Unit of competency details
SISFFIT035 - Plan group exercise sessions (Release 1)
Usage recommendation:
1 1 (this release) |
10/Nov/2021 |
Companion volumes:
Unit of competency
Assessment requirements
Training packages that include this unit
Qualifications that include this unit
Classification history
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier | 092103 | Sports Coaching, Officiating And Instruction | 15/Dec/2021 | |
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Unit of competency
Modification History
Supersedes and is not equivalent to SISFFIT007 Instruct group exercise sessions, and SISFFIT023 Instruct group personal training programs.
This unit describes the performance outcomes, knowledge and skills required to plan group exercise sessions designed for participation by mixed ability groups, or by groups that predominately comprise a particular profile, for example, older people. It requires the ability to account for the participation of individuals from specific population groups and of diverse abilities and allow for modifications that can be made during instruction.
It covers skills for evaluating and improving sessions in response to participant and instructor feedback, noting that sessions might be delivered by self or others. Skills for instructing group exercise sessions are covered in a complementary unit.
Exercise sessions are diverse in nature. They could combine or specifically concentrate on cardiovascular, resistance and flexibility exercises, and be delivered with or without music.
This unit applies to group fitness instructors and personal trainers who use discretion and judgment when planning sessions to meet diverse participant needs. Instructors practise in settings such as fitness facilities, gyms, leisure and community centres, client workplaces and other locations, depending on their role.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State or Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Pre-requisite Unit
Competency Field
Unit Sector
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
1. Identify needs and expectations of diverse participants.
1.1. Identify diverse reasons and goals for participation in group exercise sessions and evaluate how these can be accommodated in a group setting.
1.2. Identify characteristics, abilities and special needs of participants from specific population groups and determine ways that session inclusions can address needs.
1.3. Identify common injury and medical barriers for participation in group exercise sessions and determine how session inclusions can be modified.
2. Plan group exercise sessions.
2.1. Determine type of session and fitness goals to be targeted.
2.2. Identify participant characteristics, abilities and fitness levels and determine group profile.
2.3. Select exercises, training techniques and exercise equipment that target identified fitness goals and suit the group profile.
2.4. Plan sessions that incorporate volume and intensity and load of exercises appropriate to group profile.
2.5. Plan for exercise phases and volume within boundaries of session duration.
2.6. Determine ways that exercise type and intensity and load can be modified during instruction to meet individual participant abilities and needs.
2.7. Document session plans according to organisational formats.
3. Review and modify future sessions.
3.1. Collate and review feedback provided by participants and instructors.
3.2. Identify successes, problems and difficulties with session delivery.
3.3. Modify and improve future sessions according to feedback.
Foundation Skills
Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the performance criteria are listed here, along with a brief context statement.
Writing skills to:
- produce detailed session plans that use fitness terminology and abbreviations for instructional use
- use fundamental sentence structure to complete basic evaluation records that require factual and subjective information.
Numeracy skills to:
- record and complete calculations and estimations of varying complexity for session plans involving times, intervals, volume, speeds and loads.
Problem-solving skills to:
- critically evaluate successes and failures of sessions to initiate future improvements.
Unit Mapping Information
Supersedes and is not equivalent to SISFFIT007 Instruct group exercise sessions, and SISFFIT023 Instruct group personal training programs.
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=1ca50016-24d2-4161-a044-d3faa200268b
Assessment requirements
Modification History
Supersedes and is not equivalent to SISFFIT007 Instruct group exercise sessions, and SISFFIT023 Instruct group personal training programs.
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
- develop and document session plans for six group exercise sessions, each with a minimum duration of 45 minutes, and include:
- at least one session for each of the following participant groups:
- female adults
- male adults
- participants aged 55 years or over
- across the above six sessions collectively incorporate the following:
- cardiovascular exercises
- resistance exercises
- flexibility exercises
- exercises with and without equipment
- for two sessions and according to actual feedback or case studies:
- review feedback provided by group participants
- evaluate instructor feedback
- modify future session content, and document details of the evaluation and changes.
Knowledge Evidence
Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:
- common reasons and goals for people participating in group exercise sessions
- different types of group exercise classes typically offered by the following and how these relate to general consumer market preferences, expectations and goals:
- fitness gyms
- leisure and community centres
- personal trainers
- general factors that affect session design:
- venue type and layout
- availability of different types of exercise equipment
- session duration preferences of different group markets
- factors that affect session design for particular client groups and mixed groups:
- physical differences that need to be considered for:
- adults of different sexes
- older people
- antenatal, postnatal, menopausal and post-menopausal women
- cultural needs and expectations
- differing fitness levels, and whether coming from sedentary or active base
- for a range of common injuries, medical conditions, and health risk factors:
- contraindications and precautions for different types of exercise sessions and exercises
- how exercises, intensity and loads can be modified to allow safe participation by individuals with low risk injuries and health conditions
- the meaning of the following components of fitness and how exercises can target improvements for each:
- health-related components:
- cardiovascular endurance
- muscle strength
- muscle endurance
- flexibility
- body composition
- skill-related components:
- coordination
- balance
- reaction time
- proprioception
- different types of exercises and equipment that can be used:
- cardiovascular exercises:
- resistance exercises using:
- free weights
- gym equipment including weight machines
- body weight
- how different types of exercises can be combined and sequenced for safety and optimum effectiveness in group exercise sessions
- how the FITT (frequency, intensity, time and type) principle is used to structure group exercise sessions
- established phases of exercise sessions, their underpinning rationale and timing for each within designated time of session:
- warm up
- main workout
- cool down and stretches
- components of exercise sessions, and how they can be used effectively for goals targeted by group sessions:
- exercise order
- volume and intensity of exercises
- repetitions and sets
- repetition tempo
- rest intervals
- training techniques that can be used in group exercise sessions, how they can be used, and considerations for their use:
- supersets
- interval training including high intensity interval training (HIIT)
- circuit training
- considerations for choreographing and cueing sequences of movements and exercises for group exercise sessions
- considerations for the use of music in instruction of group exercise sessions:
- licensing requirements
- tempo of music suited to different phases of exercise sessions and types of movements and exercises
- how different styles of music impact on participant motivation
- format and inclusions of documented group exercise session plans
- methods that can be used to evaluate effectiveness of group exercise sessions:
- participant and instructor evaluation questionnaires and reports
- discussions with instructors delivering sessions
- self-evaluation
- evaluation of complaints, problems and difficulties.
Assessment Conditions
Skills can be demonstrated in:
- the workplace, or
- a simulated workplace set up for the purpose of skills assessment.
Assessment must ensure the use of:
- information about the environment in which activities will be instructed to allow for appropriate session design
- template group exercise session plans
- template participant and instructor evaluation questionnaires and evaluation reports.
Assessors must:
- satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations requirements for assessors, and
- hold a Certificate III or IV in Fitness, and have a collective period of at least two years‘ experience working in fitness instruction, where they have applied the skills and knowledge covered in this unit of competency; the two years' experience can incorporate full and part time experience, or
- be a registered or accredited practising health or exercise professional with a degree and experience relevant to this unit of competency.
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=1ca50016-24d2-4161-a044-d3faa200268b