

Training.gov.au is the national register of vocational education and training (VET)

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Training.gov.au is changing! 

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) will soon be rolling out changes to enhance Training.gov.au (TGA). The new TGA is more intuitive and accessible, and will deliver: 

  • improved usability,
  • a streamlined interface,
  • more robust search features, and 
  • enhanced reporting functions.

The department has been engaging with the sector to help stakeholders prepare for the update  and make the most of the enhanced TGA. The update is planned for a late 2024 release. 

More information about the changes can be found here.

What is training.gov.au?

Training.gov.au is the national register of VET, as required by s 216 of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011. Information held on the national register includes:

  1. Nationally recognised training (NRT): training packages, qualifications, units of competency, skill sets and accredited courses.
  2. Registered training organisations (RTOs) that are approved to deliver nationally recognised training.

The national register is intended for VET sector professionals, including: RTOs, trainers and assessors, regulators, training package developers, researchers, and policy makers. 


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