- drawing fundamentals, including:
- principles, purpose and classification of drawings
- basic drawing terms and conventions
- symbols, codes and abbreviations used in drafting drawings
- tools and equipment used in drafting drawings
- drawing forms; sheet size and format, metric, imperial and copy fold information
- drawing routines, signatures, approvals, dates, numbers and numbering systems, design considerations/specifications, materials or component specifications, lists, titles, proprietary information, fasteners, representations, notes, charts and graphs, modifications and revision conventions
- fundamentals of drafting documentation, including contents, version control, indexing and product identification (e.g. logo, trademark and software warning plates)
- delineation: line conventions and lettering, multi- and sectional view drawings, pictorial drawings, types and application of engineering drawings, conventional representations, microfilming, descriptive geometry and revolutions
- measurements: types, forms, units, symbols, reading and transfer
- sketching techniques (e.g. freehand lettering)
- basic drafting skills (e.g. drafting by hand, working with triangles, and working with a T square)
- basic drawing layout (e.g. borders and information blocks)
- line types and weights
- geometric construction principles
- use of drawing instruments and equipment to produce basic technical drawings
- drawings instruments and media usage
- usage of reproducible drawings with mechanical pencils
- principles, concepts and applications of lettering
- terms, conventions and codes related to lettering
- construction of vertical or inclined, single-stroke gothic lettering, numerals and fractions, including proper spacing and guidelines
- proper lettering instruments selection
- usage of lettering techniques for notes and titles on drawings
- text style, text composition, and text placement selection and application
- principals, practices and rules for sketching in relation to proportion, placement of the views, and drawing medium
- concepts and applications of sketching
- terms, conventions and codes related to sketching
- sketches used in industry
- usage of sketching aids for creative communication
- sketching types and their applications
- line techniques in sketching simple objects
- estimation and proportion techniques usage
- views selection for requisite applications
- blocking technique for size, shape and details
- surface shading techniques
- geometric construction, including:
- principles, concepts and applications of geometric construction
- terms, conventions and shapes related to geometric construction
- drawing techniques of lines, angles, circles, arcs, tangents and polygons
- geometric construction to single-view and multi-view drawings
- graphic geometric controls
- intermediate CAD commands
- plotting and printing equipment set-up and configuration
- multi-view orthographic projections and Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principals of multi-view orthographic projections
- terms, conventions and codes related to multi-view drawings
- applications and use of orthographic projections/drawings (e.g. 3rd angle)
- types and usage techniques of orthographic projection
- sketching techniques related to orthographic views
- rules for orthographic projection
- working drawing problems and specifications
- views visualisation and selection
- 1st and 3rd angle projection drawings
- lines, lettering, and drawing medium types
- fractional, decimal, and metric equations solutions
- concepts of units of measurement usage related to multi-view orthographic projections
- sectional and/or auxiliary views uses, identification and analysis
- rules for sections and auxiliary views
- geometric figures visualisation and drawing in two dimensions
- geometric figures classification and comparison
- circle properties and relationships, and circle problem solving
- drawing from a view of a model (e.g. orthographic projection)
- auxiliary views, including:
- principles, terms and conventions usage in auxiliary views
- use and application of auxiliary views
- primary auxiliary view construction
- secondary auxiliary view construction
- descriptive geometry/revolutions, including:
- principles, terms and conventions usage in descriptive geometry/revolutions
- graphic solutions of points, lines and planes
- graphic solutions of intersections (e.g. lines, planes and solids)
- true length of lines, bearing and slope of lines
- graphic solutions of solids
- drawings construction using the revolution method
- sectional views/conventions, including:
- principles, terms, symbols and conventions of sectional views
- use and application of sectional views
- drawing standard sectional views
- use of conventional breaks
- symbols used to represent different materials
- use of cutting plans
- pictorial drawings introduction and production to Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principals, concepts and applications of pictorial drawings
- terms, symbols, conventions and codes usage in pictorial drawings
- types and usage techniques of pictorial drawings
- line of sight application
- isometric view usage
- pictorial drawing types, usage and selection
- pictorial drawings sketching
- pictorial working drawing problems and specifications
- axonometric, oblique and perspective drawings construction
- calculations in projection plane angles
- standards for drawing pictorial drawings
- application of properties and relationships of triangles to solve geometric shapes
- conversion of an angular dimension of an orthographic to a linear dimension in a pictorial drawing
- drawing techniques of pictorial representations
- dimensioning/size description and tolerancing as applied to drafting, including:
- principles, terms, symbols and conventions used in dimensioning and tolerancing
