Unit of competency
Modification History
Release 1.
New unit of competency.
This version first released with CPP Property Services Training Package Version 5.
This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to administer insurance for strata communities in line with strata community instructions. It requires the ability to identify the community’s insurance requirements, place the suitable insurance, assist with lodging insurance claims, and review insurance arrangements.
The unit supports the work of those involved in administering insurance for strata communities. It applies to strata managers.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit in some States and Territories. Relevant state and territory regulatory authorities should be consulted to confirm those requirements.
Pre-requisite Unit
Competency Field
Strata community management
Unit Sector
Property services
Elements and Performance Criteria
Elements describe the essential outcomes. |
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the range of conditions. |
1 |
Establish legislative requirement for insurance. |
1.1. |
Research and access legislative requirements for insurance for each strata community. |
1.2. |
Organisational requirements for arranging insurance for individual strata community are identified. |
2. |
Clarify insurance requirements for strata community. |
2.1. |
Legislative insurance requirements for strata community are communicated to strata community. |
2.2. |
Information on optional insurance cover is provided to strata community. |
2.3. |
Relationships with insurers and insurance brokers are disclosed to strata community. |
2.4. |
Information on extent of insurance cover is communicated to individual lot owners. |
2.5. |
Situations requiring specialist advice are identified and assistance is sought as required. |
2.6. |
Authority to obtain quotations from insurers or insurance brokers for strata community is obtained from owners committee. |
2.7. |
Insurance proposal documentation is completed. |
3. |
Arrange valuation of asset for insurance purposes. |
3.1. |
Source documents are obtained. |
3.2. |
Information on assets to be insured is gathered. |
3.3. |
Valuation specialist is engaged to advise on value of asset. |
3.4. |
Valuation is recorded and associated documentation, including statement of limitations in determining value of asset, is stored for ease of retrieval. |
3.5. |
Information on value of asset is provided to strata community and as required to insurer. |
4. |
Place insurance. |
4.1. |
Suitable insurers or insurance brokers are identified and quotations and product information are obtained in line with instructions from strata community. |
4.2. |
Insurance quotations are reviewed to ensure accuracy and compliance with strata community, legislative and organisational requirements. |
4.3. |
Insurance quotations and associated documentation are communicated to the strata community. |
4.4. |
Adequate insurance policies and cover are acquired in line with instructions from the strata community. |
4.5. |
Certificates of currency for insurance policies for strata community are maintained and stored securely. |
4.6. |
Potential risks are monitored and communicated to strata community and strata community’s insurer. |
5. |
Assist with lodging insurance claim. |
5.1. |
Assistance is provided to strata community to make insurance claim. |
5.2. |
Documentation to support insurance claim is lodged with insurer or insurance broker. |
5.3. |
Roles and responsibilities of insurance assessors are recognised. |
5.4. |
Insurance claim records and relevant information are securely stored. |
6. |
Review insurance arrangements. |
6.1. |
Insurance arrangements are monitored and reviewed regularly in consultation with strata community to ensure compliance with legislative and strata community’s requirements. |
6.2. |
Business equipment and technology are used to maintain and securely store insurance documentation. |
Foundation Skills
This section describes the language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills essential to performance in this unit but not explicit in the performance criteria. |
Skill |
Performance feature |
Learning skills to: |
Numeracy skills to: |
Oral communication skills to: |
Reading skills to: |
Writing skills to: |
Range of Conditions
This section specifies work environments and conditions that may affect performance. Essential operating conditions that may be present (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) are included. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. |
Legislative requirements for insurance must include: |
Strata communities must include: |
Optional insurance cover must include: |
Relationships with insurers and insurance brokers must include: |
Source documents must include: |
Information on assets must include: |
Unit Mapping Information
No equivalent unit.
Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet - https://vetnet.gov.au/Pages/TrainingDocs.aspx?q=6f3f9672-30e8-4835-b348-205dfcf13d9b