Unit of competency
Modification History
Release |
Comments |
Release 1 |
This version released with FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package Version 6.0. |
This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to supervise a team to conduct a traceability exercise, or mock recovery, to track any food through all stages of ingredient receival, production, processing and distribution. This allows for the withdrawal or recall of products that have been identified as unsafe or unsuitable. Running a traceability exercise is a check of the tracking system.
The unit applies to individuals who work in supervisory or compliance roles in food and/or beverage processing.
All work must be carried out to comply with workplace procedures, in accordance with state/territory health and safety and food safety regulations, legislation and standards that apply to the workplace.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Pre-requisite Unit
Unit Sector
Food Safety (FSY)
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements |
Performance Criteria |
Elements describe the essential outcomes. |
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
1. Prepare for traceability exercise |
1.1 Identify regulatory requirements for tracking processed food or beverages 1.2 Identify the product to be tracked or recalled 1.3 Identify the label, specification and/or unique identifier for the product 1.4 Identify system used to document traceability of products 1.5 Brief team members on purpose of exercise and requirements for each individual |
2. Oversee tracking of product |
2.1 Track product through ingredient receival, storage, distribution and packaging records 2.2 Track processing of product through batch records and processing records, including any rework or overrun ingredients used 2.3 Track product ingredients through raw material and ingredient storage records, records of receival of raw materials and ingredients, and ingredient specifications 2.4 Gather team and collate information provided by team members 2.5 Present overview of product traceability exercise records to team and manager |
3. Identify improvements to tracking |
3.1 Identify any mislabelling or processing details that are not represented on the product label or specification 3.2 Make recommendations to rectify product traceability details to ensure accuracy and efficient recall |
Foundation Skills
This section describes those language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential for performance in this unit of competency but are not explicit in the performance criteria.
Skill |
Description |
Learning |
Reading |
Writing |
Oral communication |
Unit Mapping Information
Code and title current version |
Code and title previous version |
Comments |
Equivalence status |
FBPFSY4005 Conduct a traceability exercise |
Not applicable |
The unit has been created to address a skill or task required by industry that is not covered by an existing unit |
Newly created |
Companion Volumes, including Implementation Guides, are available at VETNet: - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=78b15323-cd38-483e-aad7-1159b570a5c4