

Qualification details

CUA60520 - Advanced Diploma of Music (Release 2)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes CUA60515 - Advanced Diploma of Music Industry 15/Apr/2021

Release Status:
ReleaseRelease date
2 (this release) 19/Oct/2022
(View details for release 1) 16/Apr/2021

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
CUASOU505 - Implement sound designsImplement sound designsCurrentElective
CUABRT502 - Manage and operate technical requirements for virtual and hybrid eventsManage and operate technical requirements for virtual and hybrid eventsCurrentElective
CUAMLT612 - Analyse complex harmonyAnalyse complex harmonyCurrentElective
CPCCWHS1001 - Prepare to work safely in the construction industryPrepare to work safely in the construction industrySupersededElective
CUADES611 - Manage design realisationManage design realisationCurrentElective
CUADES612 - Research global design trendsResearch global design trendsCurrentElective
CUALED501 - Provide instrumental or vocal tuitionProvide instrumental or vocal tuitionCurrentElective
CUAMPF616 - Conduct musical performancesConduct musical performancesCurrentElective
BSBFIN601 - Manage organisational financesManage organisational financesCurrentElective
CUAMPF615 - Develop advanced vocal techniquesDevelop advanced vocal techniquesCurrentElective
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 60


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 211200 Music Professionals 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 1001 Performing Arts 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 411 Advanced Diploma 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Music Industry 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A Sound Designer,Music Producer,Musicologist,Vocalist/Singer,Music Researcher,Music Arranger,Music Business Manager,Music Distributor,Conductor,Music Conductor 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 211200 Music Professionals 15/Jun/2021 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 1001 Performing Arts 15/Jun/2021 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 411 Advanced Diploma 16/Apr/2021 
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Modification History



Release 2

This version first released with CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package Version 6.0.

Minor change to add the following units of competency in the elective unit list:

  • CUADES523 Design virtual and hybrid events
  • CUABRT502 Manage and operate technical requirements for virtual and hybrid events.

Release 1

This version first released with CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package Version 5.0.

Qualification Description

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who use wide-ranging analytical, technical, creative, conceptual and managerial skills in their chosen field in the music industry. Their knowledge base may be specialised or broad, and they may operate in their industry sector with autonomy, judgement, and defined responsibility. These individuals are sometimes accountable for group outcomes. They may work in music performance, music creation and composition, music tuition, sound production, or music business contexts.

The job roles that relate to this qualification may include vocalist/singer, music producer, music distributor, music arranger, sound designer, artist manager, music researcher, licensing assistant, music administrator, session musician, A&R assistant and music tutor.

Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification considerations


No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Units of competency in qualification

Some individual units of competency may have their own licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements. Users must check individual units of competency for licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements relevant to that unit.

Entry Requirements


Packaging Rules

Total number of units = 15

4 core units  plus

11 elective units,  of which:

  • at least 8 must be from the elective units listed below, with no more than 2 of these units from Group F
  • up to 3 may be from the remaining listed elective units (with the exception of Group F) or from any currently endorsed Diploma or above training package qualification or accredited course.

Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the overall integrity of the AQF alignment, not duplicate the outcome of another unit chosen for the qualification, and contribute to a valid industry-supported vocational outcome.

Where relevant, the choice of elective units set out in the packaging rules above can serve to provide the qualification with one of the following specialisations. The rules to achieve a specialisation are detailed at qualification end.

