

Training package details

FPP10 - Pulp & Paper Manufacturing Industry Training Package (Release 1.3)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes FPP01 - Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industry Training Package (Superseded by FPP10) 20/Jun/2011
Is superseded by and equivalent to PPM - Pulp & Paper Manufacturing Industry Training PackageSupersedes and is equivalent to FPP10 - Pulp & Paper Manufacturing Industry Training Package 06/May/2016

ReleaseRelease dateApproval process
1.3 (this release) 01/May/2015Minor upgrade (Approval date: 30/Apr/2015)
(View details for release 1.2) 24/May/2013 Minor upgrade (Approval date: 24/May/2013)
(View details for release 1.1) 14/Jul/2011 Minor upgrade (Approval date: 14/Jul/2011)
(View details for release 1.0) 01/Feb/2010 Endorsement date: 14/Jan/2011

Following the establishment of the new training package development process, any references to the former Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) or Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) found in the content of this training package or its components should be referred to the Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) listed below.

Training Package Developer

Skills Insight 



Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate II'Qualification Level: Certificate II

 FPP20110 - Certificate II in Pulping OperationsCertificate II in Pulping OperationsSuperseded
 FPP20210 - Certificate II in Papermaking OperationsCertificate II in Papermaking OperationsSuperseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate III'Qualification Level: Certificate III

 FPP30110 - Certificate III in Pulping OperationsCertificate III in Pulping OperationsSuperseded
 FPP30210 - Certificate III in Papermaking OperationsCertificate III in Papermaking OperationsSuperseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Certificate IV'Qualification Level: Certificate IV

 FPP40110 - Certificate IV in Pulping OperationsCertificate IV in Pulping OperationsSuperseded
 FPP40210 - Certificate IV in Papermaking OperationsCertificate IV in Papermaking OperationsSuperseded

Toggle visibility of information in grouping for 'Qualification Level: Diploma'Qualification Level: Diploma

 FPP50110 - Diploma of Pulp and Paper Process ManagementDiploma of Pulp and Paper Process ManagementSuperseded

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing the units of competency related to this training package. by the Code columnTitleUsageReleaseSort Table listing the units of competency related to this training package. by the Release column
FPPCPP210A - Monitor and control coated paper processesMonitor and control coated paper processesSuperseded
FPPCPP320A - Prepare and start up coated paper processesPrepare and start up coated paper processesSuperseded
FPPCPP330A - Co-ordinate the shutdown of coated paper processesCo-ordinate the shutdown of coated paper processesSuperseded
FPPCPP440A - Troubleshoot and rectify coated paper processesTroubleshoot and rectify coated paper processesSuperseded
FPPCPR210A - Prepare chemical productsPrepare chemical productsSuperseded
FPPCSK310A - Operate process control equipmentOperate process control equipmentSuperseded
FPPDEO210A - Monitor and control dry end operationsMonitor and control dry end operationsSuperseded
FPPDEO320A - Prepare and start up dry end operationsPrepare and start up dry end operationsSuperseded
FPPDEO330A - Co-ordinate and implement dry end shutdownCo-ordinate and implement dry end shutdownSuperseded
FPPDEO440A - Troubleshoot and rectify dry end systemsTroubleshoot and rectify dry end systemsSuperseded
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 80

Imported units of competency

CodeTitleUsageSort Table listing Imported units of competency by the Usage columnReleaseSort Table listing Imported units of competency by the Release columnBelongs to training package
BSBADM405B - Organise meetingsOrganise meetingsSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
BSBADM502B - Manage meetingsManage meetingsSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
BSBAUD501B - Initiate a quality auditInitiate a quality auditSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
BSBCMM101A - Apply basic communication skillsApply basic communication skillsSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
BSBCMM201A - Communicate in the workplaceCommunicate in the workplaceSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
BSBCMM401A - Make a presentationMake a presentationSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
BSBFIM501A - Manage budgets and financial plansManage budgets and financial plansSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
BSBFLM305C - Support operational planSupport operational planSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
BSBFLM309C - Support continuous improvement systems and processesSupport continuous improvement systems and processesSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
BSBFLM311C - Support a workplace learning environmentSupport a workplace learning environmentSupersededBSB07 - Business Services Training Package
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 122
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