Unit of competency
Modification History
Release |
Comments |
Release 2 |
Release 2 HLTENN061 Apply nursing practice in the contemporary aged care setting supersedes and is equivalent to Release 1 HLTENN061 Apply nursing practice in the contemporary aged care setting. Updated: Mapping details and minor corrections. |
Release 1 |
HLTENN061 Apply nursing practice in the contemporary aged care setting supersedes and is not equivalent to HLTENN029 Apply nursing practice in the contemporary aged care setting. |
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to work in the contemporary aged care environment providing specialised nursing care to support the continued independence of older people.
This unit applies to care provided for older people in their own home, in community and day care centres, in acute and sub-acute hospital settings, and in residential high care and low care settings in aged care environments.
Enrolled nurses working in aged care nursing, integrate theory and gerontological knowledge to practice and make clinical assessments and sound clinical judgements based on enrolled nursing assessments.
This unit applies to enrolled nurses, registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA), seeking specialisation in enrolled nurse work that is carried out in consultation and collaboration with registered nurses, and under direct or indirect supervisory arrangements aligned to the NMBA regulatory authority legislative requirements.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian Standards and industry codes of practice.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Pre-requisite Unit
Competency Field
Enrolled Nursing
Unit Sector
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes |
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
1. Identify health care needs of older person in contemporary aged care setting. |
1.1. Identify physical and psychological effects of ageing on the human body and apply to provision of information and support. 1.2. Adjust communication strategies when communicating with an older person with sensory loss. 1.3. Apply physical and psychosocial assessment when evaluating health of older people. 1.4. Identify funding arrangements and associated documentation requirements that impact aged care provision and ensure funding and documentation requirements are met. 1.5. Recognise crisis situations and emergency management responses including infectious and other serious risk outbreak. 1.6. Apply the principles for Dignity of Risk and consumer choice in the aged care settings. 1.7. Identify advanced care directive and advanced care choices. |
2. Manage care using person-centred approach to support continued independence. |
2.1. Reflect, analyse and problem solve to prioritise and adapt nursing interventions to reflect changes in condition. 2.2. Structure nursing care according to needs and re-prioritise care activities when circumstances change. 2.3. Reflect on own nursing interventions to ensure they support independence and person-centred care. 2.4. Plan and initiate pre-, intra- and post diagnostic procedures for the older person in accordance with best practice evidence. 2.5. Identify and evaluate rehabilitation principles that underpin nursing interventions for the older person and apply to nursing care. 2.6. Confirm therapies and capacity for self-management with families and carers. 2.7. Identify condition and current therapies and review ability for self-management. 2.8. Identify where acuity of a person exceeds own knowledge, skill and assessed competence and consult with multidisciplinary health care team. |
3. Assess and respond to loss and grief. |
3.1. Identify effects of grief and loss on physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioural, social and spiritual domains. 3.2. Analyse and problem solve to encourage the person, families and carers experiencing loss and grief reaction to verbalise feelings and provide support. 3.3. Assess nursing care needs while advocating for choice of care including right to refuse care and treatment. |
4. Promote improvement and advancement of aged care nursing. |
4.1. Document outcomes and proposed actions and communicate to the registered nurse using a collaborative approach for follow up with multidisciplinary health care team. 4.2. Apply person-centred care and elder abuse principles and apply compulsory reporting requirements for suspicion and allegation of elder abuse. 4.3. Evaluate nursing interventions and identified outcomes against evidence-based best practice in aged care nursing. 4.4. Seek opportunities and participate in professional development to guide own practice and act as a resource for colleagues. |
Foundation Skills
Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.
Unit Mapping Information
HLTENN061 Apply nursing practice in the contemporary aged care setting supersedes and is not equivalent to HLTENN029 Apply nursing practice in the contemporary aged care setting.
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=ced1390f-48d9-4ab0-bd50-b015e5485705