

Organisation details

32288 - All Licences.com Pty Ltd


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Registration detail

Initial registration date:
Start date:
End date:
End reason:
Registration period was cancelled with consent of the organisation 
Legal authority:
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 
Australian Skills Quality Authority 

RTO registration manager history

DescriptionStart dateEnd date
Australian Skills Quality Authority 03/Jul/2012 
Department of Education, Training and Employment 07/Jul/201002/Jul/2012

RTO registration history

Legal authorityExerciserStart dateEnd dateEnd reasonComments
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 Australian Skills Quality Authority 29/Jun/201205/Feb/2015Registration period was cancelled with consent of the organisation
Section 24(1) of the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act QLD 2000 Queensland Department of Education and Training 07/Jul/201028/Jun/2012Registration period was ended to facilitate a transfer of registration to another Legal Authority

Renewal application received history

Registration Start dateRegistration End dateRenewal application receivedOutcome of applicationDate of rejection

RTO school registration history

No records to display.

RTO higher education registration history

No records to display.