

Skill set details

SISSS00066 - Kayaking Guide White Water Grade 2 (Release 5)


Usage recommendation:
The Deleted usage recommendation was implemented on 13 June 2017 to describe training components that have no replacement. Enrolments in training components and statements of attainment or qualifications issued before 13 June 2017 are valid. For any components marked as deleted after 13 June 2017, the applicable transition/teach-out periods apply. For specific questions regarding the enrolment, delivery or issuance of a statement of attainment/qualification, please contact your training regulator.
DeletedDeleted from SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package10/Sep/2019

ReleaseRelease date
5 (this release) 14/Dec/2013
(View details for release 4) 14/Sep/2013
(View details for release 3) 06/Mar/2013
(View details for release 2) 28/Nov/2011
(View details for release 1) 07/Jun/2011

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing units of competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing units of competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing units of competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing units of competency by the Essential column
SISOOPS304A - Plan for minimal environmental impactPlan for minimal environmental impactSupersededN/A
SISXRSK301A - Undertake risk analysis of activitiesUndertake risk analysis of activitiesDeletedN/A
SISOKYK305A - Guide kayaking trips on Grade 2 waterGuide kayaking trips on Grade 2 waterSupersededN/A
SISXEMR201A - Respond to emergency situationsRespond to emergency situationsSupersededN/A
SISOWWR201A - Demonstrate self rescue skills in white waterDemonstrate self rescue skills in white waterSupersededN/A
SISXEMR402A - Coordinate emergency responsesCoordinate emergency responsesSupersededN/A
SISOWWR302A - Demonstrate white water rescues and recoveriesDemonstrate white water rescues and recoveriesSupersededN/A
SISOOPS201A - Minimise environmental impactMinimise environmental impactSupersededN/A
SISOODR302A - Plan outdoor recreation activitiesPlan outdoor recreation activitiesSupersededN/A
SISOODR303A - Guide outdoor recreation sessionsGuide outdoor recreation sessionsDeletedN/A
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 16
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Modification History

The release details of this skill set are in the table below. The latest information is at the top.




Update to qualification code in Pathway advice.


Imported unit updated: HLTAID003 Provide first aid replaces HLTFA301C Apply first aid.


Editorial update.


  • HLTFA301C Apply first aid
  • SISXRSK301A Undertake risk analysis of activities


  • SISOOPS305A Provide first aid in remote locations

Updated imported unit.


The following Skill Set has been identified through consultation with the Outdoor Council of Australia (OCA), the peak body for the Outdoor Recreation industry and will be utilised as the basis for the registration requirements of programs like the National Outdoor Leader Registration Scheme (NOLRS).

Pathways Information

These units provide a credit towards SIS30413 Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this skill set at the time of endorsement.

Skill Set Requirements


Unit code 

Unit title 


Provide first aid


Apply inland kayaking skills on Grade 2 water


Guide kayaking trips on Grade 2 water


Plan outdoor recreation activities


Guide outdoor recreation sessions


Manage risk in an outdoor activity


Minimise environmental impact


Plan for minimal environmental impact


Interpret weather conditions in the field


Demonstrate self rescue skills in white water


Demonstrate white water rescues and recoveries


Facilitate groups


Respond to emergency situations


Coordinate emergency responses


Follow occupational health and safety policies


Undertake risk analysis of activities

Target Group

Those wishing to guide kayaking activities on white water Grade 2.

Suggested words for Statement of Attainment

These competencies from the SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package meet competency requirements for a Kayaking Guide White Water Grade 2 and will be utilised as the basis for the registration requirements of programs like the National Outdoor Leader Registration Scheme (NOLRS).