Modification History
Release |
Comments |
Release 1 |
This version released with ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package Version 5.0. |
Qualification Description
This is an entry-level qualification for telecommunications technology operators who may:
- install telecommunications equipment, data cabling and cabling products on customer premises
- perform fault-finding on a limited range of digital reception equipment for both cable television and free-to-air television reception, for either a customer or an enterprise
- install and maintain telecommunications radio communications equipment in base stations and connect wireless base stations
- install and maintain telecommunications equipment on high structures including radio towers or for installation and connection of wireless base stations.
The qualification is suited to an individual undertaking work experience, or in a probationary period in employment.
It is particularly applicable to school-based delivery as an entry-level pathway to employment and is suitable as an Australian traineeship or apprenticeship pathway, except for the units of competency that involve high-risk work age restrictions.
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Work functions in the occupational areas where this qualification may be used are subject to regulatory requirements. Refer to the ICT Information and Communications Technology Companion Volume Implementation Guide or the relevant regulator for details of licensing, legislative or certification requirements.
Cabling at the customer premises must be carried out according to requirements of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) and relevant industry registration bodies, and in line with the specifications of the access network owner.
High risk work (HRW) licences are required for dogging work and rigging as outlined on the Safe Work Australia website.
The model WHS Regulations require people performing HRW to be over 18 years of age and to hold the right HRW licence. HRW licences are issued by state/territory governments: refer to the relevant body to ensure compliance with regulations.
Entry Requirements
Packaging Rules
Total number of units = 13
7 core units, plus
6 elective units
The elective units selected may consist of:
- up to 6 units from any group of elective units listed below according to the specialisation packaging rules, outlined below, where a specialisation is the required outcome
- up to 2 units from this Training Package or any currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course where the units are packaged in an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 2 or 3 qualification.
Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the integrity of the AQF alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.
Units selected from other Training Packages or accredited courses must not duplicate units selected from, or available within, the ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package.
Core units
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers
ICTTEN202 Use hand and power tools
ICTTEN207 Install and test internet protocol devices in convergence networks
ICTTEN208 Use electrical skills when working with telecommunications networks
ICTTEN211 Work effectively in a telecommunications network environment
ICTWHS204 Follow work health and safety and environmental policy and procedures
ICTWOR202 Work effectively in the digital and telecommunications industry
Elective units
Group A Cabling
ICTCBL205 Joint metallic conductor cable on customer premises
ICTCBL206 Alter services to existing cable system
ICTCBL210 Install a telecommunications service to a building
ICTCBL211 Install an above ground equipment enclosure
ICTCBL212 Erect aerial cable supports
ICTCBL219 Apply safe technical work practices for cabling registration when configuring an ADSL circuit
ICTCBL239 Install customer cable support systems
ICTCBL240 Place and secure customer cable
ICTCBL241 Terminate metallic conductor customer cable
ICTCBL242 Install functional and protective telecommunications earthing system
ICTCBL246 Install, maintain and modify customer premises communications cabling: ACMA Restricted Rule*
ICTCBL249 Haul underground cable for installation and maintenance work
ICTCBL250 Haul and fix aerial cable
ICTCBL251 Install aerial and underground cable lead-ins
ICTCBL252 Joint and terminate coaxial cable
ICTCBL253 Construct underground telecommunications infrastructure
ICTCBL254 Joint metallic conductor cable in access network
ICTCBL330 Splice and terminate optical fibre cable for telecommunications projects
ICTCMP201 Organise and monitor cabling to ensure compliance with regulatory and industry standards
ICTCMP203 Perform restricted customer premises broadband cabling work: ACMA Restricted Rule*
Group B Networking
ICTTEN203 Install and configure a home or small office network
ICTTEN204 Install and configure a small to medium business network
ICTTEN205 Build and maintain a secure network
ICTTEN206 Operate new media software packages
Group C Radio Communications
ICTRFN201 Install a satellite antenna
ICTRFN202 Install a terrestrial antenna
ICTRFN304 Construct and test a radio communications device
Group D Rigging
ICTTCR201 Use rigging practices and systems on telecommunications network structures
ICTTCR202 Use operational safety in a telecommunications rigging environment
ICTTCR203 Use safe rigging practices to climb and perform rescues on telecommunications network structures
CPCCLDG3001A Licence to perform dogging
CPCCLRG3001A Licence to perform rigging basic level*
Group E General
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID003 Provide first aid
ICTICT206 Install software applications
ICTPMG201 Prepare site for support installation
ICTPMG202 Plan, organise and undertake work activities
ICTSAS203 Connect hardware peripherals
ICTWHS201 Provide telecommunications services safely on roofs
ICTWHS202 Work safely in a radio frequency electromagnetic radiation environment
ICTWHS205 Work safely near power infrastructure at a telecommunications workplace
UETTDREL14A Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker
*Note the following prerequisite unit requirements:
Prerequisite unit requirements in this qualification |
Unit in this qualification |
Prerequisite unit |
CPCCLRG3001A Licence to perform rigging basic level |
CPCCLDG3001A Licence to perform dogging |
ICTCBL246 Install, maintain and modify customer premises communications cabling: ACMA Restricted Rule |
ICTTEN208 Use electrical skills when working with telecommunications networks ICTWHS204 Follow work health and safety and environmental policy and procedures |
ICTCMP203 Perform restricted customer premises broadband cabling work: ACMA Restricted Rule |
ICTCBL246 Install, maintain and modify customer premises communications cabling: ACMA Restricted Rule OR ICTCBL239 Install customer cable support systems and ICTCBL240 Place and secure customer cable and ICTCBL241 Terminate metallic conductor customer cable and ICTCMP201 Organise and monitor cabling to ensure compliance with regulatory and industry standards |
Where relevant, specialisations can be used for this qualification in:
- cabling
- networking
- radio communications
- rigging
- telecommunications cabling.
The achievement of a specialisation will be identified on testamurs as follows:
- ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology (Cabling)
- ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology (Telecommunications Cabling)
- ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology (Networking)
- ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology (Radio Communications)
- ICT20319 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology (Rigging).
Select 6 elective units from Group A Cabling.
Telecommunications Cabling
Select the following 2 elective units from Group A Cabling:
- ICTCBL246 Install, maintain and modify customer premises communications cabling: ACMA Restricted Rule*
- ICTCMP203 Perform restricted customer premises broadband cabling work: ACMA Restricted Rule*
Select 4 further elective units from the remaining elective units in Group A Cabling.
Select at least 4 elective units from Group B Networking.
Radio Communications
Select the 3 elective units from Group C Radio Communications.
Select at least 1 elective unit from Group D Rigging.
Select the 5 elective units from Group D Rigging.
Note: This specialisation is not suitable for school-based delivery due to high-risk work age restrictions.
Qualification Mapping Information
No equivalent qualification. Supersedes and is not equivalent to ICT20315 Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology.
Companion Volume Implementation Guides are available from VETNet -