

Skill set details

MEASS00067 - Radio - B2 Licence Exclusion E20 Removal (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by MEASS00220 - Radio - B2 Licence Exclusion E20 Removal 22/Jan/2012

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 15/Nov/2010

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Modification History

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Pathways Information


The Aeroskills training Package MEA07 offers Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications in Aeroskills that include these units.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.

Skill Set Requirements



Remove and install aircraft basic radio communication and navigation system components


Remove and install aircraft electronic system components


Inspect, test and troubleshoot instrument landing systems and components

Target Group

Target Group 

Holders of CASA B2 licences endorsed with a radio E20 exclusion who wish to have the exclusion removed from their licence. This Skill Set covers the MEA07 Aeroskills Training Package units of competency that must be attained before either undergoing specific type training or being able to certify ILS system maintenance.

Suggested words for Statement of Attainment

Suggested form of words for Statement of Attainment 

These competencies from the Aeroskills Training Package MEA07 meet the requirements of CASA for the removal of radio exclusion E20 from a CASR Part 66 B2 licence