

Training package details

PMA02 - Chemical, Hydrocarbons And Oil Refining Training Package (Superseded by PMA08) (Release 1.0)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by PMA08 - Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining Training Package 27/Aug/2008
Supersedes PMA98 - Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Oil Refining (Superseded by PMA02) 09/Dec/2002

ReleaseRelease dateApproval process
1.0 1.0 (this release) 25/Nov/2002

Following the establishment of the new training package development process, any references to the former Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) or Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) found in the content of this training package or its components should be referred to the Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) listed below.

Training Package Developer

Manufacturing Industry Skills Alliance 



Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate I'Qualification Level: Certificate I

 PMA10102 - Certificate I in Process Plant SkillsCertificate I in Process Plant SkillsDeleted
 PMA10202 - Certificate I in Process SupportCertificate I in Process SupportDeleted

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate II'Qualification Level: Certificate II

 PMA20102 - Certificate II in Process Plant OperationsCertificate II in Process Plant OperationsSuperseded
 PMA20202 - Certificate II in Process SupportCertificate II in Process SupportDeleted

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate III'Qualification Level: Certificate III

 PMA30102 - Certificate III in Process Plant OperationsCertificate III in Process Plant OperationsSuperseded
 PMA30202 - Certificate III in Process SupportCertificate III in Process SupportDeleted

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate IV'Qualification Level: Certificate IV

 PMA40102 - Certificate IV in Process Plant TechnologyCertificate IV in Process Plant TechnologySuperseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Diploma'Qualification Level: Diploma

 PMA50102 - Diploma of Process Plant TechnologyDiploma of Process Plant TechnologySuperseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Advanced Diploma'Qualification Level: Advanced Diploma

 PMA60102 - Advanced Diploma of Process Plant TechnologyAdvanced Diploma of Process Plant TechnologySuperseded

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing the units of competency related to this training package. by the Code columnTitleUsageReleaseSort Table listing the units of competency related to this training package. by the Release column
PMAOHS100A - Follow OHS proceduresFollow OHS proceduresDeleted
PMAOHS100C - Follow OHS proceduresFollow OHS proceduresDeleted
PMAOHS110A - Respond to emergency situationRespond to emergency situationDeleted
PMAOHS110B - Respond to emergency situationRespond to emergency situationDeleted
PMAOHS200A - Participate in workplace safety proceduresParticipate in workplace safety proceduresDeleted
PMAOHS200B - Participate in workplace OHS proceduresParticipate in workplace OHS proceduresDeleted
PMAOHS210A - Undertake first response to non-fire incidentsUndertake first response to non-fire incidentsDeleted
PMAOHS210B - Undertake first response to non-fire incidentsUndertake first response to non-fire incidentsDeleted
PMAOHS211A - Prepare equipment for emergency responsePrepare equipment for emergency responseSuperseded
PMAOHS212A - Undertake first response to fire incidentsUndertake first response to fire incidentsDeleted
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 185
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This is an archived training product. It has been made available for the purpose of disseminating historical information. The PDF version of this archived training product is, for all purposes, to be taken as the complete and accurate version. If you are unable to access an archived training product please contact us for an alternative format, using the Contact link below.

The comparison tools cannot be used to compare archived training components