- terms, conventions and codes related to dimensioning
- dimensioning drawing construction using Australian/New Zealand Standards
- types and usage techniques of dimensioning
- application of dimensioning to object drawings
- geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
- lines used in dimension drawings construction
- dimensioning practices applications
- dual dimensioning
- tolerancing applications
- dimensioning verification requirements
- formulas for positional tolerancing
- form, orientation, profile and runout
- development layouts of various shaped objects to Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principals and concepts of development layouts of various shaped objects
- terms, conventions and codes related to surface developments
- surface development uses in Australian/New Zealand and industry standards
- basic three-dimensional geometric shapes visualisation in a two-dimensional plane
- cut out and construct models for checking accuracy
- rules to surface developments to produce stretch-outs
- layout drawings production to Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principals, concepts and applications of layout drawings
- terms, conventions and codes related to layout drawings
- layout drawings types and differences
- rules for layout drawings
- concepts of units of measurement usage related to layout drawings
- technical illustrations drawing to Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principals, concepts and purpose of technical illustrations
- terms, conventions, symbols and codes related to technical illustrations
- types and usage techniques of illustrations
- rules for technical illustration application
- techniques and applications for creating illustrations
- illustration types usage and selection
- illustration working drawing problems and specifications
- techniques and applications in the use of drawing instruments to prepare illustrations
- surface shading purpose and types, selection and analysis
- techniques and applications in airbrush renderings to detailed illustrations
- techniques and applications of CAD practices to technical illustrations
- techniques and applications of line-shaded illustrations
- concepts of units of measurement usage related to illustrations
- solutions for illustrations using fractional, metric and decimal equations
- graphs and charts production to Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principals, concepts and applications of basic graphs, charts and diagrams production
- terms, conventions and codes related to basic graphs, charts and diagrams production
- graphs, charts and diagrams production types, usage and variations
- data configuration for graphic representation
- graph type selection per specifications and data
- basic graphic charts and diagrams interpretation
- charts and diagrams construction
- thread representations, including:
- principles, concepts and applications of threaded fasteners
- terms, conventions and codes related to threaded fasteners
- types and usage techniques of threaded fasteners
- drawing of threads using simplified and schematic types of thread representation
- working drawings, including:
- principles, concepts and applications of working drawings
- terms, conventions and codes related to working drawings
- types and usage techniques of working drawings
- title block, bill of materials and schedules used in working drawings
- working drawing production requirements
- care and use of equipment, including:
- principles, concepts and applications of various drafting instruments, equipment and materials
- types and usage techniques of drafting instruments, equipment and materials
- drawing materials selection for specific types of drafting projects
- drawing instruments usage as a means of technical drawings preparation for accuracy and readability
- CAD station components identification
- CAD set-up requirements to complete a basic drafting problem
- principles, terms, symbols and conventions usage in CAD
- concepts and applications of CAD and related application commands
- types of CAD hardware
- CAD standards, including file presentation; layering standards; sorting graphic data, including data groups, principal data and supporting data; layering naming convention;, colour assignment standard (layer colours and pen weights); provision for creation of new layers; blocks standards - real blocks object, common block objects, symbol objects, block library and block naming; text style standards - text styles naming, text height; dimension styles standards - dimension style naming; line-type (LT) standards; title blocks and graphic scales - title block set-up, information title blocks, drawing scales; systems of measurement and preferred scales - drawing scales
- disk operating system (DOS) and windows application definitions
- techniques and practices in the application of program assist and editing commands
- view and display commands (e.g. zooming and panning)
- query commands to extract drawing data
- techniques and practices in the application of changes to text styles, text entering and editing
- existing drawing modifications
- working with multiple drawings using cut and paste, and so on
- components and symbol libraries creation, editing and retrieval
- plotting drawings to the proper scale
- scaling techniques applications
- layering techniques applications
- LT scale usage
- drawing techniques application
- drawing setups to applicable standards (e.g. settings, layers, line types and widths)
- two-dimensional drawing creation
- cartesian, polar, absolute, and relative coordinates usage in drawing lines and shapes
- techniques and practices in the application of geometric construction
- techniques and practices in the application of text to a drawing
- techniques and practices in altering font options
