Skills Australia 



Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate I'Qualification Level: Certificate I

 PUA10106 - Certificate I in Public Safety (Defence Force Cadets)Certificate I in Public Safety (Defence Force Cadets)Superseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate II'Qualification Level: Certificate II

 PUA20110 - Certificate II in Public Safety (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Community Policing)Certificate II in Public Safety (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Community Policing)Superseded
 PUA20310 - Certificate II in Public Safety (Police Liaison)Certificate II in Public Safety (Police Liaison)Superseded
 PUA20410 - Certificate II in Public Safety (SES Rescue)Certificate II in Public Safety (SES Rescue)Deleted
 PUA20510 - Certificate II in Public Safety (SES Operations)Certificate II in Public Safety (SES Operations)Deleted
 PUA20601 - Certificate II in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations)Certificate II in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations)Superseded
 PUA20701 - Certificate II in Public Safety (Firefighting Operations)Certificate II in Public Safety (Firefighting Operations)Superseded
 PUA20810 - Certificate II in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance)Certificate II in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance)Superseded
 PUA20910 - Certificate II in Public Safety (Communications Operations)Certificate II in Public Safety (Communications Operations)Superseded
 PUA21010 - Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)Superseded
 PUA21110 - Certificate II in Public Safety (Military Skills)Certificate II in Public Safety (Military Skills)Superseded
 PUA21210 - Certificate II in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Manufacture)Certificate II in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Manufacture)Superseded
 PUA21310 - Certificate II in Public Safety (SES)Certificate II in Public Safety (SES)Superseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate III'Qualification Level: Certificate III

 PUA30110 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Community Policing)Certificate III in Public Safety (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Community Policing)Superseded
 PUA30310 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Police Liaison)Certificate III in Public Safety (Police Liaison)Superseded
 PUA30410 - Certificate III in Public Safety (SES Rescue)Certificate III in Public Safety (SES Rescue)Superseded
 PUA30510 - Certificate III in Public Safety (SES Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (SES Operations)Superseded
 PUA30601 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations)Superseded
 PUA30701 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Firefighting Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Firefighting Operations)Superseded
 PUA30810 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Maintenance)Certificate III in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Maintenance)Superseded
 PUA30910 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Operations)Superseded
 PUA31010 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Maritime Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Maritime Operations)Superseded
 PUA31102 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Driving in a Threat Environment)Certificate III in Public Safety (Driving in a Threat Environment)Superseded
 PUA31310 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Aquatic Search and Rescue)Certificate III in Public Safety (Aquatic Search and Rescue)Superseded
 PUA31404 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Community Safety)Certificate III in Public Safety (Community Safety)Superseded
 PUA31506 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Armoured Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Armoured Operations)Superseded
 PUA31606 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Artillery Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Artillery Operations)Superseded
 PUA31706 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Aviation Life Support Maintenance)Certificate III in Public Safety (Aviation Life Support Maintenance)Superseded
 PUA31806 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Defence Public Affairs)Certificate III in Public Safety (Defence Public Affairs)Superseded
 PUA31906 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Infantry Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Infantry Operations)Superseded
 PUA32006 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Military Engineering)Certificate III in Public Safety (Military Engineering)Superseded
 PUA32106 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Regional Surveillance Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Regional Surveillance Operations)Superseded
 PUA32210 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Sensor Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Sensor Operations)Superseded
 PUA32310 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Manufacture)Certificate III in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Manufacture)Superseded
 PUA32409 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Air Dispatch)Certificate III in Public Safety (Air Dispatch)Superseded
 PUA32510 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Proof and Experimental)Certificate III in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Proof and Experimental)Superseded
 PUA32609 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Field Petroleum Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Field Petroleum Operations)Superseded
 PUA32709 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Intelligence Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Intelligence Operations)Superseded
 PUA32809 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Preventive Health)Certificate III in Public Safety (Preventive Health)Superseded
 PUA32909 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Vehicle Recovery)Certificate III in Public Safety (Vehicle Recovery)Superseded
 PUA33010 - Certificate III in Public Safety (Emergency Communications Centre Operations)Certificate III in Public Safety (Emergency Communications Centre Operations)Superseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate IV'Qualification Level: Certificate IV

