

Unit of competency details

THHGFA02B - Maintain financial records (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by and equivalent to SITXFIN002A - Maintain financial records 11/Nov/2010
Supersedes THHGFA02A - Maintain financial records 22/Jan/2002

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 23/Jan/2002


SchemeCodeClassification value
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 080101 Accounting  

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 080101 Accounting  23/Jan/2002 
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Not applicable.

Unit Descriptor

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to maintain accurate financial records in a range of business contexts. It focuses on generic bookkeeping skills and principles and must therefore be contextualised to meet specific industry contexts. In the workplace, this function may be integrated with other activities and systems such as guest registration or travel file management. It would be assessed and trained accordingly.

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to maintain accurate financial records in a range of business contexts. It focuses on generic bookkeeping skills and principles and must therefore be contextualised to meet specific industry contexts. In the workplace, this function may be integrated with other activities and systems such as guest registration or travel file management. It would be assessed and trained accordingly

Application of the Unit

Not applicable.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Employability Skills Information

Not applicable.

Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content

Not applicable.

Elements and Performance Criteria

Elements and Performance Criteria 


Performance Criteria 


Post transactions


Interpret source documents accurately in preparation for entering transaction.


Identify any irregularities in documentation promptly and take action to resolve within scope of individual responsibility and designated timelines.


Check or obtain correct authorisation for entry.


Select correct account and journal for intended entry.


Enter credit and debit transactions into journals accurately, including correct allocation of all amounts, within designated timelines.


Support journal entries with explanation and cross-referencing to support documentation where necessary


Cross-check source documentation with entered transaction to ensure matching.


File source documents in the correct location and in accordance with enterprise procedures.


Reconcile transactions to a balance


Check documentation and balances accurately to ensure matching.


Where appropriate, use reconciliation features of computerised systems correctly to assist the reconciliation process.


Investigate and clear outstanding entries accurately and promptly.


Identify, investigate or report discrepancies in accordance with scope of individual responsibility.


Finalise reconciliations accurately and within designated timelines.


Retrieve financial information


Interrogate financial records correctly to identify required information.


Generate and distribute relevant financial information or reports at designated times and in accordance with requests from colleagues.


Check financial reports for accuracy prior to distribution.


Identify, investigate or report discrepancies in accordance with scope of individual responsibility.

Required Skills and Knowledge

Not applicable.

Evidence Guide

Essential Knowledge and Skills to be Assessed 

The following knowledge and skills must be assessed as part of this unit:

features of financial record keeping systems relevant to the industry sector or enterprise

the bookkeeping cycle relevant to a particular industry sector or enterprise

principles of bookkeeping and general understanding of bookkeeping terminology including chart of accounts, reporting period, ledgers, double-entry, debits, credits, debtors, creditors, income, expenditure, receipts, disbursements, transactions, journals, accounts, reconciliations, unpresented cheques, bank charges, direct debits and credits

the impact of GST on the bookkeeping process in the relevant industry context, including the types of transactions that attract GST or are GST exempt and the reporting requirements for GST for different businesses

bookkeeping terminology of specific relevance to the industry sector or enterprise

income and expenditure types relevant to a particular industry sector or enterprise

the nature of source documents relevant to a particular industry sector or enterprise.

Linkages to Other Units 

This unit is linked to other operational units and combined training and assessment may be appropriate. The operational and service units would vary depending upon the industry context but may include units such as:

THHBFO2B Provide accommodation reception services

Critical Aspects of Assessment 

Evidence of the following is critical:

understanding of financial record-keeping processes as they apply to a particular industry sector or enterprise

ability to maintain accurate records within acceptable enterprise timeframes and in accordance with enterprise requirements

ability to complete accurate reconciliations and resolve routine bookkeeping problems within enterprise-acceptable timeframes.

Context of Assessment and Resource Implications 

Assessment must ensure:

use of industry-current accounting systems

posting of multiple transactions of different types over a period of time to reflect the typical trading/reporting period within a given sector or enterprise

completion of reconciliations which include data of a size, scope and nature to reflect current industry practice

generation of financial information and routine reports which reflects current industry format and practices

presence of time constraints that reflect the relevant industry environment

integration of problem-solving (eg. identifying and resolving errors in reports)

Assessment Methods 

Assessment methods must be chosen to ensure that skills in maintaining financial records can be practically demonstrated. Methods must include assessment of knowledge as well as assessment of practical skills.

The following examples are appropriate for this unit:

direct observation of the candidate using a system to post transactions

review of the accuracy of reconciliations, financial records or reports prepared by the candidate

review of documentation used or prepared by the candidate to prepare financial records

problem-solving exercises to address typical bookkeeping errors and problems

review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate.

Key Competencies in this Unit 

Key Competencies are an integral part of all workplace competencies. The table below describes those applicable to this unit. Trainers and assessors should ensure that they are addressed in training and assessment.

Level 1 = Perform Level 2 = Administer and Manage Level 3 = Design and Evaluate

Key Competencies 

Collecting , Organising and Analysing Information 

For example:

Collating source documentation ready for system entry (1)

Communicating Ideas and Information 

For example:

Providing an update to management on the status of a particular account (1)

Planning and Organising Activities 

For example:

Filing documentation (1)

Working with Others and in Teams 

For example:

Checking with a colleague on a bookkeeping issue (1)

Using Mathematical Ideas and Techniques 

For example:

Entering amounts accurately into the accounting system (1)

Solving Problems 

For example:

Investigating a discrepancy on a source document (1)

Using Technology 

For example:

Generating reports from the accounting system (1)

Essential Knowledge and Skills to be Assessed 

The following knowledge and skills must be assessed as part of this unit:

features of financial record keeping systems relevant to the industry sector or enterprise

the bookkeeping cycle relevant to a particular industry sector or enterprise

principles of bookkeeping and general understanding of bookkeeping terminology including chart of accounts, reporting period, ledgers, double-entry, debits, credits, debtors, creditors, income, expenditure, receipts, disbursements, transactions, journals, accounts, reconciliations, unpresented cheques, bank charges, direct debits and credits

the impact of GST on the bookkeeping process in the relevant industry context, including the types of transactions that attract GST or are GST exempt and the reporting requirements for GST for different businesses

bookkeeping terminology of specific relevance to the industry sector or enterprise

income and expenditure types relevant to a particular industry sector or enterprise

the nature of source documents relevant to a particular industry sector or enterprise.

Linkages to Other Units 

This unit is linked to other operational units and combined training and assessment may be appropriate. The operational and service units would vary depending upon the industry context but may include units such as:

THHBFO2B Provide accommodation reception services

Critical Aspects of Assessment 

Evidence of the following is critical:

understanding of financial record-keeping processes as they apply to a particular industry sector or enterprise

ability to maintain accurate records within acceptable enterprise timeframes and in accordance with enterprise requirements

ability to complete accurate reconciliations and resolve routine bookkeeping problems within enterprise-acceptable timeframes.

Context of Assessment and Resource Implications 

Assessment must ensure:

use of industry-current accounting systems

posting of multiple transactions of different types over a period of time to reflect the typical trading/reporting period within a given sector or enterprise

completion of reconciliations which include data of a size, scope and nature to reflect current industry practice

generation of financial information and routine reports which reflects current industry format and practices

presence of time constraints that reflect the relevant industry environment

integration of problem-solving (eg. identifying and resolving errors in reports)

Assessment Methods 

Assessment methods must be chosen to ensure that skills in maintaining financial records can be practically demonstrated. Methods must include assessment of knowledge as well as assessment of practical skills.

The following examples are appropriate for this unit:

direct observation of the candidate using a system to post transactions

review of the accuracy of reconciliations, financial records or reports prepared by the candidate

review of documentation used or prepared by the candidate to prepare financial records

problem-solving exercises to address typical bookkeeping errors and problems

review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate.

Key Competencies in this Unit 

Key Competencies are an integral part of all workplace competencies. The table below describes those applicable to this unit. Trainers and assessors should ensure that they are addressed in training and assessment.

Level 1 = Perform Level 2 = Administer and Manage Level 3 = Design and Evaluate

Key Competencies 

Collecting , Organising and Analysing Information 

For example:

Collating source documentation ready for system entry (1)

Communicating Ideas and Information 

For example:

Providing an update to management on the status of a particular account (1)

Planning and Organising Activities 

For example:

Filing documentation (1)

Working with Others and in Teams 

For example:

Checking with a colleague on a bookkeeping issue (1)

Using Mathematical Ideas and Techniques 

For example:

Entering amounts accurately into the accounting system (1)

Solving Problems 

For example:

Investigating a discrepancy on a source document (1)

Using Technology 

For example:

Generating reports from the accounting system (1)

Range Statement

This unit applies to all tourism and hospitality sectors. The following explanations identify how this unit may be applied in different workplaces, tourism sectors and circumstances.

Financial recording and bookkeeping systems may be manual or computerised.

Source documents may include :


deposit books

cheque requisitions

tax invoices

credit notes

expense vouchers

petty cash vouchers

bank statements.

Transactions may relate to :

cash receipts

cash payments

petty cash




interest expenses or interest received

direct debits and credits

returns and allowances journals

bad debts journal

main, general journal

payroll journal.

Reconciliations may relate to :

single system reconciliations

creditor statements

petty cash

foreign currency

bank reconciliations

guest accounts

travel files


Routine financial reports may relate to :

period reports on receipts or disbursements

account summaries

short term trading information

GST paid or received.

This unit applies to all tourism and hospitality sectors. The following explanations identify how this unit may be applied in different workplaces, tourism sectors and circumstances.

Financial recording and bookkeeping systems may be manual or computerised.

Source documents may include :


deposit books

cheque requisitions

tax invoices

credit notes

expense vouchers

petty cash vouchers

bank statements.

Transactions may relate to :

cash receipts

cash payments

petty cash




interest expenses or interest received

direct debits and credits

returns and allowances journals

bad debts journal

main, general journal

payroll journal.

Reconciliations may relate to :

single system reconciliations

creditor statements

petty cash

foreign currency

bank reconciliations

guest accounts

travel files


Routine financial reports may relate to :

period reports on receipts or disbursements

account summaries

short term trading information

GST paid or received.

Unit Sector(s)

Not applicable.