

Unit of competency details

CPPSEC3106 - Gather, organise and present security information and documentation (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to CPPSEC3005A - Prepare and present security documentation and reportsSupersedes and is equivalent to CPPSEC3005A Prepare and present security documentation and reports. 20/Jan/2019

Release Status:
ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 21/Jan/2019


SchemeCodeClassification value
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 099905 Security Services  

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 099905 Security Services  21/Jan/2019 
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Unit of competency

Modification History

Release 1.

Supersedes and is equivalent to CPPSEC3005A Prepare and present security documentation and reports.

Updated to meet the Standards for Training Packages.

This version first released with CPP Property Services Training Package Version 7.0.


This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to gather, organise and present security information and documentation. It includes:

  • collecting and validating security information using factual and surveillance methods and information technologies
  • presenting gathered security information into a documented report within required timeframes
  • technology skills to access, store, study, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data or information.

It applies to people working independently or under limited supervision as members of a security team.

This unit may form part of the licensing requirements for people engaged in security operations in those states and territories where these are regulated activities.

Pre-requisite Unit


Unit Sector

Security operations

Elements and Performance Criteria

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe what needs to be done to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Gather security information.

1.1 Review and clarify work instructions and workplace procedures and policies to ensure compliance with legal rights and responsibilities when gathering, organising and presenting security information and documentation.

1.2 Collect required security information from spoken, observed and written sources.

2. Organise and check security information.

2.1 Assess gathered security information to confirm validity, reliability and relevance.

2.2 Identify omissions and source additional information from established sources.

2.3 Review collected security information to confirm completeness and accuracy to meet work instructions.

2.4 Prioritise and organise information in a logical manner that facilitates analysis and dissemination.

3. Edit and present security information and documentation.

3.1 Prepare draft security documentation and edit content to ensure it contains clear and concise language and accurate information.

3.2 Review draft, and seek and incorporate feedback from relevant persons.

3.3 Finalise security documentation and check that it complies with workplace standards for style, format and accuracy.

3.4 Present final security documentation within designated timeframes to meet work instructions.

3.5 File and securely store retained information in a manner that facilitates future retrieval and maintains confidentiality.

Foundation Skills

This section describes the language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills essential to performance in this unit but not explicit in the performance criteria:

  • language skills to use security industry approved terminology
  • writing skills to:
  • prepare security documentation using information technology such as a computer and software to send email communications
  • select and integrate security information to complete a range of formatted texts and forms
  • use concise and factual notes to record information gained from spoken sources such as voice recordings and interviews
  • sequence security information to present cohesive text
  • reading skills to interpret:
  • procedures and policies that clarify legal rights and responsibilities
  • information and instructions written in English
  • security information provided in different formats and contexts including medical reports
  • speaking and listening skills to:
  • use questions to clarify the meaning and accuracy of security information
  • use paraphrasing to check understanding of information gathered from spoken sources
  • numeracy skills to interpret and calculate security data in numerical format
  • problem solving skills to:
  • edit own work to identify and correct omissions and errors
  • validate accuracy and sources when gathering information using the Internet
  • technology skills to use a range of common information technologies to access, store, study, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data or information, for example mobile phones and devices, and computer and software packages including Internet browsers.

Unit Mapping Information

Supersedes and is equivalent to CPPSEC3005A Prepare and present security documentation and reports.


Companion volumes to this training package are available at the VETNet website - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=6f3f9672-30e8-4835-b348-205dfcf13d9b


Assessment requirements

Modification History

Release 1.

Supersedes and is equivalent to CPPSEC3005A Prepare and present security documentation and reports.

Updated to meet the Standards for Training Packages.

This version first released with CPP Property Services Training Package Version 7.0.

Performance Evidence

To demonstrate competency in this unit, a person must, within required timeframes, develop two written reports to present gathered security information to meet the requirements of different work instructions.

In doing this, the person must meet the performance criteria for this unit.

Knowledge Evidence

To be competent in this unit, a person must demonstrate knowledge of:

  • standard operating procedures and workplace policies that ensure compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements when gathering, organising and presenting security information and documentation:
  • anti-discrimination and diversity
  • duty of care
  • limits of own authority
  • privacy and surveillance
  • workplace health and safety (WHS)
  • approved communication terminology, call signs and radio channels used in the security industry
  • basic research techniques that can be used to gather security information
  • interpersonal techniques that promote positive interactions and communication with others
  • interview techniques used to gather security information
  • methods for complying with privacy and confidentiality regulations when gathering, presenting and storing security information
  • methods for recording and reporting incidents
  • observation and monitoring techniques used to gather security information
  • operational functions of a range of information technologies used to gather, organise and present security information
  • protocols and requirements for presenting evidence in court
  • questioning techniques that can be used to elicit specific information
  • requirements for recording information that is factual and can be used as evidence in court
  • surveillance procedures that comply with legal requirements
  • techniques for validating the accuracy and reliability of security information
  • ways to engage people with individual social and cultural differences and strategies for overcoming language barriers
  • workplace standards for the presentation of security information and documentation.

Assessment Conditions

Assessors must satisfy the requirements for assessors contained in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). All individuals engaged by a licensed RTO for security licensing purposes must hold both a security trainer’s licence (where such a licence exists within the relevant jurisdiction) and a security operative licence that authorises the security activities about which the individual is training/assessing. Regulators may impose other assessor conditions to meet jurisdictional assessment requirements.

Assessment of performance must be undertaken in an operational workplace environment or environment that reflects workplace conditions. Tasks are to be performed to the level of proficiency and within the time limits that would be expected in a workplace.

The assessment of performance evidence must be done by direct observation of the learner by an assessor, either by an assessor observing the learner physically or by an assessor observing the learner via audio and visual media.

Assessment of performance evidence is only valid where the learner has been assessed performing the role of a security officer.

Assessors are responsible for ensuring that the person demonstrating competency has access to:

  • specifications of assessment tasks to gather, organise and present security information and documentation
  • appropriate documents, materials, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) currently used in industry
  • information technologies required to gather, organise and present security information and documentation
  • standard operating procedures and workplace policies related to the security work role and which specify requirements for complying with industry legislation and regulations.


Companion volumes to this training package are available at the VETNet website - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=6f3f9672-30e8-4835-b348-205dfcf13d9b