 PUA40110 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Community Policing)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Community Policing)Superseded
 PUA40210 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (SES Leadership)Certificate IV in Public Safety (SES Leadership)Superseded
 PUA40301 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Firefighting Supervision)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Firefighting Supervision)Superseded
 PUA40410 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Maintenance)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Maintenance)Superseded
 PUA40510 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Operations)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Operations)Superseded
 PUA40607 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Range Control)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Range Control)Superseded
 PUA40702 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Policing)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Policing)Superseded
 PUA40802 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Reporting)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Reporting)Superseded
 PUA40906 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Safety Coordination)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Safety Coordination)Superseded
 PUA41004 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Leadership)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Leadership)Superseded
 PUA41104 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Community Safety)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Community Safety)Superseded
 PUA41206 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Armoured Operations)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Armoured Operations)Superseded
 PUA41306 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Artillery Operations)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Artillery Operations)Superseded
 PUA41406 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Diving)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Diving)Superseded
 PUA41506 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Paralegal Services)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Paralegal Services)Superseded
 PUA41606 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Public Affairs)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Defence Public Affairs)Superseded
 PUA41706 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Infantry Operations)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Infantry Operations)Superseded
 PUA41806 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Military Engineering)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Military Engineering)Superseded
 PUA41910 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Manufacture)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Manufacture)Superseded
 PUA42010 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Proof and Experimental)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Proof and Experimental)Superseded
 PUA42109 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Intelligence Operations)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Intelligence Operations)Superseded
 PUA42209 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Military Leadership)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Military Leadership)Superseded
 PUA42309 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Preventive Health)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Preventive Health)Superseded
 PUA42409 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Test and Evaluation)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Test and Evaluation)Superseded
 PUA42509 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Disaster victim identification operations)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Disaster victim identification operations)Superseded
 PUA42610 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Aquatic Search and Rescue Management)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Aquatic Search and Rescue Management)Superseded
 PUA42710 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Emergency Communications Centre Operations)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Emergency Communications Centre Operations)Superseded
 PUA42810 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Policing support services - general and-or protective services)Certificate IV in Public Safety (Policing support services - general and-or protective services)Superseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Diploma'Qualification Level: Diploma

 PUA50110 - Diploma of Public Safety (Police Search Rescue - Coordination)Diploma of Public Safety (Police Search Rescue - Coordination)Superseded
 PUA50210 - Diploma of Public Safety (Policing)Diploma of Public Safety (Policing)Superseded
 PUA50310 - Diploma of Public Safety (Forensic Investigation)Diploma of Public Safety (Forensic Investigation)Superseded
 PUA50410 - Diploma of Public Safety (SES Operations Management)Diploma of Public Safety (SES Operations Management)Superseded
 PUA50501 - Diploma of Public Safety (Firefighting Management)Diploma of Public Safety (Firefighting Management)Superseded
 PUA50610 - Diploma of Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance)Diploma of Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance)Superseded
 PUA50707 - Diploma of Public Safety (Range Management)Diploma of Public Safety (Range Management)Superseded
 PUA50806 - Diploma of Public Safety (Defence Chaplaincy)Diploma of Public Safety (Defence Chaplaincy)Superseded
 PUA50904 - Diploma of Public Safety (Search and Rescue - Coordination)Diploma of Public Safety (Search and Rescue - Coordination)Superseded
 PUA51004 - Diploma of Public Safety (Community Safety)Diploma of Public Safety (Community Safety)Superseded
 PUA51106 - Diploma of Public Safety (Defence Paralegal Services)Diploma of Public Safety (Defence Paralegal Services)Superseded
 PUA51206 - Diploma of Public Safety (Defence Public Affairs)Diploma of Public Safety (Defence Public Affairs)Superseded
 PUA51310 - Diploma of Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Manufacture)Diploma of Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Manufacture)Superseded
 PUA51410 - Diploma of Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Proof and Experimental)Diploma of Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Proof and Experimental)Superseded
 PUA51509 - Diploma of Public Safety (Military Leadership)Diploma of Public Safety (Military Leadership)Superseded
 PUA51609 - Diploma of Public Safety (Preventive Health)Diploma of Public Safety (Preventive Health)Superseded
 PUA51709 - Diploma of Public Safety (Test and Evaluation)Diploma of Public Safety (Test and Evaluation)Superseded
 PUA51809 - Diploma of Public Safety (Human source management)Diploma of Public Safety (Human source management)Superseded
 PUA51909 - Diploma of Public Safety (Mounted Policing)Diploma of Public Safety (Mounted Policing)Superseded
 PUA52009 - Diploma of Public Safety (Police dog handling - general purpose and-or specific odour)Diploma of Public Safety (Police dog handling - general purpose and-or specific odour)Superseded
 PUA52109 - Diploma of Public Safety (Police Intelligence Practice)Diploma of Public Safety (Police Intelligence Practice)Superseded
 PUA52210 - Diploma of Public Safety (Compliance)Diploma of Public Safety (Compliance)Superseded
 PUA52310 - Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)Superseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Advanced Diploma'Qualification Level: Advanced Diploma

