

Qualification details

PSP60816 - Advanced Diploma of Translating (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by PSP60822 - Advanced Diploma of TranslatingNon Equivalent. Qualification Code updated. Changes to Packaging Rules, Specialisations, core and elective units. 20/Nov/2022
Supersedes PSP61012 - Advanced Diploma of TranslatingPSP unit codes updated. Imported units updated. Units required to complete qualification increased to 13. Core unit requirement decreased and units updated. Elective unit list increased and groups added. 06/Mar/2016

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 07/Mar/2016

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
SITXLAN3428 - Read and write documents in a language other than English (Australian Indigenous languages)Read and write documents in a language other than English (Australian Indigenous languages)SupersededElective
SITXLAN3304 - Read and write information in a language other than English (Dutch)Read and write information in a language other than English (Dutch)SupersededElective
SITXLAN3309 - Read and write information in a language other than English (Hindi)Read and write information in a language other than English (Hindi)SupersededElective
SITXLAN3317 - Read and write information in a language other than English (Portuguese)Read and write information in a language other than English (Portuguese)SupersededElective
PSPTIS002 - Build glossaries for translating and interpreting assignmentsBuild glossaries for translating and interpreting assignmentsSupersededElective
SITXLAN3311 - Read and write information in a language other than English (Italian)Read and write information in a language other than English (Italian)SupersededElective
PSPTIS067 - Demonstrate complex written LOTE proficiency in different subjects and cultural contextsDemonstrate complex written LOTE proficiency in different subjects and cultural contextsSupersededElective
PSPTIS070 - Prepare translated transcriptsPrepare translated transcriptsSupersededElective
SITXLAN3425 - Read and write documents in a language other than English (Turkish)Read and write documents in a language other than English (Turkish)SupersededElective
SITXLAN3319 - Read and write information in a language other than English (Serbian)Read and write information in a language other than English (Serbian)SupersededElective
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 31 - 40 of 71


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 272413 Translator 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0915 Language And Literature 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 411 Advanced Diploma 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Government Administration 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Translators 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 272413 Translator 09/Aug/2016 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0915 Language And Literature 09/Aug/2016 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 411 Advanced Diploma 07/Mar/2016 
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Modification History




This qualification was released in PSP Public Sector Training Package release 1.0 and meets the Standards for Training Packages.

This qualification supersedes and is not equivalent to PSP61012 Advanced Diploma of Translating.

  • PSP unit codes updated
  • Imported units updated
  • Units required to complete qualification increased to 13
  • Core unit requirement decreased and units updated
  • Elective unit list increased and groups added

Qualification Description

This qualification covers the competencies required to translate special purpose texts from one language to another, to convey information written using specific terminology for a specific audience in functionally equivalent translated texts that are accurate and appropriate to the context, target audience and end use.

The Advanced Diploma of Translating prepares translators to translate texts where there may be significant equivalence problems between source and target text, the subject of the text has its own specific terminology, or there is need to undertake extensive research and translate complex language and concepts. Specific audiences may be found in commerce and marketing, government and international relations – including immigration, both regular and humanitarian – the media, and sectors generally considered to be professional, such as law, health and medicine, technology and science. Assignments may deal with material which requires significant quality assurance processes as the consequences of mistranslation can be far reaching.

The English to LOTE specialisation is applicable to candidates whose strongest language is their LOTE.

The LOTE to English specialisation is applicable to candidates whose strongest language is English.

The LOTE-English both directions specialisation is applicable to candidates who have equal facility in both their LOTE and English.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Additional qualification advice 

Where a SITXLAN unit is chosen from Group C or D, the qualification title on the resultant testamur must include the specific LOTE of the SITXLAN unit: Advanced Diploma of Translating (LOTE of chosen SITXLAN unit to English) e.g. Advanced Diploma of Translating (Hindi to English) or (English to Hindi) or (Hindi-English both directions).

Where PSPTIS067 is chosen from Group D, or the general LOTE to English specialisation is chosen, the resultant testamur must be titled: Advanced Diploma of Translating (LOTE to English) or (English to LOTE) or (LOTE-English both directions), and the following wording may be added: “This qualification was assessed in (language).”

