Unit of competency
Modification History
Release 1 |
This version first released with CPP Property Services Training Package Release 8.0. Supersedes but is not equivalent to CPPDSM4041A Contribute to development of a tenancy mix strategy, CPPDSM4050A Lease industrial, commercial and retail property and CPPDSM4063 Participate in developing and establishing property or facility contracts. Merged to reduce duplication. Updated to the Standards for Training Packages. |
This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to establish a commercial property lease.
It includes working with potential lessees to assess their suitability for the lease and obtain agreement to lease terms and conditions following lessor instructions. It also includes preparing and administering lease documentation, approvals and payments and negotiating with parties to the lease to formalise lease arrangements.
The unit applies to industry professionals in real estate.
State or territory licensing requirements may apply to this unit.
Pre-requisite Unit
Unit Sector
Real estate
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes. |
Performance criteria describe what needs to be done to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
1. Respond to lessee enquiry for commercial property lease. |
1.1 Respond promptly to lessee enquiry and identify their needs and preferences. 1.2 Discuss property features and usage requirements with lessee according to type of property and lease. 1.3 Assess lessee suitability against property usage and lessor instructions. 1.4 Provide additional information to lessee as required and obtain agreement to proceed with lease. 1.5 Record details of interactions with lessee according to agency requirements. |
2. Disclose terms and conditions with lessee. |
2.1 Prepare pre-lease documentation, setting out terms and conditions of lease and proposed agreement between lessor and lessee. 2.2 Brief lessee on lease terms and conditions and provide required information or advice to address issues or concerns. 2.3 Confirm with lessee required bonds, rent reviews, outgoings and financial obligations. |
3. Negotiate agreement for commercial property lease. |
3.1 Negotiate terms and conditions of lease with lessee according to lessor instructions and type of commercial property. 3.2 Identify and resolve issues that may impact agreement of the lease terms and conditions. 3.3 Maintain communication with lessee and lessor to negotiate variations to conditions of agreement. 3.4 Negotiate conflict or deadlocks and confirm final lease agreement. |
4. Facilitate completion of lease for commercial property. |
4.1 Administer required lease approvals and payments according to lease agreement. 4.2 Execute lease documentation and facilitate lease registration. 4.3 Check understanding of responsibilities and obligations with parties to the lease. 4.4 Secure lease records according to agency requirements. |
Foundation Skills
Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.
Unit Mapping Information
No equivalent unit.
Supersedes but is not equivalent to:
- CPPDSM4041A Contribute to development of a tenancy mix strategy
- CPPDSM4050A Lease industrial, commercial and retail property
- CPPDSM4063 Participate in developing and establishing property or facility contracts.
Companion volumes to this training package are available at the VETNet website - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=6f3f9672-30e8-4835-b348-205dfcf13d9b