 PUA60110 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)Superseded
 PUA60210 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police Search Rescue - Management)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police Search Rescue - Management)Superseded
 PUA60310 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police Investigation)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police Investigation)Superseded
 PUA60409 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police Intelligence Operations)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police Intelligence Operations)Superseded
 PUA60501 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Firefighting Management)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Firefighting Management)Superseded
 PUA60604 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Search and Rescue - Management)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Search and Rescue - Management)Superseded
 PUA60704 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Community Safety)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Community Safety)Superseded
 PUA60806 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Defence Public Affairs)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Defence Public Affairs)Superseded
 PUA60909 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Fire Investigation)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Fire Investigation)Superseded
 PUA61009 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Disaster victim identification coordination)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Disaster victim identification coordination)Superseded
 PUA61109 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Improvised hazardous device operations - technician and or response)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Improvised hazardous device operations - technician and or response)Superseded
 PUA61209 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police close personal protection)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police close personal protection)Superseded
 PUA61309 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police negotiations)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police negotiations)Superseded
 PUA61409 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Surveillance)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Surveillance)Deleted
 PUA61509 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Tactical flight operations - helicopter and-or surveillance)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Tactical flight operations - helicopter and-or surveillance)Superseded
 PUA61609 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Undercover operations - operative and-or controller)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Undercover operations - operative and-or controller)Superseded
 PUA61710 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety(Forensic Investigation)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety(Forensic Investigation)Superseded
 PUA61810 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police supervision)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police supervision)Superseded
 PUA61910 - Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police witness protection)Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Police witness protection)Superseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Graduate Certificate'Qualification Level: Graduate Certificate

 PUA70109 - Vocational Graduate Certificate in Public Safety (Forensic firearms examination)Vocational Graduate Certificate in Public Safety (Forensic firearms examination)Superseded
 PUA70209 - Vocational Graduate Certificate in Public Safety (Police prosecution)Vocational Graduate Certificate in Public Safety (Police prosecution)Superseded
 PUA70310 - Vocational Graduate Certificate in Public Safety (Police Investigation)Vocational Graduate Certificate in Public Safety (Police Investigation)Superseded

Skill sets

CodeSort Table listing the training package skill sets by the Code columnTitleUsageSort Table listing the training package skill sets by the Usage columnReleaseSort Table listing the training package skill sets by the Release column
PUASS00022 - Storm and Water Damage ResponseStorm and Water Damage ResponseSuperseded
PUASS00004 - Basic Tree OperationsBasic Tree OperationsSuperseded
PUASS00005 - Beach Operations ManagementBeach Operations ManagementSuperseded
PUASS00016 - Land Search TeamLand Search TeamSuperseded
PUASS00015 - Intermediate Tree OperationsIntermediate Tree OperationsSuperseded
PUASS00025 - Vertical RescueVertical RescueSuperseded
PUASS00017 - Operational LeadershipOperational LeadershipSuperseded
PUASS00001 - Air Search ObserverAir Search ObserverSuperseded
PUASS00003 - Basic RescueBasic RescueSuperseded
PUASS00021 - SES InductionSES InductionSuperseded
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Displaying items 1 - 10 of 25

