

Unit of competency details

HLTOHC009 - Apply and use basic oral health products (Release 2)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to HLTOHC003 - Apply and manage use of basic oral health productsThis version was released in HLT Health Training Package Release 6.1 and meets the requirements of the 2015 Standards for Training Packages. Mapping information updated. Updated to reflect current industry practices and terminology. 29/Apr/2021

Release Status:
ReleaseRelease date
2 (this release) 02/Jul/2021
(View details for release 1) 30/Apr/2021

Qualifications that include this unit

CodeSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Title columnUsage RecommendationRelease
HLT45021 - Certificate IV in Dental AssistingCertificate IV in Dental AssistingCurrent1-3 
HLT40221 - Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care PracticeCertificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care PracticeCurrent
HLT54121 - Diploma of NursingDiploma of NursingCurrent1-5 
HLT40121 - Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health CareCertificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health CareCurrent
HLT50121 - Diploma of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care PracticeDiploma of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care PracticeCurrent
HLT30121 - Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health CareCertificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health CareCurrent
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SchemeCodeClassification value
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 060799 Dental Studies, N.e.c.  

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 060799 Dental Studies, N.e.c.  30/Apr/2021 
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Unit of competency

Modification History



Release 2

Release 2 HLTOHC009 Apply and use basic oral health products supersedes and is equivalent to Release 1 HLTOHC009 Apply and use basic oral health products.


Mapping details and minor corrections.

Release 1

HLTOHC009 Apply and use basic oral health products supersedes and is equivalent to HLTOHC003 Apply and manage use of basic oral health products


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to apply and use basic oral health products and provide assistance to patients in the use of those products as identified in an individualised oral health care plan.

This unit applies to workers whose work roles specifically include the application of identified oral health products in line with product guidelines and in compliance with all regulations related to the supply and use of regulated products, excluding fluoride varnish.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Pre-requisite Unit


Competency Field


Unit Sector

Oral Health

Elements and Performance Criteria



Elements describe the essential outcomes

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Prepare for and participate in the application of basic oral health products.

1.1. Identify and comply with manufacturers’ guidelines relating to each product and its application.

1.2. Identify high risk products and comply with specific guidelines relating to their application.

1.3. Explain product application process and purpose to patient and carer in line with product guidelines, oral health care benefits and any risks.

1.4. Obtain feedback from patient to determine that procedure is understood and obtain consent from patient or carer to undertake process.

1.5. Confirm patient is comfortably positioned according to individual needs.

1.6. Prepare products and equipment as required and check the expiry date on product.

2. Apply basic oral health products.

2.1. Determine volume and strength of product to apply in a safe and effective manner in line with oral health care plan and product guidelines.

2.2. Supervise and support patient to apply own product where able.

2.3. Where assistance is required position self to suit patient or situation.

2.4. Ensure application is undertaken using correct size and type of applicator at correct location.

2.5. Adapt techniques or arrangements outlined in the oral health care plan in case of patient refusal or inability to comply.

3. Support oral health and oral hygiene of patients with special care needs.

3.1. Support patient with special care needs in line with oral health care plan.

3.2. Identify common oral health problems associated with patients with palliative care needs and take appropriate action in line with their needs.

3.3. Identify oral health problems associated with nil by mouth instructions and take appropriate action in line with patient needs.

3.4. Access relevant information on common difficulties associated with dementia that may result in oral health problems and take appropriate action in line with patient needs.

3.5. Update knowledge of common side effects of medication on oral health and initiate follow up care with health practitioner on identified patient needs.

3.6. Ensure identified preventive measures are implemented in line with oral health care plan.

4. Complete reporting and documentation and evaluate outcomes.

4.1. Document and record processes undertaken and report any concerns arising during oral health practices.

4.2. Maintain and file documentation using relevant technology.

4.3. Evaluate the feedback and outcomes of the processes undertaken in collaboration with health care team to adjust oral health care plan.

Foundation Skills

Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.

Unit Mapping Information

HLTOHC009 Apply and use basic oral health products supersedes and is equivalent to HLTOHC003 Apply and manage use of basic oral health products.


Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=ced1390f-48d9-4ab0-bd50-b015e5485705


Assessment requirements

Modification History



Release 2

Release 2 HLTOHC009 Apply and use basic oral health products supersedes and is equivalent to Release 1 HLTOHC009 Apply and use basic oral health products.


Mapping details and minor corrections.

Release 1

HLTOHC009 Apply and use basic oral health products supersedes and is equivalent to HLTOHC003 Apply and manage use of basic oral health products.

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

  • apply oral health products excluding fluoride varnish, to at least three patients that require special care needs in line with product guidelines and oral health care benefits and in compliance with all regulations related to the supply and use of regulated products
  • identify and respond to risks associated with applying oral health products including:
  • allergic reaction or sensitivity to products
  • injury to soft tissue from products.

