Unit of competency details
SITHIND201 - Source and use information on the hospitality industry (Release 1)
Usage recommendation:
1 1 (this release) |
18/Jan/2013 |
Training packages that include this unit
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Classification history
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier | 110101 | Hospitality | 07/Aug/2013 | |
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Modification History
The version details of this endorsed unit of competency set are in the table below. The latest information is at the top.
Replaces but is not equivalent to SITHIND001B Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge.
Title updated to better reflect the intent and content of the unit.
Significant change to Elements, Performance Criteria and Required Knowledge. Coverage of laws and ethical issues limited to those specifically relevant to the hospitality industry. Other legal knowledge, e.g. work health and safety is found in relevant units.
Unit Descriptor
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to source and use current and emerging information on the hospitality industry. This includes industry structure, technology, laws and ethical issues specifically relevant to the hospitality industry. Hospitality personnel integrate this essential knowledge on a daily basis to work effectively in the industry.
Application of the Unit
This unit applies to all hospitality sectors and many people working at different levels. Managers will use more formal research to attain specialised and comprehensive knowledge which supports product planning, marketing and strategic management activities. This is covered within other individual units.
This unit is not about having in-depth knowledge but focuses on the ability to source and interpret information.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.
Not applicable.
Employability Skills Information
This unit contains employability skills.
Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge section and the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.
1. Source and use relevant industry information.
1.1 Identify sources of information on the structure and operation of the hospitality industry .
1.2 Access specific information of relevance to the hospitality industry to assist operational duties.
1.3 Obtain information on features of current and in trend hospitality products and services relevant to job role.
1.4 Use knowledge of the hospitality industry and its products and services to enhance the quality of work performance .
2. Source and use compliance information in daily activities.
2.1 Obtain information on laws specifically relevant to the hospitality industry and work compliantly.
2.2 Seek information on industry quality assurance schemes .
2.3 Access information on career planning and equal employment opportunity law.
2.4 Conduct day to day hospitality activities according to ethical industry practices .
3. Source and use information on hospitality technology.
3.1 Source and access information on current and emerging technologies that impact on operational duties.
3.2 Use information on technology to suggest new and improved workplace practices.
3.3 Use current and emerging technology in day to day work activities.
4. Update personal and organisational knowledge of the hospitality industry.
4.1 Identify and use a range of opportunities to update knowledge of the hospitality industry.
4.2 Monitor current issues and trends for the industry.
4.3 Share updated information with colleagues.
Required Skills and Knowledge
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit.
Required skills
- communication skills including active listening and open and closed probe questioning to obtain information from:
- experienced industry personnel
- colleagues
- suppliers
- industry bodies
- initiative and enterprise skills to suggest:
- new and improved practices using emerging technology
- business benefits of participating in industry quality assurance schemes
- learning skills to continuously update knowledge of the hospitality industry
- literacy skills to:
- read and comprehend the content of plain English information about laws, industry accreditation schemes and codes of conduct
- research, sort and use hospitality industry information
- write notes, summarise and record information in basic documents such as information sheets, portfolios and files
- planning and organising skills to complete daily operational activities while sourcing information required to support those
- problem-solving skills to recognise knowledge deficiencies and take action to seek information
- self-management skills to take responsibility for sourcing and updating current and emerging information
- teamwork skills to share updated information with colleagues
- technology skills to:
- use a computer and keyboard
- use online information systems to search for information.
Required knowledge
- sources of information on the hospitality industry
- structure of the hospitality industry and its different sectors including their:
- functions
- key characteristics
- business relationships between sectors
- roles and general responsibilities for different jobs in the industry
- general nature of allied and related industries including tourism, meetings, incentives, conferences and events
- primary functions of:
- major cross-industry and sector-specific industry associations especially those with which the business has a relationship
- trade unions in the industry
- basic aspects of hospitality industry quality assurance processes:
- industry accreditation schemes
- codes of conduct or ethics
- occupational licensing
- reasons for participation and impacts of non-compliance
- roles and responsibilities of individual staff members when participating in schemes
- basic aspects of state, territory and commonwealth laws specifically relevant to the hospitality industry and actions that must be adhered to by hospitality businesses:
- food safety
- responsible service of alcohol
- responsible conduct of gaming
- local community protection including land ownership, management and access requirements that must be met by hospitality industry operators when delivering services and requirements to maintain the lifestyle of neighbouring residents
- basic aspects of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) law including rights of employees and responsibilities of employers to make merit based employment decisions
- current and emerging technology used in the hospitality industry, including e-business and social media.
Evidence Guide
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.
