Modification History
Not Applicable
Unit Descriptor
Unit Descriptor |
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to administer the security of assets and facilities in the transport and distribution industry, including assessing asset security requirements, developing and implementing asset security programs, and monitoring and evaluating asset security programs. Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements are applicable to this unit. |
Application of the Unit
Application of the Unit |
Work must be carried out in compliance with the relevant regulations of the relevant state/territory authorities related to the administration of assets and facilities in the transport and distribution industry. Work is performed under some supervision, generally within a team environment. Work involves the application of routine procedures and regulatory requirements to the administration of the security of assets and facilities in the transport and distribution industry. |
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Refer to Unit Descriptor
Not Applicable
Employability Skills Information
Employability Skills |
This unit contains employability skills. |
Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content
Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. |
Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. |
Elements and Performance Criteria
1 Assess security requirements |
1.1 Adequacy of insurance cover is determined 1.2 Adequacy of physical protection over assets and facilities is determined 1.3 Methods to improve security requirements are assessed and recommended 1.4 Breakdowns/breaches of security are recorded and reported |
2 Develop and implement security programs |
2.1 Staff are consulted regularly regarding security programs 2.2 Improvements to security procedures are documented, trialed, refined and implemented 2.3 Input is given to assist in the preparation of coronial reports and enquires 2.4 Statements are gathered and reports prepared which assist in the issuance of summonses |
3 Monitor and evaluate security programs |
3.1 Reports and statements produced where security has broken down or has been breached, are analysed and conclusions documented 3.2 Security procedures are regularly monitored to ensure their implementation 3.3 Security systems are regularly tested and evaluated to ensure operational effectiveness |
Required Skills and Knowledge
This describes the essential knowledge and skills and their level required for this unit. |
Required knowledge : |
Required skills : |
Evidence Guide
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required knowledge and skills, the range statement and the assessment guidelines for this Training Package. |
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit |
Context of and specific resources for assessment |
Method of assessment |
Range Statement
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. |
Operations may be conducted: |
Customers may be: |
Equipment may include: |
Coding identification of assets may include: |
Regular insurance assessments may include: |
Work organisation procedures and practices may include: |
Consultative processes may involve: |
Communication in the work area may include: |
Consultative processes may involve: |
Communication in the work area may include: |
Depending on the type of organisation concerned and the local terminology used, workplace procedures may include: |
Information/documents may include: |
Applicable regulations and legislation may include: |
Unit Sector(s)
Not Applicable
Competency Field
Competency Field |
O - Security |