

Qualification details

DEF40512 - Certificate IV in Explosive Ordnance Operations (Release 2)


Usage recommendation:
Is superseded by and equivalent to DEF42415 - Certificate IV in Explosive Ordnance OperationsDEF unit codes updated. Imported units updated. 21/Oct/2015
Supersedes and is equivalent to PUA40510 - Certificate IV in Public Safety (Explosive Ordnance Operations) 14/Mar/2012

ReleaseRelease date
2 (this release) 24/Jan/2013
(View details for release 1) 15/Mar/2012

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
TLIC707C - Operate vehicle carrying special loadsOperate vehicle carrying special loadsSupersededElective
DEFEO713C - Lay and clear minesLay and clear minesSupersededElective
TLIB607C - Carry out inspection of vehicles designed to carry special loadsCarry out inspection of vehicles designed to carry special loadsSupersededElective
DEFEO202D - Establish and maintain the safety and security of explosive warehouses and workshopsEstablish and maintain the safety and security of explosive warehouses and workshopsSupersededElective
TLIF707C - Implement and coordinate accident-emergency proceduresImplement and coordinate accident-emergency proceduresSupersededElective
DEFEO711C - Conduct military demolition operationsConduct military demolition operationsSupersededElective
DEFEO722A - Detect, record and collect evidenceDetect, record and collect evidenceSupersededElective
HLTFA301B - Apply first aidApply first aidSupersededElective
DEFCM314A - Operate an in-service remote positioning vehicleOperate an in-service remote positioning vehicleSupersededElective
PUAEMR003B - Determine treatment strategiesDetermine treatment strategiesSupersededElective
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 40


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 441111 Defence Force Member - Other Ranks 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 4991-11 Defence Force Member Not Elsewhere Included 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0999 Other Society And Culture 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 511 Certificate IV 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Defence Services 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A No Specific Job Role 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 441111 Defence Force Member - Other Ranks 03/Sep/2012 
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 4991-11 Defence Force Member Not Elsewhere Included 03/Sep/2012 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0999 Other Society And Culture 03/Sep/2012 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 511 Certificate IV 15/Mar/2012 
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Modification History


TP version 



DEF12 V2

Layout adjusted. No changes to content.


DEF12 V1

First release.


Not applicable.

Pathways Information

Not applicable.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.

Entry Requirements

Not applicable.

Employability Skills Summary

Employability Skills are part of a unit of competency.

Employability Skills statements from a selection of units of competency from the DEF40511 Certificate IV in Explosive Ordnance Operations have been reproduced in the table below.

This table provides an example of Employability Skills for the qualification because Employability Skills within a qualification will vary depending on the qualification packaging options.

Defence qualifications have core units (which must be achieved) and elective units (where there is a choice of units which must be achieved) so different Employability Skills Summaries are possible within the one qualification, depending on the package of core units and chosen elective units.

Employability Skill 

Employability Skills Statement 


  • identify and note organisation incident and injury statistics
  • identify and/or acquire documentation and licensing limitations
  • identify and report incidents
  • identify hazardous materials labels and characteristics and apply recognised and relevant action/criteria
  • obtain relevant authorisation before specialised and hazardous work is carried out
  • record and report details of first aid administered
  • record and report incidents and injuries
  • write to a level required in the preparation of letters and reports


  • allocate material, personnel, skills and other requirements for the operations
  • apply principles of teamwork, and team’s aims and objectives
  • apply techniques for supporting others/team members
  • control military teams
  • direct, control, coordinate and monitor the personnel involved in the operation
  • encourage other team members
  • participate as a member of a team that is conducting explosive ordnance disposal
  • understand composition of teams, and roles and responsibility of team members
  • work as a member of a team

Problem solving 

  • action reported problems
  • apply knowledge of explosive ordnance to assist in work and to guide problem solving
  • apply safety distance calculation procedures
  • coordinate operation with other concurrent operations and neighbouring/support activities/units as required
  • estimate net explosive quantity
  • identify and react to explosive ordnance emergencies
  • identify and report problems to the chain of command in accordance with procedures and instructions
  • perform clearance of malfunctioned ordnance
  • react to ordnance emergencies
  • reallocate/adjust resources to meet operational needs
  • understand malfunctioned ordnance clearance and emergency procedures

Initiative and enterprise 

  • gather information and intelligence from intelligence staffs/units/agencies, reports, maps, aerial photographs, other units/organisations, reconnaissance

Planning and organising 

  • access and analyse relevant explosive ordnance information
  • choose and plan the method of performing the operation
  • contribute to the determination of safety and evacuation requirements
  • gather information and intelligence and conduct reconnaissance
  • identify, acquire and assess materials required
  • identify occupational health and safety policies/safety precautions addressing the operation and apply in all associated activities
  • identify resource shortfalls and alternatives and/or include consequential action in the plan
  • plan the explosive ordnance operation


  • apply personal safety measures
  • interpret orders, instructions and directions
  • recognise and apply individual responsibilities regarding hazardous materials


  • learn about material safety data sheets (MSDS),
  • learn about Explosive Transport Regulations
  • learn about Australian Code for the Transport of Explosives by Road and Rail
  • learn about the characteristics, technical capabilities, effects, employment and limitations of relevant equipment


  • apply explosive ordnance knowledge relevant to work being performed
  • apply knowledge of technical capabilities, effects, employment and limitations of relevant equipment
  • arm and de-arm explosive ordnance system
  • collect, store and check equipment, tools and stores required for explosive ordnance demolitions operations
  • handle and move hazardous materials
  • use appropriate information technology and software
  • use weapon system and platform integration

Packaging Rules

17 units of competency are required for this qualification including:

  • 4 core units
  • 13 elective units

Choose a minimum of 11 elective units from the Group A (Specialisation) and Group B (General) lists below, of which 3 units must be from Group A.

Choose the remaining 2 elective units from either the elective lists below, or  elsewhere within this training package, or  another endorsed training package, or  accredited course.

Where a pre-requisite unit is attached to an elective unit it is identified by this symbol ∟.

The pre-requisite units attached to any of the elective units must be undertaken and are additional to the number of elective units required for the qualification.

The elective units should be selected from the units that most closely align to an individual’s occupational outcomes. Electives selected must not duplicate outcomes of other units.

Elective units selected must not duplicate content already covered by other units in this qualification. 


Core Units 


Work safely with explosive ordnance


Work with equity and diversity


Maintain workplace safety


Shift materials safely using manual handling methods


Group A Elective Units (Specialisation) 


Perform military high-risk search


Apply a knowledge of explosive ordnance


Supervise military explosive ordnance task


Control military explosive ordnance operations


Participate in the conduct of explosive ordnance disposal operations


Conduct post blast analysis


Perform chemical tests and procedures


Implement and coordinate accident-emergency procedures


Group B Elective Units (General) 


Conduct military searches

∟ BSBCMN311B Maintain workplace safety

∟ DEFCA011 Operate Defence communications equipment


Operate an in-service remote positioning vehicle


Establish and maintain the safety and security of explosive ordnance warehouses and workshops


Dispose of non-explosive dangerous goods


Prepare and arm weapon systems


Conduct military demolition operations


Lay and clear booby traps


Lay and clear mines


Conduct underwater explosive demolitions

∟ DEFDV001B Dive using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus in open water to 30 metres

∟ DEFEO711C Conduct military demolition operations


Detect, record and collect evidence


Supervise equity and diversity in the workplace


Treat risk within Defence at an operational level


Conduct risk assessment in a Defence environment


Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices


Provide basic emergency life support



Apply first aid


Establish context for emergency risk assessment


Assess emergency risk

∟ PUAEMR022 Establish context for emergency risk assessment


Develop treatment options for emergency risk


Manage risk treatment implementation

∟ PUAEMR024 Develop treatment options for emergency risk


Treat operational risk

∟ PUAEMR027 Assess operational risk


Assess operational risk


Respond to workplace emergencies


Carry out inspection of vehicles designed to carry special loads


Operate vehicle carry special loads


Identify and label explosives and dangerous goods


Load and unload explosives and dangerous goods