Unit of competency details
HLTAAP001 - Recognise healthy body systems (Release 1)
Usage recommendation:
1 1 (this release) |
06/Aug/2015 |
Companion volumes:
Unit of competency
Assessment requirements
Training packages that include this unit
Qualifications that include this unit
Skill sets that include this unit
Accredited courses that have this unit in the completion mapping
Classification history
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier | 060301 | General Nursing | 02/Nov/2015 | |
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Unit of competency
Modification History
Release 1
This version was released in HLT Health Training Package release 2.0 and meets the requirements of the 2012 Standards for Training Packages.
Significant changes to the elements and performance criteria. New evidence requirements for assessment, including volume and frequency.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work with basic information about the human body and to recognise and promote ways to maintain healthy functioning of the body.
This unit applies to any worker who needs to use and interpret information that includes references to client anatomy and physiology.
The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements define the essential outcomes
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element
1. Work with information about the human body
1.1 Correctly use and interpret health terminology that describes the normal structure, function and location of the major body systems
1.2 Correctly use and interpret information that relates to the interrelationships between major components of each body system and other structures
2. Recognise and promote ways to support healthy functioning of the body
2.1 Review factors that contribute to maintenance of a healthy body
2.2 Evaluate how the relationships between different body systems affect and support healthy functioning
2.3 Enhance quality of work activities by using and sharing information about healthy functioning of the body
Foundation Skills
The Foundation Skills describe those required skills (language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills) that are essential to performance.
Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.
Unit Mapping Information
No equivalent unit.
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=ced1390f-48d9-4ab0-bd50-b015e5485705
Assessment requirements
Modification History
Release 1
This version was released in HLT Health Training Package release 2.0 and meets the requirements of the 2012 Standards for Training Packages.
Significant changes to the elements and performance criteria. New evidence requirements for assessment, including volume and frequency.
Performance Evidence
The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:
- worked effectively with information about the human body and its healthy functioning in at least 3 different situations
Knowledge Evidence
The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:
- basic structure and functions of the body systems and associated components, including:
- cells, tissues and organs
- cardiovascular system
- respiratory system
- musculo-skeletal system
- endocrine system
- digestive system
- urinary system
- reproductive system
- integumentary system
- lymphatic system
- nervous system, including sensory systems – eye and ear
- the special senses – smell, taste, vision, equilibrium and hearing
- immune system
- processes, conditions and resources required by the body to support healthy functioning
- body regulation including:
- maintenance of body temperature
- fluid and electrolyte (including PH) balance
- elimination of wastes from the body
- maintenance of blood pressure
- protection from infection
- physical activity – active and passive
Assessment Conditions
Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. The following conditions must be met for this unit:
- use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including client health information
- modelling of industry operating conditions, including integration of problem solving activities
Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=ced1390f-48d9-4ab0-bd50-b015e5485705