

Skill set details

SITSS00098 - Driver Guide Services (Release 1)


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ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 10/Jun/2022

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A set of skills to equip individuals to provide driver guide services to visitors to the local area on tours.

Pathways Information

Achievement of these units provides credit towards qualifications in the SIT Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Drivers of passenger vehicles must have the relevant licence, issued by State/Territory governments, to operate tour vehicles for the relevant number of passengers.

Skill Set Requirements

Unit code 

Unit title 


Work as a guide


Lead tour groups


Prepare and present tour commentaries or activities


Provide service to customers

Target Group

This skill set is for individuals who already have the required passenger vehicle licence and require skills in tour guiding to operate as a driver guide.

Suggested words for Statement of Attainment

These units of competency from the SIT Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package provide a set of skills to provide driver guide services to visitors to the local area on tours.