

Qualification details

SIT10222 - Certificate I in Hospitality (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to SIT10216 - Certificate I in Hospitality 09/Jun/2022

Release Status:
ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 10/Jun/2022

Training packages that include this qualification

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
SITHIND005 - Use hygienic practices for hospitality serviceUse hygienic practices for hospitality serviceCurrentElective
BSBPEF202 - Plan and apply time managementPlan and apply time managementCurrentElective
SITXCOM006 - Source and present informationSource and present informationCurrentElective
BSBTWK201 - Work effectively with othersWork effectively with othersCurrentCore
SITHFAB022 - Clean and tidy bar areasClean and tidy bar areasCurrentElective
SITXCCS009 - Provide customer information and assistanceProvide customer information and assistanceCurrentCore
SITXWHS005 - Participate in safe work practicesParticipate in safe work practicesCurrentCore
SITHCCC026 - Package prepared foodstuffsPackage prepared foodstuffsCurrentElective
SITHCCC023 - Use food preparation equipmentUse food preparation equipmentCurrentElective
SITXFSA005 - Use hygienic practices for food safetyUse hygienic practices for food safetyCurrentElective
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 15


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 431900 Other Hospitality Workers 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 1101 Food And Hospitality 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 524 Certificate I 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Hospitality 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Kitchenhand,Housekeeping Attendant 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 431900 Other Hospitality Workers 10/Jun/2022 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 1101 Food And Hospitality 10/Jun/2022 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 524 Certificate I 10/Jun/2022 
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Modification History

Not applicable.

Qualification Description

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who participate in a range of routine and predictable hospitality work activities. They work under close supervision and are given clear directions to complete tasks.

This qualification provides a pathway to work in various hospitality settings, such as restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops.

The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

Packaging Rules

6 units must be completed:

  • 3 core units
  • 3 elective units, consisting of:
  • 1 unit from Group A
  • 2 units from Group B, elsewhere in the SIT Training Package, or any other current Training Package or accredited course.

The selection of electives must be guided by the job outcome sought, local industry requirements and the complexity of skills appropriate to the AQF level of this qualification.

Note: Units marked with * have one or more prerequisites. Refer to individual units for details.

Core units 


Work effectively with others


Provide customer information and assistance


Participate in safe work practices

Elective units 

Group A - Hygiene 


Use hygienic practices for hospitality service


Use hygienic practices for food safety

Group B - Other electives 



Plan and apply time management


Carry out basic workplace calculations

Commercial Cookery and Catering 


Use food preparation equipment


Prepare and present simple dishes


Prepare and present sandwiches


Package prepared foodstuffs

Communication and Teamwork 


Source and present information



Clean premises and equipment


Clean and tidy bar areas


Clean kitchen premises and equipment

Qualification Mapping Information

Supersedes and is equivalent to SIT10216 Certificate I in Hospitality.


Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=68c40a93-e51d-4e0f-bc06-899dff092694