Knowledge Evidence

Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

  • relevant State or Territory and national government policy and programs and reporting processes for oral health and regulations related to the supply and use of regulated products
  • accessibility to services including availability of private and public oral health services, including eligibility for services
  • basic anatomy and physiology underpinning oral health, including what is considered healthy and unhealthy
  • benefits and risks associated with basic oral health products
  • common equipment and aids utilised in the application of oral hygiene products including mouth props
  • factors that impact on oral health, including:
  • abuse or neglect of oral health needs
  • access to dental and health services
  • accumulation of plaque and calculus
  • alcohol, licit and illicit drugs and substances, over the counter and herbal treatments.
  • alcohol misuse.
  • bacteria in dental plaque
  • correct infant feeding practices
  • damage from habitual grinding of teeth
  • diet and nutrition, including fluids
  • fluoride
  • general health and wellbeing
  • immunosuppressant conditions, HIV, chemotherapy and radiation
  • injury to mouth, including from a seizure
  • medical history
  • oral piercings
  • patient oral health information
  • psychological issues, including fear of being seen without dentures or persisting with ill-fitting dentures for satisfaction of others
  • salivary function
  • smoking
  • social and cultural determinants of health
  • susceptible tooth surfaces
  • transmission of bacteria particularly from family or carer to child
  • trauma to the mouth as a result of an accident
  • healthy eating recommendations as identified in the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) Australian dietary guidelines.
  • individualised oral health care support plans, including terminology
  • work health and safety (WHS) issues and procedures, including those related to manual handling and infection control
  • oral disease and broad treatment options available
  • oral health issues for identified high risk sub-populations
  • oral side effects of medications, including metallic taste in the mouth, dry mouth syndrome and ulcers
  • dry mouth syndrome or xerostomia related to conditions including diabetes, ageing
  • own work role and responsibilities in oral health care
  • personal safety and security risks associated with provision of oral hygiene care support
  • practical use of oral health products
  • principles and practices in undertaking technical skills associated with the application of oral health products
  • principles and practices of confidentiality, privacy, respect and consent
  • processes and strategies to support people with oral hygiene care needs
  • role of carers in relation to oral health care needs of patients
  • saliva and its role in the maintenance of oral health:
  • acting as a lubricant
  • delivering calcium, phosphate and fluoride to the tooth surface
  • protecting teeth by neutralising acid
  • significance of service setting, including specific contexts, including providing oral hygiene in a patient care setting or in a patient’s private home
  • signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction to an oral health product
  • specialist oral care and support for patients in circumstances, including those who:
  • are aged
  • are on nil by mouth instructions
  • are receiving palliative care
  • are undergoing chemotherapy
  • who have enteral feeding, including via a nasogastric tube or a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube
  • have dementia
  • have epilepsy
  • have intellectual or physical disability
  • have loss of tooth through extraction
  • have loss of tooth through injury
  • have medical or psychiatric conditions
  • have post-surgery or trauma needs
  • strategies to minimise personal safety and security risks associated with provision of oral hygiene care support
  • symptoms and signs that suggest a need for further assessment or treatment
  • the interaction between oral health and general health
  • basic oral health care products, including:
  • products specified in the patient’s individualised oral health care plan, including:
  • alcohol-free mouthwash
  • antibacterial products
  • lip moisturiser
  • non-medically prescribed therapeutic agents and topical analgesic
  • remineralisation products
  • saliva substitutes orstimulants:
  • chewing gum
  • gels
  • liquids
  • lozenges
  • sprays
  • common oral health problems associated with patients with palliative care needs including but not limited to:
  • angular cheilitis
  • candida or thrush
  • debris
  • dental caries
  • dry mouth and lips
  • excessive saliva
  • hairy leukoplakia
  • herpes simplex
  • kaposi sarcoma including HIV patients
  • sensitive mouth
  • ulcers, including viral and traumatic
  • processes to document and evaluate oral health practices.

Assessment Conditions

Skills must be demonstrated in the workplace with the addition of simulations and scenarios where the full range of contexts and situations cannot be provided in the workplace.

The following aspect of the performance evidence must have been demonstrated using ten simulation scenarios prior to demonstration in the workplace or with members of the general public:

  • applying identified oral health products safely and effectively

Assessment must ensure:

  • access to suitable equipment and resources, including:
  • age related oral health care resources
  • appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • oral hygiene self-care aids and technique
  • specialised equipment, placebo or simulated oral health products utilised in provision of oral hygiene
  • access to current Dental board of Australia (DBA) and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines and practice standards
  • access to current Dental Board of Australia (DBA) infection control and record keeping guidelines
  • access to National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) Australian dietary guidelines
  • modelling of industry operating conditions including access to people for simulations and scenarios in oral health care work

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations’ requirements for assessors.


Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=ced1390f-48d9-4ab0-bd50-b015e5485705