

Unit of competency details

RGRPSH201 - Handle racehorses in stables and at trackwork (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes RGRPSH201A - Handle horsesUpdated to meet Standards for Training Packages. Changes relating to merging two units to reflect job task. 04/Jul/2018
Supersedes RGRPSH208A - Attend horses at trackworkUpdated to meet Standards for Training Packages. Changes relating to merging two units to reflect job task. 04/Jul/2018

Release Status:
ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 05/Jul/2018

Qualifications that include this unit

CodeSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Title columnUsage RecommendationRelease
RGR20221 - Certificate II in Racing IndustryCertificate II in Racing IndustryCurrent
RGR20218 - Certificate II in Racing IndustryCertificate II in Racing IndustrySuperseded1-2 
RGR10118 - Certificate I in Racing (Stablehand)Certificate I in Racing (Stablehand)Current
RGR40518 - Certificate IV in Racing IntegrityCertificate IV in Racing IntegrityCurrent1-2 
RGR30218 - Certificate III in Racing (Stablehand)Certificate III in Racing (Stablehand)Current1-3 
RGR30318 - Certificate III in Racing (Driving Stablehand)Certificate III in Racing (Driving Stablehand)Current1-3 
RGR40318 - Certificate IV in Racing (Harness Race Driver)Certificate IV in Racing (Harness Race Driver)Current1-2 
RGR30619 - Certificate III in Horse BreedingCertificate III in Horse BreedingCurrent
RGR40221 - Certificate IV in Racing (Jockey)Certificate IV in Racing (Jockey)Current
RGR30418 - Certificate III in Racing ServicesCertificate III in Racing ServicesSuperseded
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 12

Accredited courses that have this unit in the completion mapping


SchemeCodeClassification value
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 050105 Animal Husbandry  

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 050105 Animal Husbandry  23/Aug/2018 
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Unit of competency

Modification History



Release 1

This version released with RGR Racing and Breeding Training Package Version 2.0.


This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to identify, safely catch, handle and control racehorses, and fit with appropriate gear.

The unit applies to individuals employed as stablehands, strappers, trainers and others authorised to handle standardbred or thoroughbred horses in work environments of racing stables, paddocks, yards, racetracks and public areas.

Competencies attained in this unit apply to the harness and thoroughbred codes of the industry. Consequently, when performance criteria are applied they will relate to the harness or thoroughbred code, and statements of attainment will reflect this distinction.

All work must be carried out to comply with workplace procedures, in accordance with applicable state/territory animal welfare and workplace health and safety legislative requirements.

Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit. Users are advised to check with the relevant Principal Racing Authority (PRA) for current requirements.

Pre-requisite Unit


Unit Sector

Performance services horse (PSH)

Elements and Performance Criteria


Performance Criteria 

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Identify physical features of racehorses

1.1 Describe key features used to identify racehorses, including body type, height, colour and markings, using racing industry terminology

1.2 Recognise individual racehorse features using racing industry standards, terminology, microchips, brands and registration documentation

2. Apply knowledge of racehorse behaviour

2.1 Describe common behaviours of racehorses and identify common and specific causes of those behaviours

2.2 Observe and interpret basic body language and common behaviours of racehorses in different situations

2.3 Identify responses of different horses to a range of different handling cues

2.4 Identify areas of personal risk and risks to horses and others, in various environments, including stables and training and racetracks

2.5 Interpret and respond appropriately to horse body language and behaviours and maintain awareness of all horses at all times

3. Safely approach, catch and lead racehorses

3.1 Check and clarify supervisor instructions for tasks involving approaching, catching and leading racehorses, including raising safety risks or concerns

3.2 Identify known temperament, behaviour and level of education of racehorses prior to handling

3.3 Assess risks associated with catching and leading a variety of racehorses in different environments

3.4 Identify, select and correctly fit appropriate horse gear and personal protective equipment for catching and leading racehorses

3.5 Approach, catch and lead racehorses using safe handling practices and body language that minimises adverse horse reactions

4. Select and correctly fit gear for trackwork

4.1 Select and correctly fit appropriate personal protective equipment

4.2 Identify and select gear for relevant racing code, and check for wear

4.3 Prepare horses for trackwork, including grooming and checking shoes and general health of horse

4.4 Fit horses with nominated approved gear within industry standard timeframes and prepare for work

4.5 Remove, check, clean and store gear according to stable procedures

5. Control racehorses in training at stables and trackwork

5.1 Assess risks associated with handling racehorses in public areas

5.2 Use safe leading, holding and controlling techniques for racehorses according to industry practices and animal welfare principles

5.3 Lead horses into cross ties and confined spaces, and secure using safe handling techniques

5.4 Carry out post-trackwork procedures safely according to supervisor's instructions

5.5 Minimise risk to self and others around racehorses in stables and trackwork environments

Foundation Skills

This section describes those language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential for performance in this unit of competency but are not explicit in the performance criteria.




