Modification History
HLT07 Version 4 |
HLT07 Version 5 |
Comments |
HLT21207 Certificate II in Health Support Services |
HLT21212 Certificate II in Health Support Services |
Updated in V5 - Updated core units HLTWHS200A Participate in WHS processes |
This qualification covers workers who provide support for the effective functioning of health services. These workers do not provide direct care assistance functions such as assisting other staff with the care of clients. This is an entry-level qualification and is suited to Australian Apprenticeship pathways.
Occupational titles for these workers may include:
Pathways Information
Not Applicable
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Not Applicable
Entry Requirements
Not Applicable
Employability Skills Summary
Refer to the Topic: Introduction to the Employability Skills Qualification Summaries
Packaging Rules
PACKAGING RULES 12 units of competency are required for award of this qualification, including:
A wide range of electives is available and can be packaged to provide either:
Elective units are to be packaged as follows:
and additional electives may be selected from:
Core units
BSBWOR203B Work effectively with others
HLTHIR301C Communicate and work effectively in health
HLTIN301C Comply with infection control policies and procedures
HLTWHS200A Participate in WHS processes
The importance of culturally aware and respectful practice
All workers undertaking work in health need foundation knowledge to inform their work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and co-workers and with clients and co-workers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This foundation must be provided and assessed as part of a holistic approach to delivery and assessment of this qualification. Specific guidelines for assessment of this aspect of competency are provided in the Assessment Guidelines for the Health Training Package.
Relevant electives
Electives are to be selected in line with the specified Packaging Rules. Workplaces may package electives to reflect the functions of workers. To facilitate the selection of electives, relevant units of competency have been grouped as follows:
- Cleaning electives
- Laundry electives
- Food services electives
- Grounds maintenance electives
- General maintenance electives
- Client support electives
- Health administration electives
- Stores electives
- Transport electives
1 . For a generic qualification
Select a minimum of 6 units of competency from across all elective groups below, including elective Groups A-H and 'Other relevant electives'.
2 . For a qualification targeted to a specific work area
Industry has identified seven specific work areas that demand a minimum number of electives (i.e. 6 electives) to be selected as follows:
- Cleaning work requires 6 Group ACleaning electives
- Laundry work requires 6 Group BLaundry electives
- Food services work requires 6 Group CFood services electives
- Grounds maintenance work requires 6 Group DGrounds maintenance electives
- General maintenance work requires 6 Group EGeneral maintenance electives
- Client support work requires 6 Group FClient support electives
- Health administration work requires 6 Group GHealth administration electives
Where the electives achieved address requirements for one of these specific work areas, this is to be clearly articulated on the transcript (certification) as:
"This qualification includes electives required for Cleaning work"
"This qualification includes electives required for Laundry work"
"This qualification includes electives required for Food services work"
"This qualification includes electives required for Grounds maintenance work"
"This qualification includes electives required for General maintenance work"
"This qualification includes electives required for Client support work"
"This qualification includes electives required for Health administration work"
3 . Select additional electives to a total of 8 electives in line with the Packaging Rules
A number of units of competency listed as electives for this qualification have been drawn from other Training Packages as follows:
- PRM04 Asset Maintenance Training Package
- LMT07 Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Training Package (V2)
- SIT07 Tourism, Hospitality and Events V2
- RTF03 Amenity Horticulture Training Package
- TLI07 Transport and Logistics Training Package
- BSB07 Business Services Training Package (V3)
- CPP07 Property Services Training Package
Where job roles are undertaken predominantly outside a health care setting then Training Package users may wish to access qualifications from that Training Package.