  • Performance
  • Creation and Composition
  • Music Tuition
  • Sound Production

Core units

CUACMP511 Manage copyright arrangements

CUAMLT512 Assess significance of music and apply knowledge to professional practice

CUAPPR515 Establish and maintain safe creative practice

CUAPPR613 Engage in the business of creative practice

Elective units

Group A - Performance

CUAMCP611 Extend techniques for arranging music

CUAMCP612 Extend techniques for composing music

CUAMPF517 Provide musical leadership in performances

CUAMPF611 Plan and present music performances

CUAMPF612 Manage stagecraft aspects of performances

CUAMPF613 Refine performance techniques and expand repertoire

CUAMPF614 Develop advanced improvisation techniques

CUAMPF615 Develop advanced vocal techniques

CUAMPF616 Conduct musical performances

CUAMPF617 Lead music rehearsals

Group B - Creation and composition

CUAMCP511 Compose music using music technology

CUAMCP513 Prepare compositions for publishing performance

CUAMCP611 Extend techniques for arranging music

CUAMCP612 Extend techniques for composing music

CUAMLT611 Analyse music

CUAMLT612 Analyse complex harmony

CUASOU611 Manage production of sound designs

Group C - Music tuition

CUALED501 Provide instrumental or vocal tuition

CUALED502 Provide tuition for composition

CUAMLT611 Analyse music

CUAMLT612 Analyse complex harmony

Group D - Sound production

CUAMCP611 Extend techniques for arranging music

CUAMCP612 Extend techniques for composing music

CUAPPM614 Plan and manage post-production activities

CUASOU504 Produce sound recordings

CUASOU505 Implement sound designs

CUASOU506 Create a final sound balance

CUASOU513 Develop sound designs

CUASOU517 Compile music for soundtracks

CUASOU611 Manage production of sound designs

CUASOU612 Manage production of sound recordings

Group E - Business

BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

BSBFIN601 Manage organisational finances

BSBLEG525 Apply legal principles in intellectual property law matters

BSBMKG621 Develop organisational marketing strategy

BSBMKG622 Manage organisational marketing processes

BSBMKG623 Develop marketing plans

BSBMKG624 Manage market research

BSBMKG625 Implement and manage international marketing programs

BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability

CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry

CUADES611 Manage design realisation

CUADES612 Research global design trends

FNSORG602 Develop and manage financial systems

SITEEVT006 Develop conference programs

SITEEVT007 Select event venues and sites

SITEEVT008 Manage event staging components

SITEEVT010 Manage on-site event operations

SITEEVT016 Develop crowd management plans

SITEEVT017 Develop multi-venue event plans

SITXEVT504 Organise event infrastructure

SITXEVT602 Develop event concepts

SITXGLC001 Research and comply with regulatory requirements

SITXMPR006 Obtain and manage sponsorship

Group F - Other music skills

CUABRT502 Manage and operate technical requirements for virtual and hybrid events

CUADES523 Design virtual and hybrid events

CUAMCP511 Compose music using music technology

CUAMCP512 Compose music for screen

CUAMCP513 Prepare compositions for publishing and performance

CUASOU504 Produce sound recordings

CUASOU513 Develop sound designs

CUAMGT511 Manage artists and their careers

CUAMGT512 Identify and develop new music artists

CUAMKG511 Manage the promotion of creative acts

CUAPUR511 Establish and manage recording contracts

CUAWRT503 Write about music


The achievement of a specialisation will be identified on testamurs as follows:

  • CUA60520 Advanced Diploma of Music (Performance)
  • CUA60520 Advanced Diploma of Music (Creation and Composition)
  • CUA60520 Advanced Diploma of Music (Music Tuition)
  • CUA60520 Advanced Diploma of Music (Sound Production)
  • CUA60520 Advanced Diploma of Music (Business)

Packaging rules to achieve a specialisation


  • 5 Group A elective units coded CUAMPF must be selected

Creation and Composition

  • 5 Group B elective units must be selected

Music Tuition

  • 4 Group C elective units must be selected

Sound Production

  • 5 Group D elective units coded CUASOU must be selected


  • 5 Group E elective units must be selected, at least 2 of which must be coded CUA

Qualification Mapping Information

No equivalent qualification. Supersedes and is not equivalent to CUA60515 Advanced Diploma of Music Industry.


Companion Volume Implementation Guide is found on VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=1db201d9-4006-4430-839f-382ef6b803d5