

Unit of competency details

HLTOHS300B - Contribute to OHS processes (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by HLTWHS300A - Contribute to WHS processesUpdated in V5 - Changes to address new national Work Health and Safety (WHS legislation 06/May/2012

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 25/Mar/2011

Qualifications that include this unit

CodeSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Title columnUsage RecommendationRelease
HLT32307 - Certificate III in Indigenous Environmental HealthCertificate III in Indigenous Environmental HealthSuperseded
CHC40808 - Certificate IV in Community DevelopmentCertificate IV in Community DevelopmentSuperseded
CHC40608 - Certificate IV in Leisure and HealthCertificate IV in Leisure and HealthSuperseded
CHC30708 - Certificate III in Children's ServicesCertificate III in Children's ServicesSuperseded
HLT40307 - Certificate IV in Massage Therapy PracticeCertificate IV in Massage Therapy PracticeSuperseded
CHC52008 - Diploma of Community Services (Case management)Diploma of Community Services (Case management)Superseded
CHC41208 - Certificate IV in Children's Services (Outside school hours care)Certificate IV in Children's Services (Outside school hours care)Superseded
HLT43307 - Certificate IV in Medical Practice AssistingCertificate IV in Medical Practice AssistingSuperseded
CHC40108 - Certificate IV in Aged CareCertificate IV in Aged CareSuperseded
HLT42807 - Certificate IV in KinesiologyCertificate IV in KinesiologySuperseded
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 87

Accredited courses that have this unit in the completion mapping


SchemeCodeClassification value
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 061301 Occupational Health And Safety  

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 061301 Occupational Health And Safety  04/Nov/2011 
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Modification History

Not Applicable

Unit Descriptor


This unit specifies the workplace performance required by an employee to contribute to OHS processes where there is responsibility for own work outputs and possibly limited responsibility for the work output of others

Application of the Unit


Application of this unit should be contextualised to reflect any specific workplace risks, hazards and associated safety practices

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Employability Skills Information

Employability Skills 

This unit contains Employability Skills

Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content

Elements define the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

The Performance Criteria specify the level of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the Element. Terms in italics are elaborated in the Range Statement.

Elements and Performance Criteria



1. Plan and conduct work safely

1.1 Plan work in accordance with relevant provisions of OHS legislation, standards, codes of practice/compliance codes and guidance material

1.2 Identify hazards  as part of work planning and work process

1.3 Address identified hazards  prior to starting work using judgement within defined scope of responsibilities

1.4 Report residual risk according to organisation procedures

1.5 Report incidents and injuries in line with organisation policies and procedures

1.6 Undertake OHS housekeeping  in work area

1.7 Maintain and update own knowledge of OHS issues as they apply to workplace systems, equipment and processes

1.8 Manage own levels of stress and fatigue to ensure ability to work safely and sustainably

2. Support others in working safely

2.1 Share information on safe work practices and work procedures with others, including members of the work group where relevant

2.2 Check the OHS practices of less experienced members of the workgroup or other stakeholders in the work context

2.3 If appropriate provide guidance and coaching to less experienced members of the workgroup to support them in working safely

2.4 If appropriate support others accurately record incidents and complete associated workplace documentation according to organisation procedures

3. Contribute to OHS participative processes

3.1 Raise OHS issues in accordance with organisation procedures

3.2 Contribute to workplace meetings, workplace inspections or other consultative activities in a constructive manner to improve safety

3.3 Provide assistance to workgroup members or other stakeholders to contribute to workplace safety

3.4 Apply knowledge of roles and responsibilities of OHS representatives and OHS committees

4. Contribute to hazard identification, OHS risk assessment  and risk control  activities

4.1 Report identified hazards and inadequacies in risk controls

4.2 Check the workplace for hazards using itemised checklist(s) in accordance with work procedures

4.3 Contribute to risk assessments

4.4 Provide input to development and implementation of control measures, with reference to the hierarchy of control

5. Participate in the control of emergency situations

5.1 Identify emergency signals and alarms  and responded to them appropriately

5.2 Take initial action to control/confine emergency according to organisation procedures, and taking account of the nature and scope of the emergency

5.3 Implement emergency response procedures within scope of training and competence

Required Skills and Knowledge


This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit.

Essential knowledge :

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

This includes knowledge of:

  • Basic hazard identification procedures such as workplace inspections and review of workplace data
  • Hierarchy of control and its application
  • Nature of common workplace hazards relevant to work role
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements including use, storage and maintenance
  • Principles of basic risk assessment
  • Relationship between OHS and sustainability in the workplace, including the contribution of maintaining health and safety to environmental, economic, workforce and social sustainability
  • Roles and responsibilities of employees, supervisors and managers in the workplace
  • Roles and responsibilities of OHS representatives and OHS committees
  • Safety signs and their meanings, including signs for:
  • dangerous goods class signs
  • emergency equipment
  • personal protective equipment
  • specific hazards such as sharps, radiation
  • Sources of OHS information within the workplace and awareness of external sources of OHS information
  • Standard emergency signals, alarms and required responses
  • The difference between hazard and risk
  • The legal rights and responsibilities of the workplace parties
  • Workplace specific information including:
  • hazards of the particular work environment
  • hazard identification procedures relevant to the hazards in their workplace
  • designated person(s) for raising OHS issues
  • organisation and work procedures particularly those related to performance of own work, specific hazards and risk control, reporting of hazards, incidents and injuries and OHS issue resolution, consultation, use of PPE and emergency response
  • potential emergency situations, alarms and signals and required response

Essential skills :

It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to

  • Contribute to OHS processes in the work context by:
  • addressing their own health and safety
  • addressing health and safety of others who may be affected by their actions
  • supporting members of the workgroup who may be less experienced in the workplace in regard to OHS matters
  • taking initiative to address hazards and manage risks at a systemic level

