

Qualification details

TLI32813 - Certificate III in Rail Yard Coordination (Release 2)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by and equivalent to TLI32815 - Certificate III in Rail Yard Coordination 18/Oct/2015

ReleaseRelease date
2 (this release) 17/Feb/2014
(View details for release 1) 21/Apr/2013

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
TLIB3018A - Conduct full train examinationConduct full train examinationSupersededN/A
TLIF2080C - Safely access the rail corridorSafely access the rail corridorSupersededCore
TLIF2006A - Apply accident-emergency proceduresApply accident-emergency proceduresSupersededCore
TLIC3017A - Shunt rolling stockShunt rolling stockSupersededN/A
TLIW2041A - Clip points and apply rail safety equipmentClip points and apply rail safety equipmentSupersededN/A
TLIE3021A - Work and communicate effectively with othersWork and communicate effectively with othersSupersededCore
TLIF3091A - Apply awareness of dangerous goods and hazardous materials requirementsApply awareness of dangerous goods and hazardous materials requirementsSupersededN/A
TLIB3129A - Conduct pre-movement checks on rolling stockConduct pre-movement checks on rolling stockSupersededN/A
TLIL4038A - Organise marshalling and shunting operationsOrganise marshalling and shunting operationsSupersededCore
TLIB3021A - Conduct train roll-by inspectionConduct train roll-by inspectionSupersededN/A
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 20


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 712917 Railway Signal Operator 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 7129-11 Railway Signal Operator 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0399 Other Engineering And Related Technologies 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Rail Transport 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Rail Yard Coordinator 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 712917 Railway Signal Operator 03/Oct/2013 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 7129-11 Railway Signal Operator 03/Oct/2013 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0399 Other Engineering And Related Technologies 03/Oct/2013 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 21/Apr/2013 
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Modification History

Release 1 - This is the first release of this qualification in TLI10 Transport and Logistics Training Package Version 3.0.



This is a general qualification for a person engaged in the rail yard or terminal environment who performs tasks involving a broad range of skilled applications applied in a wide variety of contexts, which may involve application of some discretion and judgement in selecting equipment, services or contingency measures. It may also include responsibility for coordinating the work of others.

Job roles: 

The TLI32813 Certificate III in Rail Yard Coordination qualification is aligned to the following defined roles:

  • Yard Coordinator
  • Terminal Coordinator.

Pathways Information

Not applicable.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.

Entry Requirements

Not applicable.

Employability Skills Summary

Employability Skills Summary for TLI32813 Certificate III in Rail Yard Coordination 

The following table contains a summary of the employability skills as identified by the Transport and Logistics Industry for this qualification. This table should be interpreted in conjunction with the detailed requirements of each unit of competency packaged in this qualification. The outcomes described here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on packaging options.

Employability Skill  

Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include: 


  • Implement and monitor communication systems and procedures required for shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Read and interpret relevant procedures, instructions, signs and labels applicable to shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Speak clearly and directly on matters related to shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Listen to and interpret verbal information related to shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Write/Complete basic documents as part of duties
  • Negotiate issues with others in the course of shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Recognise and interpret non-verbal signs, signals and behaviour
  • Use relevant communication equipment.


  • Work effectively with others in the course of shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Provide leadership to team or workgroup
  • Motivate others in the workplace
  • Assist others in the workplace to achieve and maintain competence
  • Assist in the resolution of any interpersonal conflicts that may arise during shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Avoid and prevent the harassment of others in the workplace
  • Work with persons of different ages, gender, race, religion, political persuasion, etc.

Problem solving 

  • Identify and solve or report problems arising in the course of shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Monitor and anticipate problems that may occur in the course of shunting or yard/terminal operations and take appropriate action to report or resolve the problems within limits of responsibility
  • Identify and control hazards and risks in a range of shunting or yard/terminal operation situations and take appropriate precautions
  • Use mathematics to solve various calculations related to shunting or yard/terminal operations.

Initiative and enterprise 

  • Modify activities dependent on differing situations and contingencies
  • Take appropriate initiatives in a range of operational situations such as those above
  • Respond appropriately to any changes in equipment, standard operating procedures and the working environment.

Planning and organising 

  • Follow and apply operational and emergency plans, systems and procedures
  • Implement the workplace security and safety management systems
  • Monitor and evaluate operational performance and compliance
  • Collect and interpret information needed in the course of shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Organise and plan work activities
  • Manage time and priorities in the course of shunting or yard/terminal operations.

Self management 

  • Interpret and apply procedures and instructions
  • Establish and follow own work plans and schedules
  • Evaluate own work performance.


  • Assist others to adapt to any changes in workplace systems, equipment, procedures and the workplace operating environment
  • Assist in the instruction, coaching or mentoring of others in the workplace
  • Contribute to the assessment of the competence of others in the workplace
  • Participate in the updating of own knowledge and skills required for shunting or yard/terminal operations.


  • Use equipment and materials required during shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Follow and apply operational and servicing instructions for equipment used during shunting or yard/terminal operations
  • Follow and apply OH&S procedures when conducting shunting or yard/terminal operations.

Packaging Rules

Requirements for completion of the qualification 

A successful assessment outcome for a total of 18 units  of competency comprising:

  • 12 core units  listed below


  • 6 elective units  from the general elective units  listed below. Alternatively, up to 3 units  may be drawn with appropriate contextualisation from any currently endorsed national Training Package or accredited course, provided that the unit contributes to the vocational outcome of the qualification.

Where imported units are selected, care must be taken to ensure that all prerequisites specified in the unit are complied with.

Core Units  


Units of Competency 


Equipment Checking and Maintenance 


Apply awareness of fundamentals of rail operations in yards or sidings


Communication and Calculation 



Work and communicate effectively with others

Complete workplace documents


Safety Management 








Apply accident-emergency procedures

Apply fatigue management strategies

Safely access the rail corridor

Apply safeworking rules and regulations to rail functions

Conduct track protection assessment

Apply local incident response procedures

Follow occupational health, safety and environmental procedures in the rail industry




Facilitate work teams


Resource Management 


Organise marshalling and shunting operations

General Elective Units 




Equipment Checking and Maintenance 





Prepare train

Conduct full train examination

Conduct train roll-by inspection

Conduct pre-movement checks on rolling stock


Vehicle Operation 


Shunt rolling stock


Safety Management 


Apply awareness of dangerous goods and hazardous materials requirements


Equipment and Systems Operations 



Clip points and apply rail safety equipment

Operate stand alone signalling point control equipment

Custom Content Section

Not applicable.