Modification History
Release 1. This is the first release of this qualification in the PUA Public Safety Training Package. |
Qualification Description
The PUA60519 Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Firefighting Management) is designed for firefighting professionals performing senior management responsibilities such as developing and implementing strategic plans, performing policy reviews and undertaking stakeholder engagement with government and non-government agencies. The role of a firefighter at this level is to manage larger and/or complex emergency incidents, to protect lives and to prevent the destruction of property and the environment. To prevent incidents from occurring and to improve community safety, a firefighter’s duties may include managing community safety and education strategies or programs and managing fire safety strategies and programs to ensure adherence to local fire regulations. This qualification includes the units of competency required by firefighters to perform senior firefighting management activities both in the workplace and in dealing with a variety of hazards. It typically involves the management of human resources, equipment, services and contingency measures. The fire sector is those sections of government departments, statutory authorities or organisations that have responsibility under jurisdictional arrangements for the delivery of firefighting and fire management services. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication. |
Entry Requirements
There are no entry requirements for this qualification. |
Packaging Rules
A total of 11 units of competency are required for this qualification, comprising
Choose a minimum of 5 elective units from the elective unit lists below A minimum of 1 elective unit must be chosen from Group A that relates to either fire and land management or air service fire operation agencies. Choose the remaining 1 elective unit from Group B or the elective unit lists below or elsewhere within this training package or another endorsed training package or accredited course. All elective units selected from outside this qualification must be from an equivalent qualification level or higher and must contribute to the vocational outcome of the qualification. Elective units selected must not duplicate content already covered by other units in this qualification. Where imported units are selected, care must be taken to ensure that all prerequisite units specified are complied with. Prerequisites attached to any of the units must be obtained and are additional to the number of units required for this qualification. Where a prerequisite is attached to a unit it is identified by the symbol ∟. By default, all prerequisites listed with ∟ become part of the core and elective units of this qualification. |
Core units |
Promote the organisation's mission and services ∟ PUACOM007 Liaise with other organisations |
Manage the organisation's public safety responsibilities |
Manage human resources ∟ PUAFIR503 Coordinate human resource management activities |
Manage financial resources ∟ PUAFIR505 Administer cost centre's financial resources |
Group A: Elective units *Fire and land management agencies require PUAOPE019A Control a Level 3 incident *Air services require PUAOPE024A Manage operations for a Level 3 incident |
Control a Level 3 incident ∟ PUAOPE018 Control a Level 2 incident |
Manage operations for a Level 3 incident ∟ PUAOPE023 Manage operations for a Level 2 incident |
Group B: Elective units |
Manage organisational communication strategies |
Develop and administer organisational policies, procedures and practices ∟ PUAFIR504 Assist with formulation and implementation of plans and policies |
Manage the implementation of community safety strategies ∟ PUAFIR509 Implement prevention strategies |
Establish and maintain the work, health and safety system |
Coordinate resources for a multi-agency incident |
Provide strategic safety advice at an incident |
Develop and administer organisational policies, procedures and practices |
Manage marketing requirements |
Build and sustain an innovative work environment |
Manage people performance |
Qualification Mapping Information
This qualification replaces and is equivalent to PUA60513 Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Firefighting Management). |
PUA Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide is found in VETNet -