In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

This includes the ability to:

  • Check the workplace for hazards and risks using an itemised checklist
  • Provide advice and feedback in a constructive and supportive manner
  • Take into account and use opportunities to address waste minimisation, environmental responsibility and sustainable practice issues

Evidence Guide


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Critical aspects of assessment :

  • The individual being assessed must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills
  • Evidence gathered by an assessor to determine competence will include practical demonstration of competence, including:
  • workplace demonstration, simulation exercise, scenario or role play
  • indirect evidence from workplace supervisor reports, workplace documentation, and written responses to problems, scenarios and case studies
  • Evidence of performance over time must be obtained to inform a judgement of competence

Products that could be used as evidence include :

  • Verbal and written responses to verbal, pictorial or physical scenarios
  • Demonstrated response to scenarios, simulations, role plays
  • Completed hazard or incident reports, completed workplace inspection checklists
  • Reports from workgroup members, supervisors

Processes that could be used as evidence include :

  • How workplace checks/inspections are carried out
  • How hazards are addressed
  • How mentoring of fellow workgroup members is undertaken

Access and equity considerations :

  • All workers in the health industry should be aware of access and equity issues in relation to their own area of work
  • All workers should develop their ability to work in a culturally diverse environment
  • In recognition of particular health issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, workers should be aware of cultural, historical and current issues impacting on health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Assessors and trainers must take into account relevant access and equity issues, in particular relating to factors impacting on health of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and communities

Range Statement


The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.

Hazard identification is :

The process of identifying sources of harm, and may be required:

  • before new forms of work and organisation of work are implemented
  • before changes are made to workplace, equipment, work processes or work arrangements
  • as part of planning major tasks or activities, such as equipment shutdowns
  • following an incident report
  • when new knowledge becomes available
  • at regular intervals during normal operations
  • prior to disposal of equipment, or materials

A hazard is :

A source or situation with the potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill-health, damage to property, the environment, or a combination of these

Specific hazards may include , but are not limited to :

  • Alarms
  • Bodily fluids
  • Burnout (compassion fatigue)
  • Chemicals
  • Computer use
  • Cytotoxic medicines and waste
  • Defusing violent behaviour
  • Egress from rooms
  • Managing violent behaviour on outreach and home visits
  • Manual handling
  • Manual handling (boxes)
  • Moving parts of machinery
  • Noise
  • Rostering
  • Sharps
  • Trips falls etc
  • Underfoot hazards
  • Violence in the workplace
  • Work posture

Other workplace hazards may include :

  • Occupational violence
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Bullying

Risk :

In relation to any hazard, means the probability and consequences of injury, illness or damage resulting from exposure to a hazard

Residual risk is 

The risk which remains after controls have been implemented

Examples of risks requiring management in a direct client care work environment may include :

  • Worker fatigue or burnout requiring appropriate supervision and stress management
  • Injury or damage resulting from violent or aggressive behaviour, requiring strategies to defuse or avoid behaviours of concern
  • Risks relating to working in client's homes, requiring appropriate worker education and associated strategies
  • Fire in client's homes requiring workers to provide basic information on home fire safety

Organisation procedures include :

Policies and procedures underpinning the management of OHS, including:

  • Hazard, incident and injury reporting
  • Hazard identification, risk assessment and control
  • Consultation and participation
  • Quality system documentation

OHS housekeeping includes :

Workplace and personal routines designed to improve health and safety; for example, cleaning up spills, keeping walkways, exits and traffic areas clear

Information includes :

  • Hazard, incident and investigation reports
  • Workplace inspection reports
  • Incident investigation reports
  • Minutes of meetings
  • Job Safety Analyses (JSAs) and risk assessments
  • Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and registers
  • Employees handbooks
  • Manufacturers' manuals and specifications
  • Information from OHS representatives
  • Reports from OHS committee
  • Information from external sources on hazards and risk relevant to the work group

Work procedures include :

  • Standard operating procedures
  • Batch specifications
  • Operator or manufacturer manuals
  • Procedures for selecting, fitting, using and maintaining personal protective equipment

Mentoring and coaching may include :

  • Providing guidance and explanation on implementation of work and organisation procedures
  • Providing feedback
  • Providing encouragement
  • Assisting with problem solving

Incidents include :

Any event that has caused or has the potential for injury, ill-health or damage

Other workplace documentation may include :

  • Job checklists, schedules
  • Workplace inspection checklists

Risk controls include :

  • The devices and methods to, where practicable, eliminate the hazard or, where this is not practicable, minimise the risk associated with the hazard

Designated persons may include :

  • Team leaders
  • Supervisors
  • OHS representatives
  • OHS committee members
  • Managers
  • Organisation OHS personnel
  • Other persons designated by the organisation

Hierarchy of control is :

The preferred order of control measures for OHS risks:

  • Elimination controlling the hazard at the source
  • Substitution e.g. Replacing one substance or activity at the source
  • Engineering e.g. Installing guards on machinery
  • Administration policies and procedures for safe work practices
  • Personal protective equipment e.g. respirators, ear plugs

Emergency signals and alarms may include :

  • Machinery malfunction alarms
  • Fire alarms
  • Evacuation alarms or announcements
  • Reversing beepers on mobile plant

Emergency may include any abnormal or sudden event that requires immediate action such as :

  • Serious injury events
  • Events requiring evacuation
  • Fires and explosions
  • Hazardous substance and chemical spills
  • Explosion and bomb alerts
  • Security emergencies, such as armed robberies, intruders and disturbed persons
  • Internal emergencies, such as loss of power or water supply and structural collapse
  • External emergencies and natural disasters, such as flood, storm and traffic accident impacting on the organisation

Unit Sector(s)

Not Applicable