

Organisation details

21994 - Australian Academy of Higher Learning Pty Ltd


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Regulatory Decision Information

Current Regulatory Decision Information

Regulatory decisions displayed below are decisions that are pending, yet to take effect, currently under review or in effect.

All Regulatory Decision Information (Incl. historical)

Regulatory decisions displayed below include both current and historical decisions. Historical decisions are decisions made that did not come into effect or decisions that are no longer in effect.
ReferenceDecision TypeSort Table listing Regulatory Decision Information History by the Decision Type columnEffective DateSort Table listing Regulatory Decision Information History by the Effective Date columnEnd DateSort Table listing Regulatory Decision Information History by the End Date columnDecision StatusSort Table listing Regulatory Decision Information History by the Decision Status column
View details for RTO code RD0003901Condition(s) 07/Jul/202307/Jul/2024In effect
View details for RTO code RD0003900Condition(s) 07/Jul/202307/Jul/2024In effect
View details for RTO code RD0003899Condition(s) 07/Jul/202307/Jul/2024In effect
View details for RTO code RD0003715Condition(s) 07/Jul/202307/Jul/2024In effect
View details for RTO code RD0003364Reject renewal application  07/Jul/2023Overturned on review
View details for RTO code RD0003361Cancellation  07/Jul/2023Overturned on review
View details for RTO code RD0001927Reject renewal application  19/Aug/2018Overturned on review
View details for RTO code RD0001082Condition(s) 18/Feb/202130/Dec/2021Decision finalised
View details for RTO code RD0000885Condition(s) 02/Jun/202030/Dec/2021Decision finalised
View details for RTO code RD0000489Condition(s) 19/Aug/201830/Dec/2021Decision finalised