Unit of competency details
ICTTEN208 - Use electrical skills when working with telecommunications networks (Release 1)
Usage recommendation:
1 1 (this release) |
30/Aug/2019 |
Companion volumes:
Unit of competency
Assessment requirements
Training packages that include this unit
Qualifications that include this unit
Skill sets that include this unit
Accredited courses that have this unit in the completion mapping
Classification history
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier | 031309 | Communications Equipment Installation And Maintenance | 04/Oct/2019 | |
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Unit of competency
Modification History
Release 1
This version released with ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package Version 5.0.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to use electrical skills when working with analog and digital, cabling and wireless networks in telecommunications.
It applies to entry-level workers who undertake basic testing, circuit building, and evaluation of cable and wireless devices, and who may work in domestic, commercial or industrial situations.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Unit Sector
Telecommunications – Telecommunications Networks Engineering
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes.
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
1 Connect, test and verify alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) circuitry
1.1 Identify work health and safety (WHS) issues and notify appropriate personnel
1.2 Connect a series and a parallel circuit following safe work practices
1.3 Choose appropriate test equipment and measure voltage (V), current (I) and resistance (Ω) values for the electricity in these circuits
1.4 Use calculations to verify the flow of electrical current in these circuits
1.5 Compare measured values to calculated values and determine reasons for any variations
1.6 Measure low voltage (LV), extra low voltage (ELV) or telecommunications network voltage (TNV) and determine if values are within equipment or power supply specifications
1.7 Use appropriate test equipment to measure AC voltage (multimeter) or AC current (clamp meter) in a safe manner that does not require an LV circuit to be disconnected
1.8 Test residual current devices (RCD) or earth leakage devices to ensure they are operational prior to working with AC mains powered equipment, power supplies and tools
1.9 Evaluate results and determine probable faults as required
2. Evaluate analog and digital signals
2.1 Compare characteristics of an analog signal and a digital signal
2.2 Produce a layout using building blocks to represent a typical analog and a typical digital circuit to show different characteristics
3. Perform cable selection
3.1 Compare basic transmission characteristics, resistance, impedance and effects of signal frequency of different types of cables and select the most appropriate type to suit application
3.2 Connect two devices with a patch cable and test the connection
Foundation Skills
This section describes those language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to performance, but not explicit in the performance criteria.
- Interprets textual information to inform decision-making process
- Uses industry specific language to produce technical documentation
Oral Communication
- Articulates specific concerns and issues clearly and listens to and acts on responses of others
- Performs basic calculations to check data, make predictions and make comparisons
- Selects and uses appropriate tools to take measurements, analyse results and perform calculations
Navigate the world of work
- Follows legislative requirements and enterprise protocols, policies and procedures relevant to own role
Get the work done
- Determines job sequence and works logically and systematically to undertake clearly defined tasks
- Identifies task requirements to decide on appropriate equipment and practices
- Applies problem-solving processes within scope of own role to locate and resolve faults
Unit Mapping Information
No equivalent unit. Supersedes and is not equivalent to ICTTEN201 Use electrical skills in telecommunications work.
Companion Volume Implementation Guides are available from VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=a53af4e4-b400-484e-b778-71c9e9d6aff2
Assessment requirements
Modification History
Release 1
This version released with ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package Version 5.0.
Performance Evidence
The candidate must demonstrate the ability to perform the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria, and foundation skills, and to:
- use fundamental electrical principles to solve basic AC and DC electrical problems
- connect and test an AC and a DC circuit
- respond to test results found to be out of expected specifications.
Note: Evidence must be provided at least once when a specific volume or frequency is not stated.
Knowledge Evidence
The candidate must demonstrate the knowledge required to perform the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria, and foundation skills, which includes knowledge about:
- legislative requirements and enterprise protocols, policies and procedures relevant to work activity
- principles of AC and DC electricity and how it impacts telecommunications work including:
- AC and DC electrical SI units of measurement
- work health and safety (WHS) issues including extra low voltage and high voltage precautions
- principles of Ohm’s law and other relevant calculations for single path circuits
- circuit configuration
- common AC and DC faults, fault-finding techniques, and procedures for the use and care of testing equipment
- application of binary to decimal conversion and vice versa
- principles of analog and digital electronics and building blocks common to analog and digital circuits
- distinction between analog and digital signals and devices
- electrical current, electromotive force (EMF), AC and DC electrical current
- features and applications of cable types such as single sheathed cable, unshielded twisted pair (UTP), coaxial and fibre cables
- electronic devices, cable types and their applications
- basic characteristics found in AC waveforms
- techniques to convert analog to digital and digital to analog
- characteristics of signal transmission
- common telecommunications cables and their characteristics of use and application.
Assessment Conditions
Skills must be assessed in a workplace or simulated environment where conditions are typical of those in a telecommunications work environment or workplace.
Access is required to:
- appropriate AC and DC testing equipment commonly used in telecommunications work
- manufacturer documentation and equipment
- safety personal protective equipment (PPE).
Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
Companion Volume Implementation Guides are available from VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=a53af4e4-b400-484e-b778-71c9e9d6aff2