

Organisation / RTO search

Your search for RTOs including those that are not currently registered and Non RTO Organisations registered with VRQA QLD DETE SA DFEEST WA TAC Tas TQA NT DET ACT DET NSW VETAB TVET ASQA with the name or code 0154 has returned 4 results.  If you are unable to find an appropriate result try restricting your search criteria.

Search results

CodeNameSort Click on a column header to sort data by the Name columnWebsiteGeneral enquiriesSort Click on a column header to sort data by the General enquiries columnRegistration
View details for RTO code 50154Central Area Region Training Scheme Incorporated
   Trading as:
  • Directions
Visit the Central Area Region Training Scheme Incorporated website (external link) 0892748502 Non-Current
View details for RTO code 30154Hogs Breath Cafe (Australia) Pty Ltd
   Trading as:
  • Hogs Breath Cafe
Visit the Hogs Breath Cafe (Australia) Pty Ltd website (external link) 0749465444 Non-Current
View details for RTO code 60154Link Education Pty Ltd
   Trading as:
  • Link Education
Visit the Link Education Pty Ltd website (external link) 0415525735 Current
View details for RTO code 40154State Training Services Pty LtdVisit the State Training Services Pty Ltd website (external link) 1300669144 Cancelled
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Displaying items 1 - 4 of 4