

Skill set details

UEESS00116 - Data Communications - Premises Cabling for NBN Rollout (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by and equivalent to UEESS00140 - Data Communications - Premises Cabling for NBN Rollout Skill Set 04/Oct/2020

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 14/Aug/2013

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Modification History

Not applicable.


This skill set covers the installation and modification of high performance data communication cabling in buildings and premises and intended for connection a telecommunications network.

The skill set encompasses working safely and to standard and specifications installing multiple data lines and backbones using structured twisted pair cabling, terminating at distributors, termination modules and in socket outlets, testing and compliance checks, preparing and filling trenches, placing conduits and ducts, drawing cables, installing catenary cable, fixing communication cables, installing multiple data lines and backbones using optical fibre cabling, terminating at distributors, splices and on socket outlets, testing and compliance checks and completing necessary documentation.

Pathways Information

The units of competency in this skill set will contribute to the completion of relevant Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications from the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package. Please consult the packaging rules of the relevant qualification for further advice.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Readers should ensure that they have also read the part of the Training Package that outlines licensing and regulatory requirements.

Skill Set Requirements


Install and modify performance data communication copper cabling


Install and modify optical fibre performance data communication cabling


Install aerial telecommunication cables


Install underground communication cables

Target Group

It is essential that anyone undertaking this skill set must already hold:

ACMA Open Cabling Registration


This Skill Set meets the ACMA Industry Recognised Endorsements for Optical Fibre, Structured Cable, Underground Cabling and Overhead Cabling.

Suggested words for Statement of Attainment

This Skill Set from the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package meets the industry requirements for Premises cabling for NBN Rollout

Custom Content Section

Not applicable.