- techniques and practices in the application of laying out, drawing and completing orthographic drawings
- techniques and practices in the application of drawing objects in isometric using isometric drawing commands
- techniques and practices in the application of completing primary auxiliary drawings on CAD equipment
- techniques and practices in the application of CAD to draw screw threads
- techniques and practices in the application of making, setting and using layers and blocks
- basic production fabrication drawings to Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principles, terms, symbols, codes and conventions usage in production of fabrication drawings
- types and usage techniques of detailed and assembly drawings
- detailing: including principals, concepts and applications of detailing; terms, conventions and codes related to detailing; detailing types, application and selection; different fabrication processes and identification of machine parts; rules for drawing machine part details; concepts of units of measurement usage related to detailing; application of properties and relationships of triangles and circles to solve geometric shapes related to detailing
- assembly drawings: including principals, concepts and applications of assembly drawings; terms, conventions and codes related to assembly drawings; different assembly processes and identification of machine part assemblies; rules for drawing assembly drawings; concepts of units of measurement usage related to assembly drawings; application of properties and relationships of triangles and circles to solve geometric shapes related to assembly drawings
- machine assembly drawing production
- detail drawings standard machine fits applications
- drawings for welded component parts
- parts list (e.g. balloons) development
- file and/or drawing for CAD/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) applications
- gears drawings
- CAM drawings
- threads and fasteners (e.g. bolts, pins and keys) use and applications
- drawings for metal bending and fabricating
- standard fits, finishes, and tolerances to a machine drawing application
- manufacturing processes (e.g. machine, metal forming and computer numerically controlled (CNC))
- pattern development, including:
- principles, concepts and purpose of pattern development
- terms, conventions and codes related to pattern development
- types and usage techniques of pattern development and related drawings
- application of pattern development and intersection techniques
- intersections of geometric surfaces development techniques and applications
- flat surfaces development techniques and applications
- construct of objects from the intersection
- maps and profiles design and production to Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principals, concepts and applications of maps and profiles design and production
- terms, conventions and codes related to maps and profiles design and production
- maps and profiles design and production types and uses
- rules for cartography
- components selection and transit usage
- symbols usage and applications for topography
- application of properties and relationships of triangles to solve geometric problems, trigonometric relations to solve right triangles, law of sines and cosines to solve triangles
- pipe/plumbing drawing basics, including:
- principles, purpose, terms and conventions usage in pipe/plumbing drawings
- applicable codes, symbols and abbreviations
- piping symbols, fittings, fixtures and valves
- types of piping systems and usage techniques in pipe drawings
- principles of pneumatics and hydraulics
- pneumatics and hydraulic schematics production
- plumbing schematics production
- techniques and applications in creating drawings of piping symbols and systems
- structural steel, welding and sheet metal drawing basics, including:
- principles, terms and conventions usage in structural steel, welding and sheet metal drawings
- applicable codes (e.g. WHS/OHS, Standards Australia/New Zealand, building codes and regulations, related standards and codes)
- classification of major structural and welding components
- rules and symbols used in structural and welding drawings
- structural steel shapes
- steel-framing materials
- detail and assembly drawings (including beam connections) with bill of materials
- steel frame plan drawings production
- types and usage techniques of structural and welding drawings
- techniques and applications in creating structural drawings using measuring, labelling, and symbol procedures
- techniques and applications used in drafting the processes for joining metal and standard symbols for welding
- techniques and applications in creating welding drawings complete with weld symbols
- sheet metal layout methods and procedures
- representative sheet metal drawings
- sheet metal drawings for CAD/CAM applications
- ink overlay drawings produced to Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principals, concepts and applications of ink overlay drawings production
- terms, conventions and codes related to ink production
- drawing specifications identification and analysis
- rapid graph equipment usage procedures
- drawings reproductions to Australian/New Zealand and industry standards, including:
- principals, concepts and applications of drawing reproductions
- terms, conventions and codes related to processes related to drawing reproductions
- rules for reproducing drawings
- various machines usage and selection in the reproduction process
- CAD software and functions
- drawing fundamentals
- electrotechnology/utilities engineering drawings and diagrams
- relevant risk mitigation processes including risk control measures
- relevant WHS/OHS legislated requirements
- relevant workplace documentation
- relevant workplace policies and procedures
- sketching techniques.