

Skill set details

FDFSS00003 - Chemical Handling Certification (Release 3)


Usage recommendation:
The Deleted usage recommendation was implemented on 13 June 2017 to describe training components that have no replacement. Enrolments in training components and statements of attainment or qualifications issued before 13 June 2017 are valid. For any components marked as deleted after 13 June 2017, the applicable transition/teach-out periods apply. For specific questions regarding the enrolment, delivery or issuance of a statement of attainment/qualification, please contact your training regulator.
DeletedDeleted from FDF10 Food Processing17/Dec/2018

ReleaseRelease date
3 (this release) 06/Sep/2012
(View details for release 2) 01/May/2012
(View details for release 1) 04/Nov/2011

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Modification History

September 2012: added missing information to Skill Set Requirements.

April 2012: minor clarification in Suggested words for Statement of Attainment.


Not applicable.

Pathways Information


These units of competency may provide credit towards FDF20411 Certificate II in Wine Industry Operations and FDF30411 Certificate III in Wine Industry Operations.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.

Skill Set Requirements


Follow basic chemical safety rules


Apply chemicals under supervision


Prepare and apply chemicals


Transport, handle and store chemicals

Target Group

Target Group

Those needing to meet regulatory requirements for safe use and application of chemicals.

Readers should ensure that they have also read the part of the Training Package that outlines licensing and regulatory requirements.

Suggested words for Statement of Attainment

Suggested words for statement of attainment

These competencies meet the wine industry and regulatory requirements for applying chemicals.

Custom Content Section

Not applicable.