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing the units of competency related to this training package. by the Code columnTitleUsageReleaseSort Table listing the units of competency related to this training package. by the Release column
PUADEFSU004B - Erect a survival shelter using natural resources in a survival situationErect a survival shelter using natural resources in a survival situationDeleted
PUADEFSU005B - Maintain physical and emotional health and fitness in a survival environmentMaintain physical and emotional health and fitness in a survival environmentDeleted
PUADEFSU006B - Navigate using celestial aids in a survival situationNavigate using celestial aids in a survival situationDeleted
PUADEFSU007B - Preserve and cook foodstuffs in a survival situationPreserve and cook foodstuffs in a survival situationDeleted
PUADEFSU008B - Produce fire using improvised means in a survival situationProduce fire using improvised means in a survival situationDeleted
PUADEFSU009B - Trap and kill animals in a survival situationTrap and kill animals in a survival situationDeleted
PUADEFSU010B - Locate, treat and manage water in a survival situationLocate, treat and manage water in a survival situationDeleted
PUADEFSU011B - Survive at seaSurvive at seaDeleted
PUADEFTE001A - Plan testing and evaluation processesPlan testing and evaluation processesDeleted
PUADEFTE002A - Prepare testing and evaluation processesPrepare testing and evaluation processesDeleted
PUADEFTE003A - Conduct testing processesConduct testing processesDeleted
PUADEFTE004A - Evaluate testingEvaluate testingDeleted
PUADEFTE005A - Produce test and evaluation reportsProduce test and evaluation reportsDeleted
PUADEFTE006A - Analyse test dataAnalyse test dataDeleted
PUADEFTE007A - Apply knowledge of test and evaluation processesApply knowledge of test and evaluation processesDeleted
PUADEFTP001B - Operate a vehicle in an environment of threatOperate a vehicle in an environment of threatDeleted
PUADEFTP002B - Operate a vehicle at nightOperate a vehicle at nightDeleted
PUADEFTP003B - Operate a vehicle over difficult terrainOperate a vehicle over difficult terrainDeleted
PUADEFTP004B - Operate a vehicle using night fighting equipment (NFE)Operate a vehicle using night fighting equipment (NFE)Deleted
PUADEFTP005B - Operate a multi-axle trailerOperate a multi-axle trailerDeleted
PUADEFVH001A - Conduct recovery vehicle operations in a field environmentConduct recovery vehicle operations in a field environmentDeleted
PUADEFVH002A - Extract disabled equipment using winching techniques in a field environmentExtract disabled equipment using winching techniques in a field environmentDeleted
PUAECO001A - Operate telephony systemsOperate telephony systemsSuperseded
PUAECO002A - Process emergency incident calls and enquiriesProcess emergency incident calls and enquiriesSuperseded
PUAECO003A - Operate and control radio networksOperate and control radio networksSuperseded
PUAECO004A - Operate computer aided dispatch systemOperate computer aided dispatch systemSuperseded
PUAECO005A - Dispatch resources from within an emergency communications centreDispatch resources from within an emergency communications centreSuperseded
PUAECO006A - Read and interpret mapsRead and interpret mapsSuperseded
PUAECO007A - Respond to and maintain monitored alarm systemsRespond to and maintain monitored alarm systemsSuperseded
PUAECO008A - Receive and action notification of uncontrolled hazardous materials situationsReceive and action notification of uncontrolled hazardous materials situationsSuperseded
PUAECO009A - Coordinate emergency communications centre operationsCoordinate emergency communications centre operationsSuperseded
PUAECO010A - Maintain standards of emergency service deliveryMaintain standards of emergency service deliverySuperseded
PUAECO011A - Support logistics in the fieldSupport logistics in the fieldSuperseded
PUAEME001B - Provide emergency careProvide emergency careSuperseded
PUAEME002C - Manage injuries at emergency incidentManage injuries at emergency incidentSuperseded
PUAEME003C - Administer oxygen in an emergency situationAdminister oxygen in an emergency situationSuperseded
PUAEME004A - Provide emergency care for suspected spinal injuryProvide emergency care for suspected spinal injurySuperseded
PUAEME005A - Provide pain managementProvide pain managementSuperseded
PUAEMR001B - Establish context and develop risk evaluation criteriaEstablish context and develop risk evaluation criteriaSuperseded
PUAEMR002B - Identify, analyse and evaluate riskIdentify, analyse and evaluate riskSuperseded
PUAEMR003B - Determine treatment strategiesDetermine treatment strategiesSuperseded
PUAEMR004B - Manage treatment strategy implementationManage treatment strategy implementationSuperseded
PUAEMR005B - Design and manage activities which exercise elements of emergency managementDesign and manage activities which exercise elements of emergency managementSuperseded
PUAEMR006B - Treat risk at an operational levelTreat risk at an operational levelSuperseded
PUAEMR007B - Conduct risk assessmentConduct risk assessmentSuperseded
PUAEMR008B - Contribute to an emergency risk management processContribute to an emergency risk management processSuperseded
PUAEMR009B - Facilitate emergency risk assessmentFacilitate emergency risk assessmentSuperseded
