

Qualification details

AHC10216 - Certificate I in AgriFood Operations (Release 3)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes AHC10210 - Certificate I in AgriFood OperationsThis qualification is not equivalent to AHC10210 Certificate I in Agrifood Operations 26/Jun/2016
Is superseded by AHC10222 - Certificate I in AgricultureQualification title change. Revised packaging rules to better reflect outcomes. Revised core units.Added, updated and removed elective units 23/Jan/2023

ReleaseRelease date
3 (this release) 15/Feb/2022
(View details for release 2) 21/Oct/2019
(View details for release 1) 27/Jun/2016

Training packages that include this qualification

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
AHCWOL101 - Support woolshed activitiesSupport woolshed activitiesCurrentElective
AHCMOM101 - Assist with routine maintenance of machinery and equipmentAssist with routine maintenance of machinery and equipmentCurrentElective
AHCIRG102 - Support irrigation workSupport irrigation workCurrentElective
AHCPGD102 - Support gardening workSupport gardening workCurrentElective
AHCWRK101 - Maintain the workplaceMaintain the workplaceSupersededCore
MEM18002 - Use power tools/hand held operationsUse power tools/hand held operationsCurrentElective
AHCLSC102 - Support landscape workSupport landscape workCurrentElective
MEM18001 - Use hand toolsUse hand toolsCurrentElective
AHCBAC102 - Support agricultural crop workSupport agricultural crop workCurrentElective
AHCNSY102 - Support nursery workSupport nursery workCurrentElective
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 17


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 842411 Broadacre Crop and Livestock Farm Worker 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0501 Agriculture 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 524 Certificate I 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Agriculture (Miscellaneous),Parks and Gardens,Floriculture,Horticulture,Livestock,Production Horticulture,Environmental Protection,Poultry,Irrigation,Turf,Landscaping,Nurseries 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A No Specific Job Role 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 841611 Mixed Crop And Livestock Farm Worker 14/Oct/201631/Mar/2022
ANZSCO Identifier 842411 Broadacre Crop and Livestock Farm Worker 01/Apr/2022 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0501 Agriculture 14/Oct/2016 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 524 Certificate I 27/Jun/2016 
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Modification History



Release 3

This version released with AHC Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management Training Package Version 7.0.

Release 2

This version released with AHC Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management Training Package Version 4.0.

Release 1

This version released with AHC Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management Training Package Version 1.0.

Qualification Description

This qualification is an entry-level qualification aimed at individuals entering the agriculture, horticulture and conservation and land management industries. It allows individuals to develop basic skills and knowledge to prepare for work. They may undertake a range of simple tasks under close supervision. The range of technical skills and knowledge is limited.

The qualification is suited to VET in Schools programs or learners with no previous connection to the agriculture, horticulture or conservation and land management industries or relevant employment history.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

Packaging Rules

To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:

  • 6 units of competency:
  • 2 core units plus
  • 4 elective units.

Elective units must ensure the integrity of the qualification’s Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome. The electives are to be chosen as follows:

  • Select at least 2 units from the elective list
  • 2 units may be selected from the elective list, or this or any other endorsed Training Package or Accredited Course. The 2 units selected can be at AQF level 1 or AQF level 2
  • Selected units must be relevant to job outcomes in AgriFood industries and must be chosen to ensure the integrity of the qualification outcome at AQF level 1.

Core Units



Maintain the workplace

Work health and safety


Work safely

Elective Units

Broadacre cropping


Support agricultural crop work



Follow basic chemical safety rules



Support irrigation work



Support landscape work



Support extensive livestock work


Support intensive livestock work

Machinery operation and maintenances


Assist with routine maintenance of machinery and equipment



Support nursery work

Organic production


Support organic production

Parks and gardens


Support gardening work

Production horticulture


Support horticultural production

Tools and equipment


Use hand tools


Use power tools/hand held operations



Support turf work



Support woolshed activities

Qualification Mapping Information

Code and title current version

Code and title previous version


Equivalence status

AHC10216 Certificate I in AgriFood Operations Release 3

AHC10216 Certificate I in AgriFood Operations Release 2

Updated elective unit codes



Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=c6399549-9c62-4a5e-bf1a-524b2322cf72