Where SITXLAN3328 is chosen from Group C, or SITXLN3428 is chosen from Group D, the resultant testamur must be titled: Advanced Diploma of Translating (Australian Indigenous languages to English) or (English to Australian Indigenous languages) or (Australian Indigenous languages-English both directions), and the following wording may be added: “This qualification was assessed in (language).”

Packaging Rules

13 units of competency are required for this qualification:

  • 5 core units
  • 8 elective units

The candidate is required to choose either the English to LOTE, the LOTE to English or the LOTE-English both directions specialisation.


English to LOTE specialisation:

  • 2 units from Group A
  • no more than 1 unit from Group D
  • 5 elective units

Choose a minimum of 4 electives from the list below.

Choose the remaining 1 elective unit from the list below, or from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.

General LOTE to English specialisation:

  • 3 units from Group B
  • 5 elective units

Choose a minimum of 4 electives from the list below

Choose the remaining 1 elective unit from the list below, or from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.

LOTE to English specialisation:

  • 3 units from Group B
  • no more than 1 unit from Group C
  • 4 elective units

Choose a minimum of 3 electives from the list below.

Choose the remaining 1 elective unit from the list below, or from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.

LOTE-English both directions specialisation:

  • 2 units from Group A
  • 3 units from Group B
  • no more than 1 unit from Group D
  • 2 elective units

Choose a minimum of 1 elective from the list below.

Choose the remaining 1 elective unit from the list below, or from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.

All elective units selected from outside this qualification must reflect the occupational and learning outcomes of this AQF qualification level. Seek further advice on selecting imported units of competency in the Implementation Guide.

Elective units selected must not duplicate content already covered by other units in this qualification. 

Core units 


Apply codes and standards to professional judgement


Negotiate translating and interpreting assignments


Analyse text types for translation of special purpose texts (LOTE-English)


Quality assure translations


Edit texts

Elective units 

Group A: English to LOTE specialisation 


Translate special purpose texts from English to LOTE


Read and analyse special purpose English texts to be translated

Group B: LOTE to English specialisation 


Translate special purpose texts from LOTE to English


Read and analyse special purpose LOTE texts to be translated


Demonstrate complex written English proficiency in different subjects and cultural contexts

Group C: LOTE specialisation 


Read and write information in a language other than English (Arabic)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Indonesian)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Dutch)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Finnish)


Read and write information in a language other than English (French)


Read and write information in a language other than English (German)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Greek)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Hindi)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Hungarian)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Italian)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Japanese)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Korean)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Malay)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Mandarin)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Polish)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Portuguese)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Russian)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Serbian)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Spanish)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Swedish)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Swiss German)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Thai)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Turkish)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Croatian)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Bosnian)


Read and write information in a language other than English (Australian Indigenous languages)

Group D: LOTE specialisation 


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Arabic)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Indonesian)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Dutch)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Finnish)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (French)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (German)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Greek)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Hindi)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Hungarian)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Italian)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Japanese)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Korean)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Malay)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Mandarin)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Polish)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Portuguese)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Russian)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Serbian)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Spanish)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Swedish)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Swiss German)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Thai)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Turkish)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Croatian)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Bosnian)


Read and write documents in a language other than English (Australian Indigenous languages)


Demonstrate complex written LOTE proficiency in different subjects and cultural contexts

Group E: General elective units 


Build glossaries for translating and interpreting assignments


Translate and certify non-narrative texts


Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices


Maintain and enhance professional practice


Prepare translated transcripts


Translate multimedia source material


Use translation technology


Provide mentoring support to colleagues

Qualification Mapping Information

This qualification supersedes and is not equivalent to PSP61012 Advanced Diploma of Translating.


Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=bebbece7-ff48-4d2c-8876-405679019623

Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=bebbece7-ff48-4d2c-8876-405679019623

Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=bebbece7-ff48-4d2c-8876-405679019623

Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=bebbece7-ff48-4d2c-8876-405679019623