PUAEMR010B - Undertake emergency planningUndertake emergency planningSuperseded
PUAEMR011B - Plan and implement a treatment measurePlan and implement a treatment measureSuperseded
PUAEMR012B - Determine treatment optionsDetermine treatment optionsSuperseded
PUAEMR013B - Facilitate treatment strategy development and implementationFacilitate treatment strategy development and implementationDeleted
PUAEMR014A - Deliver recovery servicesDeliver recovery servicesSuperseded
PUAEMR015A - Establish and manage a recovery centreEstablish and manage a recovery centreSuperseded
PUAEMR016A - Facilitate community involvement in recoveryFacilitate community involvement in recoverySuperseded
PUAEMR017A - Manage recovery functions and servicesManage recovery functions and servicesSuperseded
PUAEMR018A - Work in an emergency management contextWork in an emergency management contextSuperseded
PUAEMR019A - Coordinate and evaluate activities which exercise elements of emergency management arrangementsCoordinate and evaluate activities which exercise elements of emergency management arrangementsSuperseded
PUAEMR020A - Design activities which exercise elements of emergency management arrangementsDesign activities which exercise elements of emergency management arrangementsSuperseded
PUAEMR021A - Facilitate emergency planning processesFacilitate emergency planning processesSuperseded
PUAEQU001B - Prepare, maintain and test response equipmentPrepare, maintain and test response equipmentSuperseded
PUAFIR201B - Prevent injuryPrevent injurySuperseded
PUAFIR202B - Respond to isolated/remote structure fireRespond to isolated/remote structure fireDeleted
PUAFIR203B - Respond to urban fireRespond to urban fireSuperseded
PUAFIR204B - Respond to wildfireRespond to wildfireSuperseded
PUAFIR205B - Respond to aviation incident (specialist)Respond to aviation incident (specialist)Superseded
PUAFIR206B - Check installed fire safety systemsCheck installed fire safety systemsSuperseded
PUAFIR207B - Operate breathing apparatus open circuitOperate breathing apparatus open circuitSuperseded
PUAFIR208B - Participate in community safety activitiesParticipate in community safety activitiesSuperseded
PUAFIR209B - Work safely around aircraftWork safely around aircraftSuperseded
PUAFIR210B - Undertake hover-exit operations from helicopterUndertake hover-exit operations from helicopterDeleted
PUAFIR211B - Undertake helicopter winch operationsUndertake helicopter winch operationsDeleted
PUAFIR212B - Rappel from helicopterRappel from helicopterSuperseded
PUAFIR301B - Undertake community safety activitiesUndertake community safety activitiesSuperseded
PUAFIR302B - Suppress urban fireSuppress urban fireSuperseded
PUAFIR303B - Suppress wildfireSuppress wildfireSuperseded
PUAFIR304B - Respond to marine emergenciesRespond to marine emergenciesSuperseded
PUAFIR305B - Respond to aviation incidents (general)Respond to aviation incidents (general)Superseded
PUAFIR306B - Render hazardous materials incidents safeRender hazardous materials incidents safeSuperseded
PUAFIR307B - Monitor hazardous atmospheresMonitor hazardous atmospheresSuperseded
PUAFIR308B - Employ personal protection at a hazardous materials incidentEmploy personal protection at a hazardous materials incidentSuperseded
PUAFIR309B - Operate pumpsOperate pumpsSuperseded
PUAFIR310B - Operate aerial or specialist applianceOperate aerial or specialist applianceDeleted
PUAFIR311B - Dispatch rappel personnel and equipment from a helicopterDispatch rappel personnel and equipment from a helicopterSuperseded
PUAFIR312B - Operate aerial ignition equipment in an aircraftOperate aerial ignition equipment in an aircraftSuperseded
PUAFIR313B - Operate aviation support equipmentOperate aviation support equipmentSuperseded
PUAFIR314B - Utilise installed fire safety systemsUtilise installed fire safety systemsSuperseded
PUAFIR315B - Navigate from an aircraftNavigate from an aircraftSuperseded
PUAFIR401B - Obtain incident intelligenceObtain incident intelligenceSuperseded
PUAFIR402B - Supervise specialist response to aviation incidentsSupervise specialist response to aviation incidentsSuperseded
PUAFIR403B - Assess building plansAssess building plansSuperseded
PUAFIR404B - Inspect dangerous goods facilitiesInspect dangerous goods facilitiesSuperseded
PUAFIR405B - Collect, analyse and provide regulatory informationCollect, analyse and provide regulatory informationSuperseded
PUAFIR406B - Develop prescribed burning plansDevelop prescribed burning plansDeleted
PUAFIR407B - Conduct prescribed burningConduct prescribed burningDeleted
PUAFIR408B - Plan aircraft operationsPlan aircraft operationsSuperseded
PUAFIR409B - Develop air attack strategiesDevelop air attack strategiesSuperseded
PUAFIR410A - Provide safety advice at a rural/land management incidentProvide safety advice at a rural/land management incidentSuperseded
PUAFIR411A - Provide safety advice at an urban incidentProvide safety advice at an urban incidentSuperseded
PUAFIR501B - Conduct fire investigation and analysis activitiesConduct fire investigation and analysis activitiesSuperseded
PUAFIR502B - Develop incident control strategiesDevelop incident control strategiesSuperseded
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Displaying items 401 - 500 of 705

