Unit of competency details
MSFKB3001 - Identify processes in kitchen and bathroom projects (Release 1)
Usage recommendation:
1 1 (this release) |
10/Dec/2013 |
Companion volumes:
Unit of competency
Assessment requirements
Training packages that include this unit
Qualifications that include this unit
Classification history
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier | 030113 | Cabinet Making | 02/May/2014 | |
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Unit of competency
Modification History
Release 1 - New unit of competency
This unit of competency covers identifying the processes used in new and renovated kitchen and bathroom projects. Identification includes key stages, service providers and quality elements that typically characterise a project concerned with the development of kitchens and bathrooms.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Pre-requisite Unit
Competency Field
Unit Sector
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes.
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
Identify key stages of a kitchen and bathroom renovation project
Processes engaged in a site assessment for kitchen and bathroom renovation projects are identified and relevance for work determined
Elements of a project design brief for renovation work are identified
Project plan and contracting and legislative requirements for renovation work are identified
Sequence of work for renovations is determined
Identify key stages of a new kitchen and bathroom project
Processes for engaging in a site assessment for new kitchen and bathroom projects are identified and the relevance for work determined
Elements of a project design brief for new work are identified
Project plan and contracting and legislative requirements for new work are identified
Sequence for new work is determined
Identify the services to be provided by other personnel and companies for kitchen and bathroom projects
Services to be provided by tradespeople in kitchen and bathroom projects are identified
Other services involved in kitchen and bathroom projects are identified
Examine quality elements for kitchen and bathroom projects
Key information resources for kitchen and bathroom projects are determined and accessed
Manufacturing processes used for cabinet construction are identified and features and benefits of techniques are explained
Sources for supply of materials, fixtures and fittings are identified
Market standards for finish quality and relate to own work environment and requirements are determined
Foundation Skills
Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency. Detail on appropriate performance levels for each furnishing unit of competency in reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy utilising the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) are provided in the Furnishing Training Package Implementation Guide.
Range of Conditions
Specifies different work environments and conditions that may affect performance. Essential operating conditions that may be present (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) are included. Range is restricted to essential operating conditions and any other variables essential to the work environment.
Unit context includes:
- work health and safety (WHS) requirements, including legislation, building codes, material safety management systems, hazardous and dangerous goods codes, and local safe operating procedures or equivalent
- work is carried out in accordance with legislative obligations, environmental legislation, relevant health regulations, manual handling procedures and organisation insurance requirements
- work requires individual to demonstrate some discretion, judgement and problem solving
- work situations are where a person must have the skill and knowledge to properly identify the stages and processes used in installing or renovating kitchen and bathrooms. Examples would be tradespeople engaged in kitchen and bathroom work, sales advisers and designers who advise clients in kitchen and bathroom projects
Processes engaged in a site assessment include:
- assessing structural aspects, including flooring, walls, ceiling, roof construction, other structural features, windows and doors, which may impact on design or installation work
- identifying architectural styles or features
- determining material use, including use of asbestos
- gaining access
- services, such as ventilation, plumbing, drainage, power and lighting
- waterproofing
- demolition requirements
- assessing building information, plans, drawings and materials data
- assessing levels and squareness of walls and floors
- conducting measurements
Design brief includes:
- client needs and objectives
- client aims and objectives, and criteria for evaluation
- milestones
- functional requirements
- budget
- timeline
- consultation requirements
- colour requirements
Project plan requirements include:
- sequence of operations
- budget
- timelines
- allocation and delivery of resources
- contingencies
Tradespeople in kitchen projects include:
- plumbers
- tilers
- cabinetmakers
- flooring specialists
- builders
- electricians
Tradespeople in bathroom projects include:
- builders
- plumbers
- tilers
- waterproofing specialists
- glaziers
- electricians
Other services include:
- designers
- architects
- material and component suppliers
- contractors
- colour consultants
- stone workers
Key information resources include:
- trade magazines
- brochures
- building organisations
- design organisations
- internet
- workplace procedures relating to the use of tools and equipment
- work instructions, including job sheets, cutting lists, plans, drawings and designs
- workplace procedures relating to reporting and communication
- manufacturer specifications and operational procedures
Manufacturing processes include:
- hand manufacture
- computer numerically controlled (CNC) machining
- mass production
- solid wood production
- flat panel construction
- custom design
- importation
Finish quality includes:
- materials
- design
- costs
- new technologies
- components
Personal protective equipment includes:
- that prescribed under legislation, regulations and enterprise policies and practices
Unit Mapping Information
Supersedes and is equivalent to LMFKB3001A Identify processes in kitchen and bathroom projects.
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=0601ab95-583a-4e93-b2d4-cfb27b03ed73
Assessment requirements
Modification History
Release 1 - New unit of competency
Performance Evidence
- Interpret new and renovation kitchen and bathroom project design project briefs, including establishing the correct sequence of manufacture and installation operations
- Determine the processes involved in kitchen and bathroom renovation or new manufacture and installation, including the services required from relevant key trades in the kitchen and bathroom industry
- Determine quality cabinet and other component requirements to meet project design brief outcomes and establish sources of suitable components and services to undertake the work
- Use mathematical ideas and techniques to correctly complete measurements, calculate area and estimate material requirements
- Communicate ideas and information to enable confirmation of work requirements and specifications and the reporting of work outcomes and problems, interpret basic plans and follow safety procedures
- Avoid backtracking, work flow interruptions or wastage
- Work with others and in a team by recognising dependencies and using cooperative approaches to optimise work flow and productivity
Knowledge Evidence
- Roles of trades in the kitchen and bathroom industry
- Roles of other service providers to the kitchen and bathroom industries
- Planning processes relevant to the kitchen and bathroom industries
- Processes used for the construction of cabinets
- Features of cabinets and components used in kitchen and bathroom projects
- Supply chains for kitchen and bathroom components and materials
- Market and industry standards
- Qualities of renovation and new work projects
Assessment Conditions
- hold training and assessment competencies as determined by the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) or its successors
- have vocational competency in the furnishing industry at least to the level being assessed with broad industry knowledge and experience, usually combined with a relevant industry qualification
- be familiar with the current skills and knowledge used and have relevant, current experience in the furnishing industry.
- Assessment methods must confirm consistency of performance over time rather than a single assessment event and in a range of workplace relevant contexts. Evidence should be demonstrated in identifying processes for meeting at least one (1) new kitchen or bathroom design brief and at least one (1) kitchen or bathroom renovation project.
- Assessment must be by observation of relevant tasks with questioning on underpinning knowledge and, where applicable, supervisor’s reports, completed kitchen and bathroom projects and related work samples.
- Assessment is to be conducted on single units of competency or in conjunction with other related units of competency. Foundation skills are integral to competent performance in the unit and should not be assessed separately.
- Assessment must occur on the job or in a workplace simulated facility with relevant process, equipment, materials, work instructions and deadlines.
- Access is required to information resources on kitchen and bathroom projects.
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=0601ab95-583a-4e93-b2d4-cfb27b03ed73