Unit of competency
Modification History
Release 1 |
This version first released with CPP Property Services Training Package Release 8.0. Supersedes but is not equivalent to CPPDSM4018A Prepare and present property reports. Updated to the Standards for Training Packages. |
This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to present information to clients in real estate in a planned, structured and professional manner.
The unit applies to industry professionals acting on behalf of principals in real estate.
State or territory licensing requirements may apply to this unit.
Pre-requisite Unit
Unit Sector
Real estate
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes. |
Performance criteria describe what needs to be done to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
1. Prepare a presentation |
1.1 Establish presentation purpose. 1.2 Identify audience characteristics for the presentation. 1.3 Select presentation techniques to match audience characteristics, presentation purpose and required outcomes. 1.4 Select format and equipment for presentation according to audience characteristics. 1.5 Research and prepare information and materials to support presentation. 1.6 Prepare presentation and plan timing to meet time constraints. 1.7 Prepare strategy to collect client feedback and responses. |
2. Conduct presentation. |
2.1 Use techniques, materials and equipment to present information. 2.2 Present information clearly and sequentially following planned timings. 2.3 Respond to audience questions. 2.4 Summarise key concepts and conclude presentation. |
3. Review presentation. |
3.1 Analyse and discuss feedback and responses to review effectiveness of presentation. 3.2 Use review outcomes to make notes about improvements to presentation content, techniques and delivery. |
Foundation Skills
Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.
Unit Mapping Information
No equivalent unit.
Supersedes but is not equivalent to CPPDSM4018A Prepare and present property reports.
Companion volumes to this training package are available at the VETNet website - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=6f3f9672-30e8-4835-b348-205dfcf13d9b