Imported units of competency

CodeTitleUsageSort Table listing Imported units of competency by the Usage columnReleaseSort Table listing Imported units of competency by the Release columnBelongs to training package
MEM11001C - Erect/dismantle scaffolding and equipmentErect/dismantle scaffolding and equipmentSupersededMEM05 - Metal and Engineering Training Package
SRCAQU007B - Respond to an aquatic emergency using advanced water rescue techniquesRespond to an aquatic emergency using advanced water rescue techniquesSupersededSRC04 - Community Recreation Industry Training Package
PMASUP440B - Commission/recommission plantCommission/recommission plantSupersededPMA08 - Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining Training Package
SITXMPR001A - Coordinate production of brochures and marketing materialsCoordinate production of brochures and marketing materialsSupersededSIT07 - Tourism, Hospitality and Events Training Package
TLIB607C - Carry out inspection of vehicles designed to carry special loadsCarry out inspection of vehicles designed to carry special loadsSupersededTLI07 - Transport and Logistics Training Package (Superseded by TLI10)
MSACMT450A - Undertake process capability improvementsUndertake process capability improvementsSupersededMSA07 - Manufacturing Training Package
TLIF707C - Implement and coordinate accident-emergency proceduresImplement and coordinate accident-emergency proceduresSupersededTLI07 - Transport and Logistics Training Package (Superseded by TLI10)
PMAOPS204B - Use utilities and servicesUse utilities and servicesSupersededPMA08 - Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining Training Package
MSACMT260A - Use planning software systems in manufacturingUse planning software systems in manufacturingSupersededMSA07 - Manufacturing Training Package
TAATAS501B - Undertake organisational training needs analysisUndertake organisational training needs analysisSupersededTAA04 - Training and Assessment Training Package
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Displaying items 41 - 50 of 553
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