

Skill set details

UEESS00097 - Restricted - Disconnection/reconnection of fixed wired low voltage composite appliances (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
The Deleted usage recommendation was implemented on 13 June 2017 to describe training components that have no replacement. Enrolments in training components and statements of attainment or qualifications issued before 13 June 2017 are valid. For any components marked as deleted after 13 June 2017, the applicable transition/teach-out periods apply. For specific questions regarding the enrolment, delivery or issuance of a statement of attainment/qualification, please contact your training regulator.
DeletedDeleted from UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package04/Oct/2020

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 06/Mar/2013

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Modification History

Not applicable.


This skill set is designed for people wishing to disconnect and reconnect low voltage fixed wired composite appliances which are incidental or a primary and regular function of work related to a principle work function. Learners will be developing skills in isolation of low voltage electrical supplies, disconnection and reconnection of composite appliances. More specifically, should be able to: work safely on composite appliances, identifying supply arrangements; follow isolation procedure; select and use testing and measuring devices; terminate and connect cables and conductors to Australian Standards; safety test and report on composite appliances.

This EXCLUDES disconnecting or reconnecting circuits at a switchboard or to general electrical accessories (including switches, socket outlets, light etc); or installation of or alteration to any part of the fixed electrical wiring system (defined in applicable regulations as electrical installing work).

Pathways Information

The units of competency in this skill set will contribute to the completion of relevant CIII and CIV qualifications from the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package. Please consult the packaging rules of the relevant qualification for further advice.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Restricted Electrical Licence or Disconnected/Reconnected Electrical Licence – please refer to your local licensing body for details concerning the jurisdictional conditions and requirements for the issue of a license.

Skill Set Requirements

UEENEEE101A – Apply Occupational Health and Safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace

UEENEEP012A – Disconnect / reconnect composite appliances connected to low voltage installation wiring

Target Group

The units of competency in this skill set are for people holding a relevant CIII or equivalent in the areas of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, and the work is incidental or a primary and regular function of work related to a principle work function.

Suggested words for Statement of Attainment

This Skill Set from the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package meets the industry requirements for Restricted Electrical Licence - Disconnection/ reconnection of fixed wired low voltage composite appliances

Custom Content Section

Not applicable.