

Qualification details

PUA30512 - Certificate III in Public Safety (SES Operations) (Release 2)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to PUA30510 - Certificate III in Public Safety (SES Operations)Packaging rules wording reviewed. Units updated. 16/Aug/2012
Is superseded by and equivalent to PUA30519 - Certificate III in Public Safety (SES Operations) 15/Jul/2019

ReleaseRelease date
2 (this release) 02/May/2013
(View details for release 1) 17/Aug/2012

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
TAEDEL301A - Provide work skill instructionProvide work skill instructionSupersededElective
TAEASS402B - Assess competenceAssess competenceSupersededElective
TAEASS401B - Plan assessment activities and processesPlan assessment activities and processesSupersededElective
PUAVEH001B - Drive vehicles under operational conditionsDrive vehicles under operational conditionsSupersededElective
PUATEA002B - Work autonomouslyWork autonomouslySupersededCore
PUAOPE015A - Conduct briefings and debriefingsConduct briefings and debriefingsSupersededCore
PUAMAN002B - Administer work group resourcesAdminister work group resourcesSupersededCore
PUAOPE014A - Navigate to an incidentNavigate to an incidentSupersededCore
PUALAW002B - Conduct initial investigation at incident sceneConduct initial investigation at incident sceneSupersededElective
PUACOM013B - Administer a local public safety groupAdminister a local public safety groupSupersededElective
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 11 - 20 of 26


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 441211 Emergency Service Worker 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 3911 Police Officers 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0911 Justice And Law Enforcement 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Fire and Rescue Services 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Police Liaison Officer 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 441211 Emergency Service Worker 03/Dec/2012 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 3911 Police Officers 03/Dec/2012 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0911 Justice And Law Enforcement 03/Dec/2012 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 514 Certificate III 17/Aug/2012 
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Modification History


TP version 



PUA12 V2.1

Imported units updated.


PUA12 v1

New release of existing qualification from PUA00 v8.1: PUA30510. Packaging rules wording revised, imported units updated. Equivalent.


Not applicable.

Pathways Information

Pathways into the qualification and pathways from the qualification 

Within the SES sector, pathways into and from qualifications are based on organisational requirements and capabilities, as well as the requirement to meet unit of competency pre-requisites.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.

Entry Requirements

Not applicable.

Employability Skills Summary

Employability Skills are part of a unit of competency.

Employability Skills statements from a selection of units of competency from the PUA30512 Certificate III in Public Safety (SES Operations) have been reproduced in the table below.

This table provides an example of Employability Skills for the qualification because Employability Skills within a qualification will vary depending on the qualification packaging options.

Public Safety qualifications have core units (which must be achieved) and elective units (where there is a choice of units which must be achieved) so different Employability Skills Summaries are possible within the one qualification, depending on the package of core units and chosen elective units.

Employability Skill 

Employability Skills Statement 


  • communicate effectively
  • disseminate gathered information to appropriate personnel within the specified timeframe
  • identify information needs and sources
  • interview
  • make contributions to participative arrangements in the workplace within organisational procedures and scope of responsibilities and competencies
  • present information, which may include routine and complex reports and submissions, briefing notes, ministerials, proposals, project plans, articles and promotional material
  • recommend improving the information system and submit this to designated persons/groups
  • use information in a format suitable for analysis, interpretation and dissemination


  • collect information that is timely and relevant to the needs of individuals/teams
  • determine and identify the information needs of individuals/teams and the sources
  • develop networks and relationships and liaise effectively
  • develop relationships
  • establish formal and informal networks
  • mentor and coach
  • participate in regular meetings and forums to support mutual cooperation

Problem solving 

  • allocate resources to facilitate required outcomes
  • interpret cartographic information, navigation techniques, local and environmental conditions to determine and plan a safe and timely route
  • recognise hazards in the work area, rectify them where possible and report to designated personnel according to workplace procedures
  • review activity against the policies, practices and training of the organisation to identify any discrepancies
  • review information held by the organisation to determine suitability and accessibility
  • solve problems to support analysis

Initiative and enterprise 

  • modify route to address prevailing conditions and, if required, initiate alternate strategies
  • obtain information which is not available or accessible within the organisation
  • raise occupational health and safety issues with designated personnel in accordance with workplace procedures and relevant occupational health and safety legislation

Planning and organising 

  • analyse information to identify relevant trends and developments in terms of the needs for which it was acquired
  • monitor and evaluate resource usage against targets and organisational standards
  • plan and prepare a briefing/debriefing in accordance with organisation’s policy and procedures
  • store equipment stock and supplies in accordance with organisation’s policy and procedures


  • maintain personal safety and safety of others
  • monitor individual performance against defined performance requirements and take appropriate action to maintain performance if required
  • provide feedback on own performance as required
  • report the results of information gathering, analysis and synthesis within specified timeframes and to the standard defined by the organisation
  • store equipment stock and supplies in accordance with organisation’s policy and procedures


  • learn about organisation’s policies
  • learn about organisation’s procedures for activity debriefing
  • learn about practices and training processes in relation to activity
  • maintain records of resource allocation and usage in accordance with relevant legislation and organisational guidelines


  • analyse, which may include application of statistical methods, mathematical calculations
  • use collection techniques such as databases
  • use computers, communication channels, records management, market trends, registries and file records, basic statistical information
  • use information storage requirements and methods
  • use management information systems to store and retrieve data for decision making
  • use technology available in the work area/organisation to manage information

Packaging Rules

12 units of competency are required for this qualification including:

  • 7 core units
  • 5 elective units

Choose a minimum of 3 elective units from the list below.

Choose the remaining 2 elective units from either the list below, or from elsewhere within this training package, or another endorsed training package, or accredited course.

All elective units selected from outside this qualification must be from an equivalent qualification level or higher.

Elective units selected must not duplicate content already covered by other units in this qualification.

Where a pre-requisite unit is attached to a unit it is identified by this symbol ∟.

The pre-requisite units attached to any of the units must be undertaken and are additional to the number of units required for the qualification.


Core Units 


Manage information


Liaise with other organisations


Administer work group resources


Follow defined occupational health and safety policies and procedures


Navigate to an incident


Conduct briefings and debriefings


Work autonomously


Elective Units 


Provide services to clients


Foster a positive organisational image in the community


Plan and conduct a public awareness program


Develop and organise public safety awareness programs


Liaise with media at a local level


Administer a local public safety group


Manage and evaluate emergency management exercises


Design emergency management exercises


Protect and preserve incident scene


Conduct initial investigation at incident scene


Give evidence in a judicial or quasi-judicial setting


Control a Level 1 incident


Plan, activate and maintain a communications network

∟ PUAOPE013A Operate communications systems and equipment


Drive vehicles under operational conditions


Provide work skill instruction

For the purposes of gaining a qualification the following three units count as one unit*: 


Plan assessment activities and processes


Contribute to assessment



Assess competence


Participate in assessment validation