Modification History
Not Applicable
This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in designing, developing, utilising and securing multimedia. A person competent in these competencies could work in the area of online services or multimedia development. The qualification has a relatively small core unit base with the potential for inclusion of a wide range of design, ICT and multimedia units to suit particular needs. It does not include 'streams' as such but has grouped its electives list into 7 Electives Clusters as guidance for users who may wish to select related and complementary units.
In order to provide individuals with some guidance as to natural groupings present in the listed electives, this qualification shows the electives grouped into the following Electives Clusters:
- Design
- Animation
- Games Development
- Website
- Multimedia Development
- Digital and Video
- Communication
Complementary, 'non-ICT' qualifications can be found in several other Training Packages including:
- CUF07 Screen and Media
- ICP05 Printing and Graphic Arts
- CUV03 Visual Arts, Craft and Design
- BSB07 Business Services
Job Roles
Possible job titles include:
- Audio/Video Engineer
- Contract Manager - Multimedia
- Digital Media Specialist
- Game Development Producer
- Games Developer
- Interaction Media Developer
- Multimedia Authoring Specialist
- Multimedia Designer
- Multimedia Developer
- Multimedia Developer/Engineer
- Multimedia Producer
- Multimedia Programmer
- Multimedia Specialist Producer
- PC Games Programmer
- Project Manager - Multimedia
- PS2 Lead Programmer
- Software Engineer Games
- Software Support Engineer
- Streaming Media Specialist
- Web Designer
Pathways Information
Not Applicable
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not Applicable
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements
The following units contain the basic fundamentals of ICT knowledge and skills for all qualifications at Certificate III in IT and above. These units or demonstrated equivalence are required for entry into this qualification:
BSBCMN106A Follow workplace safety procedures
ICAD2012B Design organisational documents using computing packages
ICAU1128B Operate a personal computer
ICAU2005B Operate computer hardware
ICAU2006B Operate computing packages
ICAU2013B Integrate commercial computing packages
ICAU2231B Use computer operating system
ICAW2001B Work effectively in an IT environment
ICAW2002B Communicate in the workplace
Employability Skills Summary
Employability Skills Summary
ICA50905 Diploma of Information Technology (Multimedia )
The following table contains a summary of the Employability Skills required for a Multimedia Designer. The Employability Skills facets described here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on qualification packaging options.
Employability Skill |
Industry requirements for this qualification include : |
Communication |
Teamwork |
Problem Solving |
Initiative and Enterprise |
Planning and Organising |
Self-management |
Learning |
Technology |
Packaging Rules
Qualification Structure
To attain the ICA50905 Diploma of Information Technology (Multimedia) 19 units must be achieved:
- 6 core units; plus
- 13 elective units
Achieve 6 Core Units
CUFDIG401AAuthor interactive media*
ICAS5202B Ensure privacy for users
ICPMM581B Manage multimedia production
ICPMM582B Manage multimedia projects
ICPPP411B Undertake a complex design brief
PSPPM502B Manage complex projects
Achieve 8 Elective Units from any of the ICA50905 Elective Cluster lists below
Note: the grouping of units into these clusters is for guidance only. It is not a requirement of this qualification that a complete cluster be completed.
Elective Clusters
CUFDIG303AProduce and prepare photo images*
CUFDIG502ADesign web environments*
CUFMEM07AApply principles of visual design and communication to the development of a multimedia product*
CUFMEM10ADesign and create a multimedia interface*
ICPPP311BDevelop a detailed design concept*
CUFANM01A Develop and implement designs for animation
CUFANM301ACreate 2D digital animation*
CUFANM302ACreate 3D digital animation*
CUFIMA05ACreate 3D digital models and images*
Games Development
CUFDIG504ADesign games
ICAA4058BApply skills in object-oriented design*
ICAB4075BUse a library or pre-existing components*
ICAB4219BApply introductory object-oriented language skills*
ICAB5223BApply intermediate object-oriented language skills*
ICAB5226B Apply advanced object-oriented language skills
ICAT4242BPerform unit test for a class*
ICAA5035C Research and review hardware technology options for organisations
ICAB4137BProduce basic client side script for dynamic web pages*
ICAB5165B Create dynamic web pages
ICAI4189BEnsure website content meets technical protocols and standards*
ICAT4183BConfirm accessibility of website design for people with special needs*
ICAT4185B Create a website testing procedure
ICAT4186B Conduct operational acceptance tests of websites
CUFDIG201AMaintain interactive content
Multimedia Development
CUFDIG302A Author interactive sequence
CUFDIG501ACoordinate the testing of interactive media products*
CUFMEM10ADesign and create a multimedia interface*
CUFDIG505A Design information architecture
CUFWRT07A Write an interactive sequence for multimedia
CUFWRT601AWrite scripts*
ICPKN315BApply knowledge and requirements of the multimedia sector*
Digital and Video
CUFCAM01ASet up and operate a basic video camera*
CUFCAM03ACompose camera shots and operate a camera*
CUFCAM501A Shoot material for screen productions under special conditions
CUFMEM13AIncorporate, design and edit digital video*
ICPMM321BCapture a digital image*
ICPMM346BIncorporate video into multimedia presentations*
BSBPMG505A Manage project quality
CUSADM07A Establish and maintain work and contractual relationships
CUSGEN03A Collaborate with colleagues in planning and producing a project
ICAS5102B Establish and maintain client user liaison
Achieve 5 Elective Units Chosen from the Following Sources (Listed in Recommended Order )
- from the Elective Cluster units above; and/or
- elsewhere in the ICA05 Information and Communications Technology Training Package at Diploma or Advanced Diploma (up to 3 units can be selected at Certificate IV); and/or
- preferred Training Packages at Diploma or Advanced Diploma (CUF07 Screen and Media; ICP05 Printing and Graphic Arts; SIR07 Retail Services; CUV03 Visual Arts, Craft and Design); and/or
- any other Training Package (up to a maximum of 2 units) at Diploma or Advanced Diploma based on documented industry or enterprise needs
Prerequisite Requirements
Prerequisites Requirements
There are no specific prerequisites for ICA05 core units in this qualification, however prerequisite arrangements for non-ICA05 core and any elective units should be checked with the originating Training Package.
However, it should be noted that units shown in italics and with * in the following lists may have been completed in Certificate IV in IT (Multimedia) if this was the pathway to this Diploma qualification.