

Organisation details

22088 - Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd

Current (Re-registration pending)

The following 6 links change the content below.


Legal name:
Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd 
Business name(s):
Royal Greenhill Institute of Technology 
Current (Re-registration pending)
127 999 160
RTO type:
Education/training Business Or Centre: Privately Operated Registered Training Organisation

Organisation code history

Responsible legal person history

Legal nameACNABNStart dateEnd date
Greenhill Education Group Pty Ltd 127 999 16068127999160 16/Mar/2022 
GREENHILL EDUCATION GROUP PTY LTD 127 999 16068127999160 14/May/202015/Mar/2022
OAKHILL EDUCATION GROUP AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 127 999 16068127999160 12/Dec/201713/May/2020
Gurkhas Institute of Technology Pty Ltd 127 999 16068127999160 02/Sep/200811/Dec/2017

Web address history

Business name history

Business nameStart dateEnd date
Royal Greenhill Institute of Technology 06/Aug/2020 
Oakhill English School 09/Mar/201803/Sep/2021

RTO type history

CodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
91 Education/training Business Or Centre: Privately Operated Registered Training Organisation 02/Sep/2008