  • Interpret stable forms, signage and instructions related to job role, including identification of horses and tasks

Oral communication

  • Use active listening and questioning techniques to clarify and confirm supervisor instructions
  • Use industry terminology to describe racehorses and handling gear and equipment

Navigate the world of work

  • Follow workplace procedures, including safety and animal welfare requirements, relating to own role and work area
  • Demonstrate a duty of care to self and others when working with racehorses

Get the work done

  • Assemble resources and follow clearly defined instructions, seeking assistance when necessary
  • Assess safety hazards and risks associated with catching, leading and handling racehorses; monitoring and responding to safety at all times

Range of Conditions

This section specifies different work environments and conditions that may affect performance. Essential operating conditions that may be present (depending on the work situation, needs of the individual, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) are included.

Gear for relevant racing code must include all items from the following list for the relevant code:

  • Harness code gear:
  • bridles
  • bits
  • driving boots: knee, tendon and bell
  • head checks
  • hopples
  • hopple shorteners
  • lugging poles
  • jog vehicles
  • pull up blinds
  • reins
  • removable deafeners
  • removable hoods
  • saddles
  • shoes
  • sulkies
  • head collars
  • leads
  • leading bits
  • towels
  • scrapers
  • rugs.


  • Thoroughbred code gear:
  • mounted track saddle
  • towel
  • saddle blanket
  • breastplate
  • bridle
  • martingale.

Unit Mapping Information

Code and title current version 

Code and title previous version 


Equivalence status 

RGRPSH201 Handle racehorses in stables and at trackwork

RGRPSH201A Handle horses

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages.

Changes relating to merging two units to reflect job task.

No equivalent unit

RGRPSH201 Handle racehorses in stables and at trackwork

RGRPSH208A Attend horses at trackwork

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages.

Changes relating to merging two units to reflect job task.

No equivalent unit


Companion Volumes, including Implementation Guides, are available at VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=5c4b8489-f7e1-463b-81c8-6ecce6c192a0


Assessment requirements

Modification History



Release 1

This version released with RGR Racing and Breeding Training Package Version 2.0.

Performance Evidence

An individual demonstrating competency in this unit must satisfy all of the elements and performance criteria of this unit.

There must be evidence that the individual has:

  • read brands and identified and distinguished at least four individual racehorses correctly using racing industry practices and terminology
  • confirmed, clarified and followed supervisor instructions
  • carried out a basic risk assessment prior to handling each racehorse, including applying knowledge of horse behaviour and body language
  • approached, caught, led and controlled, under supervision, three different racehorses, of different ages and temperaments, including:
  • in stables
  • onto training track
  • into cross ties
  • prepared at least four horses for trackwork, including grooming and checking health and shoes
  • selected and correctly fitted trackwork gear to four different racehorses, of different ages and temperaments, within industry accepted timeframes, and fitted own personal protective equipment
  • carried out post-trackwork procedures, including cooling down, removing gear, hosing and health checking for at least four different horses.

Knowledge Evidence

An individual must be able to demonstrate the knowledge required to perform the tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria of this unit. This includes knowledge of:

  • features and basic industry terminology used to identify horses, including:
  • physical features, including colour, markings, brands and size
  • gender
  • age – by reading brands
  • registration documentation
  • microchip
  • common racehorse characteristics, including:
  • temperament, behaviour and social traits, including undesirable traits
  • body language
  • response to commonly used cues
  • specific characteristics and responses of individual horses
  • racing industry safety requirements for interacting with horses, including:
  • safe operating procedures
  • hazard identification and risk control associated with catching and leading horses
  • remaining attentive and avoiding distractions including mobile phones and other devices while handling horses
  • applying knowledge of horse behaviour
  • use of personal protective equipment
  • applying relevant road safety rules
  • complying with rules of racing, and stable and training track policies, protocols and etiquette
  • approved working and racing gear for relevant code, and personal protective equipment for handler, including:
  • purpose of gear and personal protective equipment
  • correct fit for safety and comfort
  • indicators of condition – wear or damage
  • procedures for repair or replacement
  • basic principles of animal welfare and relevant rules of racing related to own work role and responsibilities in the racing industry
  • racing industry techniques for:
  • approaching and catching horses
  • leading horses
  • holding and controlling horses
  • fitting appropriate gear for racing code and preparing for trackwork
  • purpose of different items of catching and leading gear and personal protective equipment
  • racing work environments and related risks when handing horses, including in:
  • stables – stalls, tie-ups and confined spaces
  • track
  • public areas
  • yards
  • communication procedures within stable and wider racing industry, including reporting requirements in relation to handling horses safely.

Assessment Conditions

Assessment of skills must take place under the following conditions:

  • physical conditions:
  • safe handling areas, such as racing stables and racetracks
  • resources, equipment and materials:
  • a variety of standardbred or thoroughbred horses assessed as suitable for the experience and skill of the individual and the activity
  • personal protective equipment that is appropriate for activity and correctly fitted for individual
  • gear and tack appropriate for racehorse and activity
  • specifications:
  • work instructions and related documentation
  • relationships:
  • interactions with supervisor
  • other people and racehorses in the vicinity of the assessment activity.

Training and assessment strategies must show evidence of guidance provided in the Companion Volume: User Guide: Safety in Equine Training.

Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.


Companion Volumes, including Implementation Guides, are available at VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=5c4b8489-f7e1-463b-81c8-6ecce6c192a0