Overview of assessment
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit
Evidence of the ability to: - source current hospitality industry information and use this in day-to-day activities to maximise effective performance
- demonstrate knowledge of the hospitality industry, including main roles, functions and interrelationships of different sectors
- integrate knowledge of the basic aspects of key laws and ethical issues specifically relevant to the hospitality industry.
Context of and specific resources for assessment
Assessment must ensure use of: - computers, printers, communication technology and information programs used to source industry information
- information on codes of conduct, membership and benefits distributed by:
- industry associations
- accreditation operators
- unions
- plain English documents issued by government regulators that describe laws specifically relevant to the hospitality industry:
- food safety
- responsible service of alcohol
- responsible conduct of gaming
- local community protection.
Method of assessment
A range of assessment methods should be used to assess practical skills and knowledge. The following examples are appropriate for this unit: - exercises and project activities that allow assessment of the individual’s ability to:
- obtain current and accurate hospitality industry information
- research information to meet differing operational needs
- group projects that allow individuals to collectively source information on differing aspects of the hospitality industry and present it in a portfolio
- direct observation of the individual delivering an oral presentation on the sourced information
- problem-solving exercises so the individual can identify new knowledge required to complete operational activities and source information to resolve the deficiency
- written and oral questioning to assess knowledge of:
- different sectors of the hospitality industry and their interrelationships
- laws relevant to the hospitality industry
- industry codes of conduct
- review of portfolios of evidence and third-party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the individual.
Guidance information for assessment
The assessor should design integrated assessment activities to holistically assess this unit with other units relevant to the industry sector, workplace and job role, for example: - SITTTSL201 Operate an online information system
- SITXCOM101 Source and present information.
Range Statement
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.
Sources of information may include:
- computer data, including the Internet
- discussions with experienced industry personnel
- industry:
- accreditation operators
- associations and organisations
- developers of codes of conduct or ethics
- journals
- seminars
- plain English documents, issued by government regulators, that describe laws relevant to the hospitality industry
- libraries
- media
- personal observations and experience
- reference books
- training courses
- unions.
The hospitality industry involves a range of sectors and businesses including:
- accommodation
- casinos
- clubs
- restaurants and cafes.
Information of relevance to the hospitality industry may include:
- career opportunities within the industry
- different sectors and businesses within the industry, their relationships and the services available in each sector
- different hospitality markets and their relevance to industry sectors
- economic and social significance of the hospitality industry, which may relate to:
- community role in hospitality
- effect on local amenities and facilities
- employment
- industrial relations and award provisions
- major hospitality industry bodies and associations
- quality assurance schemes
- relationships between hospitality and other industries, including:
- entertainment
- events
- food production
- recreation
- tourism
- wine production
- role of and impacts on local communities
- roles and general responsibilities for different jobs in the industry
- specific features of the local and regional industry.
To enhance the quality of work performance may involve:
- improving skills and productivity
- producing food items to meet current market trends and customer expectations
- providing quality hospitality service
- suggesting new and improved ways of doing things
- working effectively with:
- other sectors of the hospitality industry
- suppliers
- ethical industry practices to ensure smooth hospitality operations
- the law to avoid problems for self and the organisation.
Laws may cover:
- business and occupational licensing
- food safety
- land ownership, management and access
- responsible conduct of gaming
- responsible service of alcohol
- workplace relations – Fair Work Australia.
Quality assurance schemes may include:
- accreditation schemes
- codes of conduct or ethics
- industry association membership
- occupational licences.
Ethical industry practices may relate to:
- accreditation schemes
- codes of conduct
- preferred product arrangements
- payment of commission
- terms of payment
- confidentiality of customer information
- consumer protection:
- provision of services as promoted
- reasonable consumer pricing
- truth and honesty in all information given to customers
- commissions
- fees and other charges
- gifts and services provided free of charge
- tips
- maintaining the rights and lifestyle conditions of local community residents
- overbooking
- product recommendations
- professional behaviour when participating in familiarisations and industry events.
Technologies may involve:
- catering systems
- customer technologies:
- applications for electronic devices and computers
- online booking systems
- computer-aided despatch systems
- e-business
- food production systems
- industry:
- online booking systems
- reservations, operations and financial and tracking systems
- project management systems
- social media sites.
Opportunities may include:
- discussions with experienced industry personnel
- networking with:
- industry accreditation schemes
- industry seminars
- membership of professional industry associations
- union membership
- training courses.
Current issues and trends for the industry may relate to:
- emerging markets
- environmental, social and cultural impacts
- government initiatives
- industry expansion or retraction
- industry initiatives
- labour issues
- maintaining organisational and industry profitability by productivity and pricing flexibility
- shrinking markets.
Unit Sector(s)
Competency Field
Working in Industry