

Unit of competency details

CUSADM06A - Develop and implement an operational plan (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
The Deleted usage recommendation was implemented on 13 June 2017 to describe training components that have no replacement. Enrolments in training components and statements of attainment or qualifications issued before 13 June 2017 are valid. For any components marked as deleted after 13 June 2017, the applicable transition/teach-out periods apply. For specific questions regarding the enrolment, delivery or issuance of a statement of attainment/qualification, please contact your training regulator.
DeletedDeleted from CUS01 Music Training Package20/Jul/2011

ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 05/Apr/2004

Qualifications that include this unit

CodeSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Qualifications that include this unit by the Title columnUsage RecommendationRelease
CUS50301 - Diploma of Music Industry (Business)Diploma of Music Industry (Business)Superseded
CUS50101 - Diploma of MusicDiploma of MusicSuperseded
CUS60301 - Advanced Diploma of Music Industry (Business)Advanced Diploma of Music Industry (Business)Superseded
CUF60401 - Advanced Diploma of Broadcast EngineeringAdvanced Diploma of Broadcast EngineeringDeleted
CUS60101 - Advanced Diploma of MusicAdvanced Diploma of MusicSuperseded
CUL50204 - Diploma of Museum PracticeDiploma of Museum PracticeSuperseded
CUL60104 - Advanced Diploma of Library-Information ServicesAdvanced Diploma of Library-Information ServicesDeleted
CUL60204 - Advanced Diploma of Museum PracticeAdvanced Diploma of Museum PracticeDeleted
CUS60201 - Advanced Diploma of Music IndustryAdvanced Diploma of Music IndustrySuperseded
CUF50601 - Diploma of Broadcast EngineeringDiploma of Broadcast EngineeringSuperseded
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 10


SchemeCodeClassification value
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 080301 Business Management  

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ASCED Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier 080301 Business Management  10/Oct/2005 
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Modification History

Not applicable.

Unit Descriptor

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support the operational planning process. It may be applied to a small independent operation or to a section of a large organisation.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support the operational planning process. It may be applied to a small independent operation or to a section of a large organisation.

Application of the Unit

Not applicable.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Employability Skills Information

Not applicable.

Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content

Not applicable.

Elements and Performance Criteria

Elements and Performance Criteria 


Performance Criteria 


Develop operational plans


In collaboration with relevant personnel develop plans and strategies based on workplace or project needs and strategic and business goals to achieve identified operational outcomes


Develop scope and objectives based on:

overall goals

feedback from individuals

monitoring of workplace operations


Identify and analyse internal and external factors which may impact on the plan to ensure the achievement of planned and agreed outcomes


Consult appropriate colleagues during the development of the plan to confirm and/or adjust details of the plan as required


Develop resource strategies to support planned operational processes and outcomes


Develop administrative framework and systems to ensure planned operational outcomes


Identify and communicate priorities, responsibilities and timelines to those who will implement the plan


Develop evaluation systems in consultation with appropriate colleagues to monitor and adjust operational outcomes


Develop an internal and external communications strategy to keep all stakeholders informed


Administer and monitor operational plans


Implement and monitor operation of plan


Provide support and assistance to colleagues involved in implementing the plan and deal with contingencies as required


Comply with reporting requirements


Implement and monitor financial control systems


Establish and maintain a file of all relevant documentation and correspondence


Obtain additional resources in accordance with agreed policy


Conduct ongoing evaluation


Use agreed evaluation methods to assess effectiveness in the workplace


Involve all appropriate colleagues in evaluation


Identify problems and make appropriate adjustments


Incorporate results of evaluation into ongoing planning and operational management

Required Skills and Knowledge

Not applicable.

Evidence Guide

Evidence guide

Underpinning knowledge and skills 

Assessment must include evidence of essential knowledge of, and skills in, the following areas:

planning techniques

problem solving and decision making in specific relationship to development and implementation of operational plans

research skills in relation to a broad range of information from multiple sources and related to a broad range of issues

current internal and external environments impacting on the activity

legal issues which impact on enterprise operations as appropriate to industry sector

Linkages to other units 

This unit relates to planning and combined assessment/training may be appropriate with a wide range of other business administration units. These units should be selected according to the needs of the specific sector and workplace. The following units may be appropriate for combined training delivery and/or assessment:

BSXFMI404A Participate in, lead and facilitate a team

CUEFIN1A Manage a budget

Critical aspects of evidence 

Care should be taken in developing training to meet the requirements of this unit. For generic prevocational training, organisations should provide training that considers the full range of industry contexts with no basis towards individual sectors. The range of variables will assist in this regard. For sector specific delivery, training should be tailored to meet the needs of that sector.

The following evidence is critical to the judgement of competence in this unit:

ability to develop a realistic plan that relates to the film, television, radio or multimedia context. The plan should identify current and relevant industry issues and clearly identify an implementation program

ability to apply an integrated approach to operational issues

legal issues which affect general operations within the sector

current industry issues which affect general operations within the sector

specific implementation and monitoring issues which may affect the plan

Method and context of assessment 

Assessment may take place on the job, off the job or a combination of both of these. However, assessment of this unit would most effectively be undertaken on the job due to the specific workplace environment requirements. Off the job assessment must be undertaken in a closely simulated workplace environment.

Assessment may incorporate a range of methods to assess performance and the application of essential underpinning knowledge, and might include:

case studies

work samples or simulated workplace activities

oral questioning/interview


third party reports and authenticated prior achievements

portfolios of evidence

Assessment must take place over a period of time in order to determine competence in the ongoing implementation and monitoring aspects of this unit.

Resource requirements 

Assessment requires access to relevant information about the project or organisation listed in the range of variable statement.

Workplace based assessment should be based on a particular workplace or project and relevant policies and data for that workplace.

Simulated workplace activities may be undertaken using an appropriate range of relevant and current material to the industry.

Key competencies


Collecting, organising and analysing information


Communicating ideas and information


Planning and organising activities


Working with others and in teams


Solving problems


Using mathematical ideas and techniques


Using technology


Range Statement

Range of variables



Operational plans will be quite broad in nature and may include plans for:

a department within a large organisation

a small business

a specific project

Factors will include:

availability of resources


capability of employees

specialist input needed

Colleagues may include:




financial manager

department heads

managers of specialist sections



Resources may include:


equipment and technology



sources for accessing specialist advice

Financial control information may include:

income and expenditure statements

cash flow reports


Unit Sector(s)

Not applicable.