

Regulatory Decision Details

50292 -Djaringo Pty Ltd

Decision Reference: RD0000770


Decision Status:
Removed on review
Review Status:
Additional Details:


Regulatory Decision:
Impose condition(s) on the provider's registration
Decision made under:
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011-s29
Decision Maker:
Date of Decision:
Effective Date:
End Date:

Decision Details

The following conditions are imposed on the RTO's registration under ss 17(6) and 29(1) of the NVR Act:

i. Djaringo Pty Ltd must continue to monitor, implement and update its Action Plan/Progress Tracker. Djaringo Pty Ltd must retain, and present to ASQA within fourteen (14) days on request, evidence of the ongoing monitoring and implementation of the Action Plan – identifying which person is responsible for each item within the Action Plan.

ii. Djaringo Pty Ltd must validate at least 50% of the training products on its scope of registration before 20 August 2021 in accordance with clauses 1.19 – 1.11 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Standards). As part of the validation process, Djaringo Pty Ltd must sample a minimum of ten (10), or otherwise 10%, of completed and marked student assessment files for validation, with the assistance of an independent validator, to determine whether assessment is conducted in accordance with clause 1.8 of the Standards. At least four (4) completed student assessment files must be reviewed from each third-party organisation Djaringo Pty Ltd uses to conduct training and/or assessment. Djaringo Pty Ltd must prepare a report on the process, outcomes, and action taken as a result of the validation process. Djaringo Pty Ltd must retain, and provide to ASQA upon request, a copy of the validation report and all primary evidence referred to in the report.

iii. Djaringo Pty Ltd must securely retain, and provide to ASQA within fourteen (14) days on request, copies of completed student assessment tasks, in accordance with ASQA’s General Direction, for a period of 18 months from the date a final determination of competence was made for all VET courses on its scope of registration.

iv. Djaringo Pty Ltd must securely retain and provide to ASQA within seven (7) days on request, a copy of its Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Issuance Register, to be updated every four (4) months from the date of these orders. The Register must include the following details for all qualifications issued in the previous twenty-four (24) months:

A. Course code and title;
B. Date of student enrolment;
C. Date qualification issued, or
D. Date student ended their enrolment, and
E. Reason for the student’s end of enrolment;
F. Student details including:
a. First name
b. Surname
c. Unique Student Identifier (USI)
d. Residential address
e. Email
f. Phone number;
G. Name of third party training / assessment organisation (if applicable); and
H. Name of trainer(s)/assessor(s).

History of Events

Previous events that affect this decision. Events show steps associated with the decision process, such as the lodgement of applications. Decisions affect the status of registration
Event DetailsDecision MakerEvent dateEvent StatusMore Information
Displaying items 1 - 2 of 2
Regulatory decision National VET Regulator 06/Mar/2020Imposed View details for
Sanction Review National VET Regulator 14/Nov/2021Condition(s) met View details for

Related Regulatory Decisions

Current and previous decisions related to this decision. Related decisions may be connected to the decision or its events. The outcomes of related decisions or their events may be associated with this decision.