

Qualification details

RII20809 - Certificate II in Bituminous Surfacing (Release 2)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by RII20813 - Certificate II in Bituminous Surfacing 13/Nov/2013

ReleaseRelease date
2 (this release) 21/Mar/2012
(View details for release 1) 22/Jun/2011

Training packages that include this qualification

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
RIIOHS202A - Enter and work in confined spacesEnter and work in confined spacesSupersededN/A
RIIOHS205A - Control traffic with stop-slow batControl traffic with stop-slow batSupersededN/A
RIICBS207A - Take samples of materials used in road surfacingTake samples of materials used in road surfacingSupersededN/A
RIICBS206A - Conduct pavement sweeping operationsConduct pavement sweeping operationsSupersededN/A
RIISAM203B - Use hand and power toolsUse hand and power toolsSupersededN/A
RIICBS208A - Conduct road maintenance operationsConduct road maintenance operationsSupersededN/A
RIICBS202A - Hand spread asphaltHand spread asphaltSupersededN/A
RIISAM201A - Handle resources and infrastructure materials and safely dispose of non toxic materialsHandle resources and infrastructure materials and safely dispose of non toxic materialsSupersededN/A
RIISAM204B - Operate small plant and equipmentOperate small plant and equipmentSupersededN/A
RIICOM201A - Communicate in the workplaceCommunicate in the workplaceSupersededN/A
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 23


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 721200 Earthmoving Plant Operators 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 7111-11 General Construction Plant Operator 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0309 Civil Engineering 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 521 Certificate II 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Local Government Operational Works,Civil Construction 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Roads Maintenance Officer 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 721200 Earthmoving Plant Operators 02/Sep/2009 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 7111-11 General Construction Plant Operator 02/Sep/2009 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0309 Civil Engineering 02/Sep/2009 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 521 Certificate II 02/Sep/2009 
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Modification History

Not applicable.


This qualification reflects the role of individuals working in bituminous surfacing in the civil construction industry, performing routine tasks using practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge in a defined context, working under direct supervision.

Pathways Information

Not applicable.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.

Entry Requirements

Not applicable.

Employability Skills Summary

The following table includes a summary of the employability skills as identified by the resources and infrastructure industry for this qualification. The table should be interpreted in conjunction with the detailed requirements of each unit of competency packaged in this qualification. The outcomes required here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on packaging options.

Employability Skill 

Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include: 


  • speak clearly and directly
  • listen carefully to instructions and information
  • read and interpret work instructions and safety signs
  • calculate basic weights, distances and volumes
  • complete incident and maintenance reports
  • adjust communication style to meet the needs of people with diverse backgrounds


  • apply teamwork in a range of situations, particularly in a safety context
  • contribute to the planning and execution of operations
  • work cooperatively with people of different ages, gender, race, religion or political persuasion and people with disability
  • recognise and respond sensitively to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds


  • adjust work methods in response to changing weather and site conditions
  • participate in team solutions to safety issues

Initiative and enterprise

  • independently adapt to changing work conditions or different work areas
  • identify potential improvements to working practice and conditions
  • identify and assess risks in the workplace

Planning and organising

  • manage time and priorities to complete work
  • identify and obtain appropriate equipment and permits
  • identify potential hazards and prepare appropriate responses
  • follow procedures and techniques relevant to the equipment and work being done


  • take responsibility for planning and organising own work priorities and completing assigned tasks
  • monitor own performance to ensure work will be completed well and on time
  • understand the standard of work expected at a work site


  • be willing to learn new ways of working
  • seek information to improve performance from people and workplace documents like policies, procedures etc
  • understand equipment characteristics, technical capabilities, limitations and procedures


  • use technology to monitor and report on work progress
  • use communications technology appropriate to the workplace (email, mobile, radio, etc)
  • operate equipment safely

Packaging Rules

Requirements for completion of the qualification 

The following table provides the packaging rules for this qualification, followed by the list of relevant units of competency.

Successful completion of sixteen (16) units of competency made up of:

  • ten (10) Core units, and
  • six (6) elective units of which:
  • at least five (5) must come from the Group A electives listed below
  • up to one (1) unit may come from AQF level II III from this, or any other, Training Package or accredited course.

Units of competency chosen must:

  • be relevant to the competency requirements for the job function
  • reflect the competency profile for the occupation at the enterprise level
  • in the case of accredited course units of competency, not duplicate in part or in whole any unit from a Training Package.

Care must be taken to ensure that all prerequisites specified within imported units, or units chosen as electives, are complied with.

Core units of competency  

Unit code

Unit title


Conduct tack coat spraying operations


Safely handle bituminous materials


Carry out measurements and calculations


Read and interpret plans and specifications


Spread and compact materials manually


Communicate in the workplace


Work safely and follow OHS policies and procedures


Handle resources and infrastructure materials and safely dispose of non toxic materials


Use hand and power tools


Operate small plant and equipment

Group A Electives 

Unit code

Unit title


Plan and organise work


Hand spread asphalt


Conduct aggregate spreader box operations


Roll aggregate in sprayed sealing operations


Conduct pavement sweeping operations


Take samples of materials used in road surfacing


Conduct road maintenance operations


Conduct paver screeding operations


Carry out manual excavation


Support plant operations


Repair potholes


Enter and work in confined spaces


Control traffic with stop-slow bat