Group A electives - at least 6 units required for CLEANING work
HLTMS206D Perform general cleaning tasks in a clinical setting
PRMCC07A Perform basic stain removal
PRMCL01B Maintain a hard floor surface
PRMCL04B Maintain a carpeted floor
PRMCL14B Maintain a ‘clean room’ environment
PRMCL15B Maintain furniture and fittings and room dressing
PRMCL17B Clean a wet area
PRMCL19B Remove waste
PRMCL33B Plan for safe and efficient cleaning activities
PRMCL35B Maintain a cleaning storage area
Group B electives - at least 6 units required for LAUNDRY work
HLTMS201D Collect and manage linen stock at user-location
LMTLA2002A Operate washing machines
LMTLA2003A Control washing machine operation
LMTLA2004A Perform linen rewash
LMTLA2005A Operate hydro extractor
LMTLA2006A Perform conditioning and drying processes
LMTLA2007A Finish products for despatch
LMTLA2008A Repair damaged laundry items
LMTLA2009A Inspect, fold and pack theatre linen
LMTLA2010A Prepare products for storage or despatch
Group C electives - at least 6 units required for FOOD SERVICES work
HLTFS201D Distribute meals and refreshments to clients
(Note pre-requ: HLTFS207C)
HLTFS203D Apply cook-freeze processes
(Note pre-requ: HLTFS207C)
HLTFS204D Provide ward or unit based food preparation and distribution services (Note pre-requ: HLTFS207C)
HLTFS205D Perform kitchenware washing (Note pre-requ: HLTFS207C)
HLTFS206D Carry out cafeteria operations (Note pre-requ: HLTFS207C)
HLTFS207C Follow basic food safety practices
HLTFS208D Transport food (Note pre-requ: HLTFS207C)
HLTHSE204D Follow safe manual handling practices
SITHCCC003B Receive and store kitchen supplies
(Note pre-requ: SITXOHS002A)
SITHCCC004B Clean and maintain kitchen premises
(Note pre-requ: SITXOHS002A)
SITHCCC005A Use basic methods of cookery (Note pre-requs: SITXOHS002A, SITHCCC001B, SITHCCC002A)
SITHCCC006A Prepare appetisers and salads (Note pre-requs: SITXOHS002A, SITHCCC001B, SITHCCC002A)
SITHCCC007A Prepare sandwiches
(Note pre-requs: SITXOHS002A, SITHCCC001B)
SITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
(Note pre-requs: SITXOHS002A, SITHCCC001B, SITHCCC002A, SITHCCC005A)
SITHCCC032A Apply cook-chill production processes
(Note pre-requs: SITXOHS002A, SITXFSA001A)
Group D electives - at least 6 units required for GROUNDS MAINTENANCE work
AHCPGD201A Plant trees and shrubs
AHCMOM204A Undertake operational maintenance of machinery
AHCMOM304A Operate machinery and equipment
AHCPMG201A Treat weeds
AHCPMG202A Treat plant pests, diseases and disorders
AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision
AHCINF204A Maintain drainage systems
AHCRGD203A Prune shrubs and small trees
AHCNSY202A Tend nursery plants
Group E electives - at least 6 units required for GENERAL MAINTENANCE work
HLTGM201D Perform routine servicing of plant, equipment and machinery
HLTGM202D Use hand and power tools
HLTGM203D Perform minor general maintenance
HLTGM204D Assist tradesperson with construction and maintenance
HLTGM206D Operate an incinerator
HLTGM207C Carry out work in a food handling area
PRMCL19B Remove waste
PRMCL37A Clean external surfaces
Group F electives - at least 6 units required for CLIENT SUPPORT work
HLTCSD201D Maintain high standard of client service
HLTCSD203D Prepare and maintain beds
HLTCSD208D Transport clients
HLTCSD306D Respond effectively to behaviours of concern
HLTFS204D Provide ward or unit based food preparation and distribution services (Note pre-requ: HLTFS207C)
HLTHSE204D Follow safe manual handling practices
HLTMS201D Collect and manage linen stock at user-location
HLTMS203D Undertake routine stock maintenance
HLTMS207D Handle medical gases safely
Group G electives - at least 6 units required for HEALTH ADMINISTRATION work
BSBADM101A Use business equipment and resources
BSBCUS201B Deliver a service to customers
BSBINM201A Process and maintain workplace information
BSBINM202A Handle mail
BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents
BSBITU202A Create and use spreadsheets
BSBWOR204A Use business technology
FNSICGEN305B Maintain daily financial/business records
Group H electives - recommended for culturally aware and respectful practice
Where work involves a specific focus on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and/or culturally diverse clients or communities, one or both of the following electives is recommended:
HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers
HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
Other relevant electives
Stores electives
HLTMS203D Undertake routine stock maintenance
TLID2010A Operate a forklift
TLID1001A Shift materials safely using manual handling methods
Transport electives
HLTCSD208D Transport clients
HLTFS208D Transport food (Note pre-requ: HLTFS207C)
HLTMS204D Handle and move equipment, goods, mail and furniture
HLTMS207D Handle medical gases safely
Sustainability electives
CPPCMN3001B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices