

Skill set details

PSPSS00006 - Operate in Customer Contact Environment Skill Set (Release 2)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by and equivalent to PSPSS00024 - Operate in Customer Contact Environment Skill Set 31/Oct/2012

ReleaseRelease date
2 (this release) 07/Mar/2012
(View details for release 1) 05/May/2009

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Modification History

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Pathways Information

These units provide credit towards PSP42210 Certificate IV in Government (Workplace Relations) and other public sector qualifications at Certificate IV level.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.

Skill Set Requirements


Administer customer contact telecommunications technology


Deliver a service to customers


Work effectively in a contact centre environment

Target Group

This skill set is for those with a relevant professional or vocational qualification or commensurate industry skills as evaluated through recognition of prior learning processes. It provides the skills and knowledge required to operate in customer contact environments.

Suggested words for Statement of Attainment

These units meet industry requirements for those working in customer contact centre environments.