Modification History
Not Applicable
This qualification provides the skills and knowledge required to undertake generic counselling work involving skills and knowledge in counselling and high level communication in a range of commonly used modalities, referral and working within a case management framework.
Occupational titles for these workers may include:
Pathways Information
Not Applicable
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not Applicable
Entry Requirements
Entry requirements
To gain entry into CHC51708 Diploma of Counselling it is recommended that candidates have sufficient relevant work experience to indicate likely success at this level of qualification in a job role involving:
- The self-directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas
- The exercise of independent judgement and decision-making
- The application of relevant technical and other skills.
Employability Skills Summary
Refer to the Topic: Introduction to the Employability Skills Qualification Summaries
Packaging Rules
PACKAGING RULES 17 units of competency are required for this qualification, including:
A wide range of elective units is available, including:
Core units
CHCCM503C Develop , facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management
CHCCS514A Recognise and respond to individuals at risk
CHCCSL501A Work within a structured counselling framework
CHCCSL502A Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills
CHCCSL503A Facilitate the counselling relationship
CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories
CHCCSL505A Apply learning theories in counselling
CHCCSL506A Apply counselling therapies to address a range of client issues (Note pre -requisite CHCCSL502A)
CHCCSL507A Support clients in decision -making processes
CHCCSL508A Apply legal and ethical responsibilities in counselling practice
CHCCSL509A Reflect and improve upon counselling skills (Note pre -requisites CHCCSL501A, CHCCSL503A, CHCCSL507A)
CHCCSL512A Determine suitability of client for counselling services
HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co -workers
HLTOHS300B Contribute to OHS processes
The importance of culturally aware and respectful practice
All workers undertaking counselling work need foundation knowledge to inform their work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and co-workers and with clients and co-workers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This foundation must be provided and assessed as part of a holistic approach to delivery and assessment of this qualification. Specific guidelines for assessment of this aspect of competency are provided in the Assessment Guidelines for the Community Services Training Package.
Where work involves a specific focus on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients or communities, the following elective is recommended:
HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander people
Relevant electives
Electives are to be selected in line with specified Packaging Rules. The following list of relevant electives is provided to facilitate selection. Employers may specify that certain electives are required to address specific workplace needs.
Counselling electives
CHCCS403B Provide brief intervention
CHCCS417A Provide support and care relating to suicide bereavement
CHCCS426A Provide support and care relating to loss and grief
CHCCS521A Assess and respond to individuals at risk of suicide
CHCCSL510A Work effectively with relationship issues
CHCCSL511A Provide interventions to address family issues
CHCCSL513A Apply somatic distress reduction techniques
Client support electives
CHCAC318B Work effectively with older people
CHCAD401D Advocate for clients
CHCAOD510A Work effectively with clients with complex alcohol and /or other drugs issues
CHCCHILD401A Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
CHCCHILD505B Work effectively in child protection and out of home care for children and young people
CHCDIS301B Work effectively with people with a disability
CHCICS302A Participate in the implementation of individualised plans
CHCICS303A Support individual health and emotional well being
CHCICS405A Facilitate groups for individual outcomes
CHCLLN403A Identify clients with language , literacy and numeracy needs and respond effectively
CHCMH301B Work effectively in mental health
CHCMH411A Work with people with mental health issues
CHCPROT424A Develop a child protection practice framework
CHCYTH401B Engage respectfully with young people
Family focus electives
CHCDFV301A Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCDFV402C Manage own professional development in responding to domestic and family violence
CHCDFV505C Counsel clients affected by domestic and family violence
CHCFAM406B Engage and resource clients to improve their interpersonal relationships
CHCFAM407B Work effectively in relationship work
CHCFAM417B Identify and use strengths -based practice
CHCFAM503B Work with a child focused approach
Group work electives
CHCGROUP403D Plan and conduct group activities
CHCGROUP408B Facilitate and review a psycho -educational group
CHCGROUP410B Deliver a structured program
CHCGROUP504B Assess group members and their social systems
CHCGROUP509B Manage disclosures and disruptions in groups
Network support and administration electives
CHCINF505C Meet statutory and organisation information requirements
CHCNET404A Facilitate links with other services
CHCNET501B Work effectively with other services and networks
PSPMNGT605B Manage diversity
Problem gambling electives
CHCGMB501A Work effectively in the problem gambling sector
CHCGMB502A Assess the needs of clients with problem gambling issues
CHCGMB503A Provide counselling for clients with problem gambling issues
Settlement work electives
CHCSW401A Work effectively with forced migrants
CHCSW402A Undertake bicultural work with forced migrants in Australia