Modification History
Not Applicable
Unit Descriptor
Unit descriptor |
This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to manage properties during the term of leases or tenancy agreements. It includes implementing the conditions of leases and tenancy agreements, responding to requests from tenants and landlords and managing the renewal and termination of leases and tenancy agreements. The unit may form part of the licensing requirements for persons engaged in real estate activities in those States and Territories where these are regulated activities. |
Application of the Unit
Application of the unit |
This unit of competency supports the work of licensed real estate agents and real estate representatives involved in monitoring and managing leases or tenancy agreements. |
Licensing/Regulatory Information
Refer to Unit Descriptor
Prerequisite units |
Nil |
Employability Skills Information
Employability skills |
The required outcomes described in this unit of competency contain applicable facets of employability skills. The Employability Skills Summary of the qualification in which this unit of competency is packaged, will assist in identifying employability skills requirements. |
Elements and Performance Criteria Pre-Content
Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. |
Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. |
Elements and Performance Criteria
1 Implement conditions of lease or tenancy agreement . |
1.1 Rights and duties of tenants and landlords or agents during the lease or tenancy agreement are identified in line with ethical standards, legislative requirements and agency practice. 1.2 Inspections of managed properties are conducted and condition reports are prepared in line with lease or tenancy agreement, landlord instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice. 1.3 Rental moneys are collected and processed in line with lease or tenancy agreement, legislative requirements and agency practice. |
1.4 Reports are accurately prepared and routinely communicated to landlord on rental moneys collected or in arrears. 1.5 Strategies for collection of rental arrears are discussed with and agreed to by landlord prior to implementation of collection process. 1.6 Procedures for collection of rental arrears are implemented in line with landlord instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice. 1.7 Tenants in arrears are routinely followed up to obtain payment or vacant possession in line with landlord instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice. 1.8 Where necessary, claims against rental bonds are prepared and forwarded to the appropriate authority within specified timeframe of the outgoing property inspection. 1.9 Rent increases and reviews are conducted in line with lease or tenancy agreement, legislative requirements and agency practice. |
2 Respond to enquiries from tenants and landlords . |
2.1 Enquiries from tenants and landlords regarding managed property are handled promptly to enable high quality service delivery in line with agency requirements. 2.2 Appropriate rapport is established with tenants and landlords. 2.3 Appropriate interpersonal communication skills are used to clarify enquiries from tenants and landlords. 2.4 Enquiries from tenants and landlords are resolved in terms of lease, tenancy agreement or management agreement or are referred to appropriate people in line with agency practice. |
3 Plan for renewal of leases and tenancy agreements . |
3.1 Agency renewal patterns for leases and tenancy agreements are assessed and strategies developed to maximise benefits for agency and landlords. 3.2 Lease and tenancy agreement expiries are scheduled to ensure renewals are obtained prior to expiry dates. |
4 Manage renewals of leases and tenancy agreements . |
4.1 Property is inspected and an accurate report is produced on property conditions and maintenance requirements in line with legislative requirements and agency practice. 4.2 Property condition reports and rental details are provided to tenants prior to renewal of lease or tenancy agreement. 4.3 Conditions of lease or tenancy agreement renewal are negotiated and agreed with all parties . 4.4 Lease or tenancy agreement renewal documentation is prepared and provided to tenant and finalised in line with legislative requirements and agency practice. |
5 Manage termination of lease or tenancy agreement on behalf of landlord . |
5.1 Documentation required to terminate a lease or tenancy agreement on behalf of landlord is prepared in line with landlord instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice. 5.2 Notice is given to tenant according to client instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice. 5.3 Rights of tenant with regard to terminating a lease or tenancy agreement are observed in line with legislative requirements and agency practice. 5.4 Property inspections are conducted in line with client instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice. 5.5 Effective interpersonal communication techniques and negotiation skills are used with the landlord and tenant to obtain satisfactory conclusion to tenancy. 5.6 Relevant procedures are implemented on behalf of landlord to claim an entitlement to retain part or all of security deposit or bond money , if required, in line with landlord instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice. 5.7 Effective interpersonal communication techniques and negotiation skills are used to clarify issues and resolve disputes with landlords and tenants emanating from the termination of leases and tenancy agreements. |
5.8 Regular reports are provided to landlord on termination process and outcomes in line with agency practice. |
6 Respond to termination of lease or tenancy agreement initiated by tenant . |
6.1 Rights of tenant to terminate lease or tenancy agreement are observed in line with legislative requirements and agency practice. 6.2 Tenant intention to terminate lease or tenancy agreement is communicated to landlord and instructions are taken from landlord in line with agency practice. 6.3 Property inspections are conducted in line with landlord instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice. 6.4 Effective interpersonal communication techniques and negotiation skills are used with the landlord and tenant to obtain satisfactory conclusion to tenancy. 6.5 Relevant procedures are implemented on behalf of landlord to claim an entitlement to retain part or all of the security deposit or bond money, if required, in line with landlord instructions, legislative requirements and agency practice. 6.6 Effective interpersonal communication techniques and negotiation skills are used to clarify issues and resolve disputes with landlords and tenants emanating from the termination of leases and tenancy agreements. 6.7 Regular reports are provided to landlord on termination process and outcomes in line with agency practice. |
Required Skills and Knowledge
This section describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. |
Required skills :
Required knowledge and understanding :
Evidence Guide
The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, the range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.
Overview of assessment |
This unit of competency could be assessed through case studies and practical demonstration of monitoring and managing a lease or tenancy agreement, including the renewal and termination of a lease or tenancy agreement. Targeted written (including alternative formats where necessary) or verbal questioning to assess the candidate's underpinning knowledge would provide additional supporting evidence of competence. The demonstration and questioning would include collecting evidence of the candidate's knowledge and application of ethical standards and relevant federal, and state or territory legislation and regulations. This assessment may be carried out in a simulated or workplace environment. |
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit |
A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of:
Context of and specific resources for assessment |
Resource implications for assessment include:
Where applicable, physical resources should include equipment modified for people with disabilities. Access must be provided to appropriate learning and/or assessment support when required. Assessment processes and techniques must be culturally appropriate, and appropriate to the language and literacy capacity of the candidate and the work being performed. Validity and sufficiency of evidence require that:
In all cases where practical assessment is used it will be combined with targeted questioning to assess the underpinning knowledge. Questioning will be undertaken in such a manner as is appropriate to the language and literacy levels of the candidate and any cultural issues that may affect responses to the questions, and will reflect the requirements of the competency and the work being performed. |
Range Statement
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording in the performance criteria is detailed below. Add any essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts.
Rights and duties of tenants and landlords or agents may include: |
Legislative requirements may include: |
Strategies for collection of rental arrears may include: |
Rent increases and reviews may include: |
Enquiries from tenants and landlords may be received through: |
Appropriate rapport relates to use of techniques that: |
Appropriate people may include: |
Agency renewal patterns for leases and tenancy agreements may include: |
Lease and tenancy agreement expiries are scheduled may refer to: |
Parties may include: |
Effective interpersonal communication techniques may include: |
Negotiation skills may include: |
Entitlement to retain part or all of security deposit or bond money may include: |
Unit Sector(s)
Unit sector |
Property development, sales and management |
Competency field
Competency field |
Real estate |