Unit of competency
Modification History
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Comment |
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Replaces superseded equivalent unit FPIFGM5219 Undertake carbon stock sampling which was first released with FPI11 Forest and Forest Products Training Package Version 2.2. |
This unit of competency describes the outcomes required to assess forests and plantations for current and future carbon stocks, including the use of growth modelling techniques to estimate future stocks. Work is completed in a variety of settings including native forest environments, hardwood or softwood plantations and agroforestry and farm forestry.
The unit applies to job roles including Forest Auditor, Forest Planner, Environmental Manager, Environmental Planner Forest Sustainability Manager And Sustainability Manager.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory, or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Pre-requisite Unit
Unit Sector
Forest Growing and Management
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes. |
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the range of conditions. |
1. Plan for carbon stock sampling activities |
1.1 Confirm purpose, objectives and scope of sample collection activity through stakeholder discussions and consultations. 1.2 Conduct desktop study of existing forests and plantations. 1.3 Design measurement program and confirm sampling site locations and where required, obtain approval for site access. 1.4 Evaluate characteristics of sites for impact on sampling and testing method. 1.5 Determine and arrange human and physical resource requirements. |
2. Prepare for carbon stock sampling activities |
2.1 Locate forests and plantations using site maps and plans and identify areas for sampling. 2.2 Complete administrative requirements, arrange contractors and obtain approvals in line with organisational procedures. 2.3 Complete a risk assessment for the sample site and activities. |
3. Conduct carbon stock sampling collection |
3.1 Inspect and test sampling equipment to ensure operational effectiveness. 3.2 Coordinate sampling activities at sites prior to commencement of and during the work activity. 3.3 Conduct surveys and sampling in line with organisational safety procedures. 3.4 Record results of samples and surveys, in line with sampling plan. 3.5 Monitor sampling activities on a regular basis against sampling plan, and implement modifications or improvements as required. |
4. Interpret results |
4.1 Estimate forest carbon stocks from collected data. 4.2 Review data against assessment program in line with organisational procedures. 4.3 Analyse data to determine effectiveness of assessment. 4.4 Prepare recommendations for future programs based on analysis. 4.5 Record and report assessment processes and improvement suggestions to appropriate personnel. |
5. Use growth models to predict biomass and carbon stocks |
5.1 Select appropriate growth model. 5.2 Predict biomass growth and carbon stocks from data assessments and incorporate in growth model. 5.3 Analyse data to determine comparability of predicted forest carbon stocks to current available data. |
Foundation Skills
This section describes those core and employment skills that are essential to performance and are not explicit in the performance criteria. |
Numeracy skills to: |
Reading skills to: |
Oral communication skills to: |
Writing skills to: |
Unit Mapping Information
FPIFGM5219 Undertake carbon stock sampling of forests and plantations
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=0d96fe23-5747-4c01-9d6f-3509ff8d3d47