

Unit of competency details

SITXOHS004B - Implement and monitor workplace health, safety and security practices (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to SITXOHS004A - Implement and monitor workplace health, safety and security practicesE between Version 1 and 2 Minor addition to range statement to reference inert gas safety. 31/Dec/2010
Is superseded by and equivalent to SITXWHS401 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practicesTitle simplified and changed to reflect legislative change from Occupational Health and Safety to Work Health and Safety. Re-worked Required Skills and Knowledge to more fully articulate content. 17/Jan/2013

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 01/Jan/2011

Qualifications that include this unit

CodeSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Title columnUsage RecommendationRelease
SIT30707 - Certificate III in HospitalityCertificate III in HospitalitySuperseded
SIT40307 - Certificate IV in HospitalityCertificate IV in HospitalitySuperseded
SIT30907 - Certificate III in Hospitality (Asian Cookery)Certificate III in Hospitality (Asian Cookery)Superseded
SIT40207 - Certificate IV in TourismCertificate IV in TourismSuperseded
SIT40407 - Certificate IV in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)Certificate IV in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)Superseded
SIT40809 - Certificate IV in Holiday Parks and ResortsCertificate IV in Holiday Parks and ResortsSuperseded
SIT40607 - Certificate IV in Hospitality (Catering Operations)Certificate IV in Hospitality (Catering Operations)Superseded
SIT30807 - Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)Superseded
SIT31107 - Certificate III in Hospitality (Patisserie)Certificate III in Hospitality (Patisserie)Superseded
SIT31007 - Certificate III in Hospitality (Catering Operations)Certificate III in Hospitality (Catering Operations)Superseded
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SchemeCodeClassification value
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 061301 Occupational Health And Safety  

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 061301 Occupational Health And Safety  14/Dec/2009 
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Modification History

Not applicable.

Unit Descriptor

Unit descriptor 

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement predetermined OHS policies and procedures and to monitor OHS practices as a supervisory function.

A systematic management approach is central to compliance with OHS legislation which, in all Australian states and territories, imposes obligations on all businesses whether small, medium or large, to manage the safety of their workers and anyone else in the workplace. This unit involves the implementation and monitoring of those predetermined OHS practices designed, at management level, to ensure a safe workplace.

No occupational licensing or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

This unit is one of three hierarchical units describing varying levels of participation in OHS management practices:

  • SITXOHS001B Follow health, safety and security procedures
  • SITXOHS004B Implement and monitor workplace health, safety and security practices
  • SITXOHS005A Establish and maintain an OHS system.

The processes necessary to control specific workplace safety risks are covered in SITXOHS003B Identify hazards, and assess and control safety risks.

Application of the Unit

Application of the unit 

This unit describes a fundamental systems implementation skill for those working within the service industries and applies to the full range of industry sectors and environments.

Under OHS law, all organisations are responsible for providing and maintaining a safe workplace. Whether micro, small, medium or large, they must ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees and the safety of people, other than their workers, who may be present at the workplace. In the service industries, the workplace would include any location where the business operates and 'others' would include customers.

In large organisations, the responsibility for implementing and monitoring OHS practices might be undertaken by a specialist OHS practitioner. In the service industries, the majority of businesses are small to medium and OHS implementation is undertaken by supervisors, operational managers and owner-operators who fulfil a range of diverse business management duties. This unit applies equally to both specialist and generalist personnel.

Those who operate with a considerable level of autonomy or under limited guidance from others would be responsible for implementing and monitoring OHS practices. They would be the contact person for operational staff who would refer any OHS discrepancies.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.


Prerequisite units 


Employability Skills Information

Employability skills 

This unit contains employability skills.

Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content

Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised  text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.

Elements and Performance Criteria




Provide information on health, safety and security.


Accurately and clearly explain to personnel relevant OHS information , including organisation-specific policies and procedures.


Make all current and updated OHS information readily accessible to staff in a timely and regular manner, according to organisational procedures.


Monitor safe work practices.


Monitor adherence to organisational OHS procedures  and OHS signage.


Monitor ongoing compliance with safe work practices.


Take prompt and appropriate action to address non-compliance with procedures, safe work practices  and non-adherence to signage.


Monitor the effectiveness of work practices in maintaining the health, safety and security of personnel through close contact with day-to-day operations.


Coordinate consultative arrangements for the management of health, safety and security issues.


Coordinate any scheduled consultation sessions and the operation of any and all consultative processes .


Provide the opportunity for staff members to contribute their views on current and future OHS management practices, including views on how to eliminate or control risks.


Action, resolve or refer issues raised through OHS consultation to the appropriate person.


Provide timely staff and own feedback on OHS management practices to the designated person according to organisation procedures.


Implement and monitor procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks.


Coordinate any scheduled hazard identification activities ensuring hazards are identified at times designated by legislation .


Identify any hazards  on an ongoing basis through close contact with day-to-day operations in the workplace and react to reports of hazards by others workers.


Coordinate the conduct of risk assessments and, participate by taking a lead role in assessing risks associated with identified hazards according to consultative requirements of OHS legislation.


Implement any risk control methods according to organisation's policies and procedures or refer to appropriate person if control is outside scope of responsibility.


Monitor the effectiveness of control measures, promptly identify any inadequacies and resolve or report them to the appropriate person.


Implement and monitor health, safety and security training.


Identify OHS training needs  accurately based on regular workplace monitoring.


Make timely arrangements for fulfilling training needs in consultation with appropriate management and according to organisation policies and procedures.


Monitor effectiveness of training in the workplace and make adjustments as required.


Maintain OHS records and reports.


Complete OHS records and reports  accurately and legibly and store according to organisation and legal requirements.


Use data and reports to provide reliable and timely input to the management of workplace health, safety and security.

Required Skills and Knowledge


This section describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

The following skills must be assessed as part of this unit:

  • high-level communication skills to communicate with colleagues on issues of OHS responsibility and discipline non-compliance, to conduct OHS consultation activities, and to provide all OHS procedural information and information on safe work practices
  • high-level literacy skills to read and interpret sometimes complex materials describing regulatory requirements that relate to OHS management and to read and interpret organisational policies and procedures
  • writing skills to develop reports and complete OHS records
  • critical thinking skills to allow for a rational and logical evaluation of the effectiveness of OHS management practices and to incorporate the views of other people consulted in the workplace.

The following knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:

  • in-depth knowledge of the contents of the organisation's OHS policies, procedures and reporting processes
  • in-depth knowledge of employee responsibilities in relation to ensuring safety of self, other workers and other people in the workplace
  • in-depth knowledge of employer's responsibilities under relevant state or territory OHS legislation, especially:
  • requirement to consult and acceptable consultation mechanisms

requirements for the use of OHS representatives and committees, and their roles and responsibilities

  • requirements for hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control and acceptable mechanisms
  • requirements for record keeping and acceptable record keeping mechanisms

provision of information and training

  • issue resolution
  • in-depth knowledge of employee's responsibility to participate in OHS practices and consultation under relevant state or territory OHS legislation
  • ramifications of failure to observe OHS policies and procedures and legislative requirements
  • in-depth knowledge of the particular consultation, hazard identification and risk assessment methods used in the particular workplace.

Evidence Guide


The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, the range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.

Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit 

Evidence of the following is essential:

  • project or work activities that show the candidate's ability to implement and monitor OHS management practices within the context of an established system where policies and procedures already exist for a given service industry operation and in line with regulatory requirements
  • knowledge of specific and relevant OHS legislative requirements
  • project or work activities conducted over a commercially realistic period of time so that the implementation, monitoring and reporting aspects of this unit can be assessed.

Context of and specific resources for assessment 

Assessment must ensure:

  • that the candidate has accessed a fully equipped office environment using appropriate computers, printers, communication technology, information programs and publications to facilitate the processes involved in implementing and monitoring an OHS system
  • access to an operation for which OHS management practices would be monitored, or access to comprehensive and sufficient information about that operation to allow the candidate to fully implement and monitor OHS management practices
  • use of the appropriate state or territory legislation, codes of practice and standards issued by regulatory authorities or industry groups
  • use of OHS information, such as manuals issued by industry associations or commercial publishers
  • access to current organisation policies and procedures, and hazard identification and risk assessment template documents
  • involvement of a team operating in a specified workplace for which the candidate coordinates OHS management practices.

Methods of assessment 

A range of assessment methods should be used to assess the practical skills and knowledge required to implement and monitor workplace health and safety practices. The following examples are appropriate for this unit:

  • evaluation of action plans prepared by the candidate to coordinate consultative processes, hazard identification and risk assessment activity
  • direct observation of the candidate providing OHS information and conducting OHS consultation sessions
  • evaluation of a range of OHS records completed by the candidate
  • evaluation of monitoring reports prepared by the candidate detailing the effectiveness of OHS management practices and recommendations for change
  • case studies and problem-solving exercises on staff non-compliance with procedures and safe work practices
  • evaluation of project or work activities conducted in conjunction with an industry operator to allow the candidate to monitor and report on OHS practices for a particular workplace
  • written and oral questions or interview to test knowledge of the legislative requirements, the contents of policies and procedures and roles and responsibilities of various staff members in OHS management practices
  • review of portfolios of evidence and third-party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate.

Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended, for example:

  • SITXOHS005A Establish and maintain an OHS system
  • SITXMGT001A Monitor work operations
  • SITXMGT002A Develop and implement operational plans
  • SITXADM004A Plan and manage meetings.

Range Statement


The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised  wording in the performance criteria is detailed below.

OHS information may include information on :

  • organisation's overall OHS policy
  • any OHS policy and procedure but especially hazard identification
  • roles and responsibilities of employers and employees in OHS management practices
  • legal obligations and ramifications of failure to comply
  • consultative arrangements for OHS
  • use of hazard identification reporting documents
  • use of risk assessment template documents
  • specific existing control measures relevant to the workplace
  • specific regulations and codes of practice
  • OHS training information and updates
  • location of first aid kit and emergency evacuation plan.

OHS procedures may involve :

  • emergency, fire and accident
  • incident or accident reporting
  • consultation
  • hazard identification
  • risk assessment and control
  • security including:
  • documents
  • cash
  • equipment
  • people
  • key control systems.

Safe work practices may include :

  • use of personal protective clothing and equipment
  • safe posture including sitting, standing and bending
  • using safe manual handling, including lifting and transferring
  • taking designated breaks
  • rotating tasks
  • using knives and equipment, handling hot surfaces
  • taking account of the dangers associated with inert gases used in beverage dispensing systems
  • using computers and electronic equipment
  • safe handling of chemicals, poisons and dangerous materials
  • using ergonomically sound furniture and workstations
  • clearing any hazards from immediate work area
  • paying attention to safety signage.

Consultative processes may involve :

  • consultation with employees during the course of each business day
  • a diary, whiteboard or suggestion box used by staff to report any issue of concern
  • recording issues in a management diary
  • regular staff meetings that involve OHS discussions
  • special staff meetings or workshops to specifically address OHS issues
  • staff handbook which includes OHS information
  • surveys or questionnaires that invite feedback on OHS issues
  • informal meetings with notes
  • fact sheets to fully inform personnel about OHS rights and responsibilities
  • formal meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans
  • formal OHS representatives and committees
  • involvement of personnel in writing parts of OHS policies and procedures.

Times designated by legislation for systematic hazard identification may include :

  • when changes to the workplace are implemented, for example:

before the premises are used for the first time

before and during the installation or alteration of any plant

before changes to work practices are introduced

when any new information relating to health and safety risk becomes available.

Hazards may include :

  • physical environment, for example:
  • working space of any workers
  • lighting
  • hot and cold environments
  • exposure to elements of weather, such as sun, wind and rain
  • prevailing noise levels
  • electrical items
  • flooring
  • equipment designed to assist with or replace manual handling
  • pests
  • crowds
  • plant, for example:
  • machinery
  • tools
  • appliances
  • equipment
  • working practices, for example:
  • opening and closing procedures
  • security procedures
  • any standard operating procedures for work-related tasks
  • rostering of staff and shift allocation
  • length of time spent at certain task and allocation of breaks
  • security issues, for example:
  • theft and robbery
  • irrational or angry customers
  • bomb scares.

OHS training needs may include :

  • OHS policy and procedure induction training
  • coaching or mentoring in safe work practices
  • formal training programs in safe work practices
  • provision of information, fact sheets and signage to ensure safe work practices
  • OHS representative or committee training
  • hazard identification and risk assessment and control training.

OHS records and reports may include documentation of :

  • training action plans
  • training undertaken
  • consultation records, such as:
  • hazard identification records
  • risk assessments
  • risk control actions
  • incident or accident, near miss reports and related statistics
  • incident and accident notifications to OHS regulatory authorities
  • monitoring reports and recommendations for change, including effectiveness of:
  • diaries of meetings
  • agendas for and minutes of meetings
  • committee members
  • consultation decisions and follow-up actions
  • risk controls
  • safe work practices
  • consultation processes
  • OHS information provided to personnel.

Unit Sector(s)


Cross Sector

Competency field

Competency field 

Occupational Health and Safety